Star Tours II in 3D for 2011 CONFIRMED

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Well, it's more of my opinion that I would like to see less 3D and more 2D visual.

2D can be as exciting as 3D, IMO, if it's done right. :)

You can have it be extremely emmersive without 3-D if you had "windows" on the sides of the simluators (I hear Stormrider at TDS has somthing similar to this) thus giving an extremely emmersive and thrilling ride.


Well-Known Member


New Member
I think this is further confirmation of the random sequences planned for Star Tours II:

1:18 into the clip here:

Jay Rasulo "... we're going to do things with Star Tours that have never been done with any theme park attraction before at any theme park anywhere."

3D has been done many times before at many theme parks before.

But never with a simulator to my knowledge:shrug:


Well-Known Member
I always thought Spiderman was a dark ride :shrug:

Spider-man was the combination of several technologies. Part hydraulically controlled motion simulator, part dark ride, part 3D film.

Indy/Dinosaur are part motion controlled simulator and part dark ride.

What made Star Tours revolutionary when it was launched (pun intended) was the hydraulic motion base. It was the 1st generation attempt at a simulator. Static motion base in X,Y,Z axis moving the "pod" and screen at the same time.

Indy/Dinosaur took the same motion tech and removed the enclosed pod and screen and allowed the ride vehicle to move through a show building.

Spider-Man added back the screen - although in the ride building and not attached to the pod, kept the enclosure off the pod, and added more flexibility in moving the pod through the show building.

Harry Potter is likely to take Spider-Man and add even faster and varied motion control/simulator to the ride vehicle while doing all the above.

The simulator was really launched with Star Tours and now I think the next generation of simulator experience will be in Star Tours II.

After all, the one thing that makes a true simulator not hold up after repeated viewings is how static the experience is. On a dark ride, you can always look around at the little details. A random simulator is the next step forward.

Future Guy

Active Member
Sounds great. Since each film has at least one high-speed chase sequence, there should be lots of material to draw from. As log as we aren't subjected to any George Lucas-directed sequences of Hayden Christensen trying to recite romantic dialogue, we should be okay.

This is long overdue. The effects on the current ride are very grounded in the '80s, and I don't mean that in a good way.

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