See, I am thinking that 40's is right about the target demographic for something like this. You are hopefully in the triangular sweet spot of 1) being old enough to have "grown up" with Star Wars, so you have lifelong dedicated fans who have always wanted to live the experience. You also have 2) In your forties you have your 2.5 kids already, but most likely not babies/toddlers. So you have kids who are hopefully fans of the third trilogy of movies, the cartoons, ect, and old enough to play with (spend money on) building light sabers and droids. And 3) in the 40's you are hopefully established enough in a career to have the disposable income to afford this trip AND have possibly/likely have already been to Disney. This immersive experience is likely NOT something for a family who is making this their only trip to visit WDW, and lets face it, for many families, the expense of an on property WDW trip means it is a once in a lifetime experience.