Premium Member
They should have left that out and then it could have been ambiguous as to whether or not Palpatine was lying about her lineage. Having her be a "nobody" was much more satisfying.
Not to me.. the palpatine story didn't grab me... but the TLJ 'you are nobody' was far more conflicting for me. The 'force is in everyone', 'everyone can be the hero' parable story from TLJ didn't do it for me. Yes, we know the force is not limited to linage, race, etc.. but the canon before this point all suggests there is significance to ancestry.. the significance of the prophecy, etc. To just dump on all that and be like "nah, just work hard and you can be anything you want!" preaching didn't work for me. It cheapens the significance of all the bloodline and characters of the Jedi and Sith we had before this.