News Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser Permanently Closed Fall 2023


Well-Known Member
If I were them I would’ve given it one last go by lowering the price a bit and putting in Han, Luke, Leia, and Darth Vader and removing the Sequels. Of course if it was a success they would’ve been eating more humble pie.

You think too much like a rational, normal person.

For whatever reason, which we'll likely never really know, senior executives in both Burbank and Glendale are so stubbornly against using the original characters that America loves the most. It's weird.

It was obvious the Starcruiser in its current Kavan/Gaya format wasn't going to last much longer. But would it have killed them if they closed for two months to rework it into a Star Wars Classic experience with Han, Leia, Solo, Chewie, Darth Vader, R2D2 and C3PO? They could have come up with some 10 second plot point about how the shuttle ride to/from Galaxy's Edge was also a time shift or time travel thing.

The only thing that surprises me about this is that they didn't try anything else. Their original concept using cringey new characters no one knows, let alone loves, fell flat on its face. I'm surprised they didn't try some last ditch attempt to save it with Han Solo and Luke and Leia.


Premium Member
As others have noted, the price point seems to have more to do with the hotel's failure than the experience itself, which has received very positive reviews from those who've actually stayed there. I know some want to make this about the Sequel Trilogy, but the lesson here boils down to something much simpler than that: affordability.
You mean the people that lined up like it was part of their inner being…and was the entire line…not the “front” of the line as apologists defiantly insisted?

…you need to consider the almost certain possibility they lied…mostly to themselves but also bleeding out into Al gore’s internet.


Well-Known Member
It’s not Star Wars.

Disney never bothered to ask around and figure out what and why Star Wars is.

Whoever the next ceo is…needs to dedicate his/herself to finding an actual, verified Gen Xer who is NOT from Stanford to run LFL…then actually stay the hell out of it and watch.

I could do it better. And I work cheap. I wish I was joking but I don’t believe it to be the case
Finding people who actually know, like, understand, and respect their product in general would be a start.


Premium Member
The biggest takeaway from this is that Disney shouldn’t be targeting the Uber rich. There’s more “prestigious” places they would rather spend their money.

They should’ve taken this money and used it to add capacity at their 3 under built parks. But what do I know? I’ve only visited almost every year I’ve been alive.
Disney parks were designed and built to serve a middle class model…because that’s where you get the masses they need to make gobs of money.

Nothing will ever change that.


Well-Known Member
Wow, that’s pretty astounding they pulled the plug that quickly. I appreciate the willingness to try something new but the fact is that it was too expensive for most people who’d be interested in such a roleplaying niche experience and frankly it’s a small niche. I love Star Wars as does my partner but the idea of having to dress up and roleplay three days straight on vacation sounds exhausting and I say this as someone who does DND occasionally with his friends.


Well-Known Member
You think too much like a rational, normal person.

For whatever reason, which we'll likely never really know, senior executives in both Burbank and Glendale are so stubbornly against using the original characters that America loves the most. It's weird.

It was obvious the Starcruiser in its current Kavan/Gaya format wasn't going to last much longer. But would it have killed them if they closed for two months to rework it into a Star Wars Classic experience with Han, Leia, Solo, Chewie, Darth Vader, R2D2 and C3PO? They could have come up with some 10 second plot point about how the shuttle ride to/from Galaxy's Edge was also a time shift or time travel thing.

The only thing that surprises me about this is that they didn't try anything else. Their original concept using cringey new characters no one knows, let alone loves, fell flat on its face. I'm surprised they didn't try some last ditch attempt to save it with Han Solo and Luke and Leia.
Not discrediting the idea that Han, Luke & Leia would be popular, Lucasfilm specifically designed these new characters because everything that happens is “canon”. So they didn’t want Rey or Kylo or any legacy characters to say unscripted things in their interactions.

Not saying I agree with Lucasfilms logic, just wanted to throw that in here

Club Cooloholic

Well-Known Member
The biggest takeaway from this is that Disney shouldn’t be targeting the Uber rich. There’s more “prestigious” places they would rather spend their money.

They should’ve taken this money and used it to add capacity at their 3 under built parks. But what do I know? I’ve only visited almost every year I’ve been alive.
I am not Uber rich but considered doing it. The problem is you need the whole family into it. If you have someone who isn't can you imagine how terrible it would be to be stuck in that building for 2 days(yes I get you can leave but the prices yikes, you better stay). I think it would be awesome if they kept it open as a hotel but also to the public. People would love to eat and drink in a star wars place imagine a star wars dinner show.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Hmmm...I do recall posting on this message board, while the hotel was being constructed, this comment: "Are they still building this stupid thing?"

Well, well, well.

Sometimes, it's just obvious.

told ya so.jpg

(yep, this is a repost from the other Starcruiser thread...but some things do bear repeating...)


Premium Member
Has to be labor costs and ROI.

I mean, they're going to take a $90 million hit on the books for something that was supposed to depreciate over ... 30 years? That's a chunk of money, on top of the writeoff for Harmonious already (which I heard was a 20-year cycle).
I think it’s more than that, Len…I think they know what bad shape the franchise/IP is in and they’re tying this off before it becomes more apparent.

It’s in management/philosophy hell.

Just a thought
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Well-Known Member
Not discrediting the idea that Han, Luke & Leia would be popular, Lucasfilm specifically designed these new characters because everything that happens is “canon”. So they didn’t want Rey or Kylo or any legacy characters to say unscripted things in their interactions.

Not saying I agree with Lucasfilms logic, just wanted to throw that in here

Yes, thank you! I'd heard that from folks far more knowledgeable than I am about Star Wars and its various franchises.

But clearly, that strategy isn't working here. And Disney just wasted a lot of money and precious resources on this failed concept.

Why not give it one last shot? Turn the shuttle ride from the park into a time travel machine and go stay on the Starcruiser with Luke & Leia and the whole gang of original good guys and bad guys!

I guess I'm just surprised they are so stuck in their pre-approved silos that they can't think outside the box a tiny bit, or try and put themselves into the customers shoes. 🤔
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