Star Tours idea....


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I'm not sure if General Discussion is the correct area for this post, but here goes!

I have been doing some thinking about Star Tours...I think I way to be able to include ALL of the movies within the attraction, as you enter the Star Tours terminal, you could choose which gate to which destination you wish to travel to, I.e, one for Tatooine that gets caught up in a Podrace, one to Coruscant that gets in a traffic 'accident', the original that goes to the Death Star, one that travels to Hoth in time for the ATAT invasion, and maybe one to Naboo that plunges into the gungan worlds. Or, if the possibility of crowding of one of these destinations is a problem, it could be random, like ToT, with all starting out the same, and then getting lost in Hyperspace and ending up on the respective planets. I think this would add considerably to the attraction and make it much more popular, not to mention really make Star Tours look like a tourist company! Just thought I'd share my idea! :D


New Member
Sounds like a great idea to me but the technicalities could take some getting around. Because they would have hard time, filminig new sequences and prgramming new movements which means money. Something which at the moment the ride is not using much of!

Still would be nice!


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Yeah good point...but it wtill would be neat. I would imagine that all of the possible sequences would be loaded in a computer in the simulator, and then randomly chosen....:)


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I don't what to get my friend in trouble for speaking out of class so I will say that this could possibly be a rumor but...he said that George Lucas was in the park this week and made mention that he will be updating Star Tours. Now what he was thinking of was not just 3 or 4 different rides...but he said 35! Now he may be crazy(Jar Jar Binks), but I would be very excited to see this done. He said that conceviably no ride would be alike.
Now once again I didn't have my camera but I did see George Lucas in the park on Sat and Sun. We figure he went on Mission Space and felt that he had to do something because Star Tours is so dated. OH well, believe me or not thats what I heard.


New Member
Thats a pretty good idea, I like the idea of being able to pick between destinations. Only flaw is, they'd have to buil different exit areas as the ride currently exits into Tatooine Traders?


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Eh... I don't think that the exit area needs to be redesigned....I mean you exit at the Star Tours terminal, where you started....but that news about George Lucas is exciting! YAY!:lol:


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I posted a thread like this in the Imagineer section, but it got no responses, oh well. Here are my ideas, and they're similar to what has been said- First off the queue line might need a few changes but not too many, the ride vehicles should be made to look a lot cooler, maybe like some of the transport ships in the newer prequel movies. The name essentially can remain the same (as long as there is a new better looking logo) because the ride will have the same sort of concept, a Tour around the galaxy. Here's where I would like to see the ride change. Let's say the "Star Tours Company" should depart out of Coruscant and the first part of the ride is flying around through the city (kind of like the speeder chase in Episode II). Most of the ride, though, would be determined by you in the queue line. I would like them to have say three different rides inside the ride, and as you are going through the queue line, you actually select or get in the line for a particular location. For example, the three locations could be Geonosis -where you would be involved with the opening Clone War battle-, Hoth -where the snowspeeder/AT-AT battle would go on-, and Endor -where the final Death Star battle would occur-. Where you go is up to which destination you choose while waiting in line, so it can be a different ride experience every time you go on it (well at least 3 times if there are 3 different locations).


New Member
That is a great idea. Just make the shows 3D. This would also be a good idea for Mission Space. Make different training missions, landing on Mars gets old.


Well-Known Member

I know this is going to seem REALLY picky, but I am trying to imagine how a fanatic would think about this. What about the time line of the Trilogy? A great deal of time passes within the films between each of these events, yet the tour will always start in the same time no matter which film you get. Like I said, I know it's out there, but its an inconsistancy that would be noticed.


New Member
I've read that George Lucas refuses to work with the Star Tours ride at all until Eisner is no longer with the company, anyone else here this?


I don't mean to troll or anything, so don't take this the wrong way, but if they "updated" star tours to include the prequels that'd be the end of me riding it.

Sorry, but to me the new star wars movies vs. the classic trilogy is like Freaky Friday and Citizen Kane. But I'll get off of that topic, because obviously some of you like the new ones, and submit the idea I had awhile ago (but never spoke up about):

Imagine this: Replace the entire star tours concept with an interactive simulator ride unlike anything the world has ever seen. I'd call it Star Wars: Rogue Squadron Training or something. Now imagine a CM guiding you through 2 floors of classic star wars themed area, to a line in front of one of many many doors. You go through this door and sit down in your own personal Xwing (replica, scaled down a bit of course, disney-style). This "Xwing" you'd be sitting in would be suspended via a large hydraulic arm (as sophisticated as Mission Space's mechanics) in the middle of a medium sized IMAX style theatre/screen, which would be concave, so it would stretch up above and all around you to the extent of your peripheral vision. The ride starts, and you basically have full control over your Xwing vehicle. The controls make your personal craft move via the large arm, to simulate movement, the way star tours does now, and the IMAX screen in front of you displays your view of an interactive "game" which ensues, populated not by computer controlled opponents...but everyone else on the ride!! So it'd be like one huge massive dogfight. Obviously individual spaceships wouldn't actually like, blow up (which might hurt the guest, lol); I was thinking you could score hits and save up points, a la Buzz Lightyear...think of this attraction as Buzz Lightyear on ACID. I mean, who wouldn't want to pilot their own X wing!? The only problem I could think of is capacity/hour, unless there were a LOT of these IMAX/Xwing "pods"...
..of course another idea is to have half of the "Center" of the Rebellion, and half the Empire, so you could have your choice between Xwing or TIE fighter...

...ok, I'm done. So much for short responses! lol



New Member
That would be pretty sweet, but like you said, the capacity thing would be a problem, and I don't think they could fit a ton of pods in that current building. Also, earlier posts-mine for example-said that there could be like 3 or more different destinations that you choose from, half could be from the prequels and half from the original trilogy. So you could choose to ride to a destination from the originals if you didn't like the prequels. Just a thought, but good idea with the pods thing.


Oh, they could fit em if they 'dozed the building. Something Disney doesn't seem to have a problem with doing these days.
I just think Star Tours as it is now is extremely outdated, even with the prospect of a new movie...
...but that's just my opinion, after all :)
- Brian


New Member
I'm sorry to say I think there are two things wrong with Star Tours.

1) Star Wars
2) Simulators

Star Wars has worn out it's welcome. What used to seem like a series that could do no wrong has become one that can do no right. The Star Wars name is of little attraction. It would be even less of an attraction, for me, were they to update to the 'new' films.

However, that is nothing compared to the technology of the ride. Simulators can be found at backwater country fairs now. And unlike dark-rides, there's no old-school charm. I've never found the motion to sync with the ride at all. And the projection/video they use is so poor.

I think the ride could be much better served by a 'soaring' treatment. Imagine all of the simulator pods being open air. There would be one MASSIVE omnimax type screen. Each pod would look like a x-wing or something. Controlled not only to move like the current simulators do, a massive crane system could move you up and down a matter of several stories... or close to or far away from the screen. Seeing the other pods would make it seem like being in space even more. I think the final attack against the death star would be perfect.



Well-Known Member
I posted a similar idea a while ago...having different shuttles going to different end destinations and using scenes from all of the movies to give you a different experience. Could include a pod race, speederbike chase, etc. I also suggested getting rid of the corny robot, who is neither funny, nor fits in with the Star Wars movies. I'd like to see a more serious ride where you take part in scenes from the movies.


New Member
Originally posted by Brian_B
a la Buzz Lightyear...think of this attraction as Buzz Lightyear on ACID. I mean, who wouldn't want to pilot their own X wing!? The only problem I could think of is capacity/hour, unless there were a LOT of these IMAX/Xwing "pods"...
Mmmm Buzz LIghyear on ACID....what would that....don't want to think about it(would be scary).

And I was thinking the same thing about capacity while I was reading it. There is no way to move that many people through that.

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