Star Tours Question


Well-Known Member
Looks like we have a major paradox. Only George himself can hash this out, but I'm afraid if he did, he'd somehow involve Jar Jar Binks...


Active Member
Thrawn, there's another source that includes a Rebel pilot commenting on the destruction of DSII at Endor, and saying that he heard a droid's voice call out "I've always wanted to do this". Unfortunately, there's no single EU gatekeeper to keep it all straight. And George disregards all EU continuity unless it achieves something specific for him, or is so widely accepted (Coruscant) that he's forced to include it.

this whole thing would be so much easier if they just used the half-built RotJ Death Star!

a problem with it being set during the Imperial Era, is that we're contacted by an X-Wing pilot who tells us its a restricted area. The Rebels have no political or governing power, they're freedom fighters. it would have been an Imperial officer who contacts us. that's why i think it fits better as a post-RotJ New Republic story, as that's who contacts us and who we side with.

to put it in Earth terms, can you imagine a 747 full of travelers entering an air battle and firing at the legitimate government's military?

gah! MY HEAD A-SPLODE! i think this guy puts it nicely however:

lownalo said:
Whoa! This thread is too nerdy for me.
come... join the Dark Side....... :drevil:
wait wait wait...... anakin.... becomes darth vader?!! i didnt see that coming!!!

but seriously, wait, do we fly to endor or the endor moon? and in return of the jedi are they on endor or just its moon. i always thought it was endor but it sounds like it was just the moon.... sorry im only a mild star wars fan and not too familiar with the EU


Well-Known Member
CommandoDisney said:
wait wait wait...... anakin.... becomes darth vader?!! i didnt see that coming!!!

but seriously, wait, do we fly to endor or the endor moon? and in return of the jedi are they on endor or just its moon. i always thought it was endor but it sounds like it was just the moon.... sorry im only a mild star wars fan and not too familiar with the EU

The location in Return of the Jedi was the moon of a planet that had long since disintegrated. I don't recall if the moon or the planet was called Endor. I guess they just started using Endor interchangeably, since the planet itself was gone.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Thrawn said:
Yes, but that isn't the death star you attack in Star Tours. The Death Star prototype was ONLY an exoskeleton, and enough to have just the critical systems on board. It wasn't a complete sphere. Here's art:
Hence the reason I said "complete it"


Active Member
can i just say, that i love this thread?
where else can i get this unashamedly geeky about Star Wars AND Disney?

man, i love the internet, such a wonderfull communication tool of our age


Well-Known Member
CoffeeJedi said:
can i just say, that i love this thread?
where else can i get this unashamedly geeky about Star Wars AND Disney?

man, i love the internet, such a wonderfull communication tool of our age

Heheh, this thread has me in such a geeky WDW/SW mood, I wish I were at the STAR TOURS gift shop, stocking up...

/less than 3 months to go!!


I thought us Star Wars fans resolved ourselves that the Star Wars Universe is just one giant Plot Hole.


(A plot hole is what on the other side of a black hole if one were to traverse it)

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Salty- said:
I thought us Star Wars fans resolved ourselves that the Star Wars Universe is just one giant Plot Hole.


(A plot hole is what on the other side of a black hole if one were to traverse it)
Some of us have realized that...others have not :brick:


New Member
CoffeeJedi said:
Thrawn, there's another source that includes a Rebel pilot commenting on the destruction of DSII at Endor, and saying that he heard a droid's voice call out "I've always wanted to do this". Unfortunately, there's no single EU gatekeeper to keep it all straight. And George disregards all EU continuity unless it achieves something specific for him, or is so widely accepted (Coruscant) that he's forced to include it.

this whole thing would be so much easier if they just used the half-built RotJ Death Star!

a problem with it being set during the Imperial Era, is that we're contacted by an X-Wing pilot who tells us its a restricted area. The Rebels have no political or governing power, they're freedom fighters. it would have been an Imperial officer who contacts us. that's why i think it fits better as a post-RotJ New Republic story, as that's who contacts us and who we side with.

to put it in Earth terms, can you imagine a 747 full of travelers entering an air battle and firing at the legitimate government's military?

gah! MY HEAD A-SPLODE! i think this guy puts it nicely however:

come... join the Dark Side....... :drevil:

I think the quote from that pilot is in Tales from Jabba's Palace. I remember a while back that the crew at TF.N came to the majority opinion that the whole thing is an Infinities-type storyline that had the Star Tours DS as the completed version of DSII. It's all EU and it really doesn't fit the continuity.

The Lucas engineers messed up by not considering this. They could have either:
1.) used a partially-completed Death Star (setting it during ROTJ);
2.) had the mission occur near Yavin IV (from the original film).

Either way, Star Tours's shuttle being involved in the destruction of a DS kind of ruins the films' storylines, so it can all be dismissed as a sort of dream sequence.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Correct me if I am wrong but I thought the first EU material was the Thrawn Trilogy that came out in 1992 but wasn't Star Tours opened prior to that? If that is the case then technically Star Tours is the first EU material and all other EU material would have to conform to it.


New Member
Cmdr_Crimson said:
This should be an interesting discussion....and we shall hear from some star wars fans no doubt. But, which Death Star are they destroying in Star Tours? Is it from Episode 4 or 5? Help me out here? I mean how is it possible if this was a third one being built...If you seen the Movie "Clerks" and they explain about the Death Star you be asking the same question while riding this ride...So....Does anyone know?

Technically it would be from Episode 4 or 6, as there was no Death Star in ESB (Ep5). Since they blow up the completed Death Star the way Luke Skywalker does in ANH (Ep4), I would say the Death Star blown up in Star Tours is from Episode 4. Although, they do mention the Endor Moon which is not mentioned until Episode 6:RotJ. Man, I hate plot-holes! :lol:


Various comics and the novel Splinter of the Mind's Eye novel, kid fiction books, Ewok Tv movies, Star Wars Holiday Special, Droids cartoon, etc, all came out before Star Tours.


New Member
Master Yoda said:
Correct me if I am wrong but I thought the first EU material was the Thrawn Trilogy that came out in 1992 but wasn't Star Tours opened prior to that? If that is the case then technically Star Tours is the first EU material and all other EU material would have to conform to it.

I'm not sure about release dates, but chronology of release doesn't provide any value to the importance of EU material. This gets into that dicey realm of canon-official-nonofficial continuity that the people at LucasFilms do actual pay a certain amount of attention to, rank the importance of, and set forth accordingly. Unfortunately, they are not always forthcoming with that info.

And the first EU stuff would ahve been the Han Solo Trilogy or Splinter of the Mind's Eye. I suppose the Thrawn stuff was the first post-ROTJ EU stuff.

On a side not, continuity came up in a discussion of the Journal of the Whills. Basically, and this is according to Lucas himself, the entire SW saga is being retold by R2-D2 to a galactic recordkeeper 100 years after the events at Endor. What we see in the films are the events as told by R2 that were recorded into the Journal of the Whills (the official history of that galaxy). EU stuff would fall into a category of "epic poem", wheth stories told from person to person, perhaps embellished as it is retold. And anything non-official (and Star Tours is probably in this category) would be a sort of urban legend that could never be really verified or refuted.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
bouj said:
I'm not sure about release dates, but chronology of release doesn't provide any value to the importance of EU material. This gets into that dicey realm of canon-official-nonofficial continuity that the people at LucasFilms do actual pay a certain amount of attention to, rank the importance of, and set forth accordingly. Unfortunately, they are not always forthcoming with that info.
I think chronology of release dates would play a big role in the value of it. If we assume that all the stuff released so far is valid than story that contradicted facts present in an earlier released story than the information in the newer story could be construed as untrue or invalid. But then we run into the problem that Lucas will contradict any information in the EU if he feels the need. One of the biggest contradictions I know of is the version of Kashyyyk in ROTS and the version in KOTOR and the Thrawn trilogy.


Active Member
this thread has gone to the star wars, ah... fans (i was going to say somthing different but don't want to offend)

i'm lost in this strange world

the first page or two I could handle but this is too much for me

goodbye all

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Connor002 said:
this thread has gone to the star wars, ah... fans (i was going to say somthing different but don't want to offend)
The word would be "geek" and I take no offense to it.


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