The four day weekend thing was more anecdotal...I just saw it and mentioned it.
I don't think there's any question now that the overall success is gonna be on the lower end of estimates and something real is driving that.
It's not that people couldn't muster the energy to go see it after force awakens, or that Disney is ok with a pretty big - say 30% - drop. Neither of those things are true...
It was never gonna do what abrams did (I'd argue that if it had an original story that woulda done $2.5...we'll never know...), but to simply assume that this is ok for disney and the future of Star Wars is giving way too little thought's more complicated than that. If product is down (it is) and box office is down more than projected (don't know but very possible)...then that kinda fatigue is big for disney moving forward.
It also makes this announcement that he's gonna get 3 more movies look premature. Did Kennedy and iger and Abrams watch this and scream "everybody's gonna love it!!!"
Because that would mean a fundamental lack of understanding of their fan base. Gen X isn't dying anytime soon...
They need to hire Gary Kurtz - my opinion...the person who massaged a lot of the edits and feel of ANH and empire...that's the only person left who might know what the hell he's looking at...