<center><marquee direction="up" scrolldelay=500 scrollamount=10 >A long time ago
in a galaxy far far away
blah blah blah
then that stupid Jar-Jar Binks showed up
Death to Lucas!!!
Original source here...adjust the scrolldelay as you see fit, the number is in milliseconds, so 500 = 1/2 second per scroll jump. You can also use the scrollamount attribute to adjust how much it moves per frame. I added extra white-space at the end of the text to create a large display field.
in a galaxy far far away
blah blah blah
then that stupid Jar-Jar Binks showed up
Death to Lucas!!!
Original source here...adjust the scrolldelay as you see fit, the number is in milliseconds, so 500 = 1/2 second per scroll jump. You can also use the scrollamount attribute to adjust how much it moves per frame. I added extra white-space at the end of the text to create a large display field.
<center><marquee direction="up" scrolldelay=500 scrollamount=10>A long time ago
in a galaxy far far away
blah blah blah
then that stupid Jar-Jar Binks showed up
Death to Lucas!!!