Star Tours Question


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Original Poster
This should be an interesting discussion....and we shall hear from some star wars fans no doubt. But, which Death Star are they destroying in Star Tours? Is it from Episode 4 or 5? Help me out here? I mean how is it possible if this was a third one being built...If you seen the Movie "Clerks" and they explain about the Death Star you be asking the same question while riding this ride...So....Does anyone know?


Well-Known Member
Cmdr_Crimson said:
This should be an interesting discussion....and we shall hear from some star wars fans no doubt. But, which Death Star are they destroying in Star Tours? Is it from Episode 4 or 5? Help me out here? I mean how is it possible if this was a third one being built...If you seen the Movie "Clerks" and they explain about the Death Star you be asking the same question while riding this ride...So....Does anyone know?
You blow up the original death star. There were only two death stars.
id say the first because it was completely built in the ride, while during return of the jedi, it is still be constructed. also in return of the jedi, just to get to endor required strict security codes so i dont think tour groups would be allowed to freely go back and forth in that area. but then again, i dont think the ride is supposed to go along exactly with the movies. wow... i feel like a nerd, and im not even a huge SW fan... without starting a new topic in this thread they really need to update this ride


Well-Known Member
Cmdr_Crimson said:
Hey your entitled to your own opinion. That's what a forum is for!
Well the thing is that it has to be the original death star. There were only two and the second was never finished. In the ride the death star is clearly finished, thus it must be the original.
Yeah, it is definatly the first one. It isn't supposed to go along with any "specific" chapter in the series, but it does use some of the same footage from Episode IV. Personally, I love the fact that Paul Reubens (______ Wee Herman) does the voice of Rex, such a little known fact.


Active Member
ah but!

we're going to ENDOR, so it MUST be Death Star II (unless the rebels had a battle with Death Star I before they encountered it at Yavin (but C3PO and R2D2 are working at Star Tours, not on the Tantive IV (if Chewbacca lives on Endor then you must aquit (lookat the monkey, lookat the silly monkey)))

blah! hard to say really, its purposely vague


Well-Known Member
Maybe we've ventured into an alternate SW universe where Anakin doesn't get chopped to pieces by Obi Wan and the original DS never get's blown up. That's my take.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Well, they destroy the Death Star in the way they do for the first one (Episode 4). It's destroyed via the trench run and the torpedoes into the exhaust port. However, it appears that the Star Tours Death Star is in orbit near Endor, but the Endor Death Star (Episode 6) was destroyed from within.

By the way, if the Death Star is the one from Episode 4, then the torpedo shown shouldn't destroy it. In Star Tours, the torpedo impacts outside the exhaust port with a huge explosion. In Episode 4, this is a missed shot. The torpedoes that actually destroy the Death Star make no visible explosion in the trench.

Wow, I'm a total SW nerd!


Active Member
Captain Hank said:
By the way, if the Death Star is the one from Episode 4, then the torpedo shown shouldn't destroy it. In Star Tours, the torpedo impacts outside the exhaust port with a huge explosion. In Episode 4, this is a missed shot. The torpedoes that actually destroy the Death Star make no visible explosion in the trench.
exactly! so its Death Star I, some time right before, or during the events of A New Hope, its AT Endor, but it wasn't built there (but then, why would the Rebels know to aim for the trenches if they hadn't looked over the plans yet)

its all invalid anyway, Threepio and Artoo never worked at a transport company during the trilogy, so "when" this takes place is irrelivant, its stictly EU*

*expanded universe, non-canonical SW stories and characters

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
CoffeeJedi said:
exactly! so its Death Star I, some time right before, or during the events of A New Hope, its AT Endor, but it wasn't built there (but then, why would the Rebels know to aim for the trenches if they hadn't looked over the plans yet)

its all invalid anyway, Threepio and Artoo never worked at a transport company during the trilogy, so "when" this takes place is irrelivant, its stictly EU*

*expanded universe, non-canonical SW stories and characters
I bow to your superior Star Wars nerd-ness. :)


New Member
<<Star Wars Nerd Warning>>
Star Tours is totally out of the continuinty.

There were only death starts in A New Hope (Episode 4) and Return of the Jedi (Episode 6). The only one that was totally completed is the on from Yavin in A New Hope, and we know that the one in Jedi was destroyed before it was completed. Therefore this one either has to be the one from Yavin which you reach through some sort of time travel accident (wait a minute that sounds like Star Trek), or since Star Tours presumably takes place during that "peace" after Jedi, a group of the imperial remnants have built a third death star and completed it (which didn't appear in any of the scores of Star Wars novels to date), and it is that one which is destroyed. This is probably the closest to an actual plot given the fact that the X-wings are supposed to be rogue squadron and Luke isn't flying with them.


Active Member
wcox377492 said:
Star Tours is totally out of the continuinty.

There were only death starts in A New Hope (Episode 4) and Return of the Jedi (Episode 6). The only one that was totally completed is the on from Yavin in A New Hope, and we know that the one in Jedi was destroyed before it was completed. Therefore this one either has to be the one from Yavin which you reach through some sort of time travel accident (wait a minute that sounds like Star Trek), or since Star Tours presumably takes place during that "peace" after Jedi, a group of the imperial remnants have built a third death star and completed it (which didn't appear in any of the scores of Star Wars novels to date), and it is that one which is destroyed. This is probably the closest to an actual plot given the fact that the X-wings are supposed to be rogue squadron and Luke isn't flying with them.
setting it post-RotJ in the New Republic era would make sense and fix any plotholes (except for the jobs of 3po and r2, maybe they were undercover on a mission?)
as for Luke's whereabouts, in the novels he's ALWAYS running off to do "Jedi stuff" (and getting captured i might add) that's why he's not with Rogue Squadron

i think you solved it! continuity obsessed fanboys rejoice!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
In the second expanded universe trilogy (written by Kevin J Anderson) a super top secret imperial weapons development facility know only to the emperor and a few select others was discovered in the Maw near the Spice world of Kessel. This facility was so top secret that they did not know that the Empire had fallen. At this facility was the prototype of the Death Star. While the New Republic was busy chasing Kyp and the Sun Crusher a small Remnant force was able to capture the Death Star prototype ,complete it and hide it in an empty area of space just past Endor (remember you fly past Endor) that was avoided by nearly everyone in the galaxy due to the huge amount of comet activity. The new Republic learned of this new Death Star and that is was manned by a skeleton crew and protected only a few Star Destroyers. Because the bulk of their force was scattered throughout the galaxy the New Republic dispatched a small number of new Rogue Squadron pilots to destroy this new threat to the Republic.

There is your story and continuity.

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