Premium Member
With the current park hours (8am-8pm), they actually got up to BG 149 last weekend on Saturday (2/22).Geez. What’s the highest they’ve gotten in a day? Could today beat the record?
But as for any day since the ride debuted, it would be New Year's Eve with BG 222, which also happened to be the longest duration the ride has operated in a single day, thanks to extended park hours due to the special day/occasion.
I also included the graph with today's progress, as well as last Saturday (2/22) [highest with the current park hours), and NYE (12/31) [highest BG the ride's ever reached]:
*something to note is that it operated fairly good on NYE, given the ride wasn't even a month old yet..
We can already conclude that the ride will never surpass this record of 222 simply due to the limited park hours. The only way I can see of surpassing it with these hours is if they increase the BG per hour rate to around 20, but as of now it hovers around 10-14 per hour on a good day.
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