Phantom Mickey
Active Member
I really think HS could have been more developed in the 90s if it wasn't for corporate disagreements. MGM was there only in the name and Great Movie Ride for years until TCM happened. Roger Rabbit was supposed to have more of a presence, but Disney got into a disagreement over the character with Spielberg. Then Muppet Courtyard had been planned to include The Great Muppet Movie Ride as well as two restaurants, but those were cancelled as well.
I'd think since the DISNEY name is known in picture creation that the Studious should have been able to exist under the DISNEY name alone.
While Disney definitely screwed up in not keeping the parks up to date, I think it's mostly to blame on the 'making movies' concept, and when they built the park in the 80s, they couldn't have known that 30 years later, we would have access to that ever we wanted online. The same goes for Future World. It was really too hard to keep up with rapidly changing technologies.
Sadly there have been signs of lack of maintenance throughout the years. Once the guest can see beyond the pixie dust, they start to see it.
Disney HAS tried internet. The original GO.Com was directly tied to Disney and Disney shut it down. It is now opened again but as a different type of site. DISNEY has historically ignored anything that the public has to say to them. Especially true when concerning attractions or media closing. They won't respond with anything other than a canned response.
I don't see why they need to rename the park. The Hollywood theme is still partially there. It's just going to be more about the movies than making them.
My thought is they want to start fresh and have the guest forget about the old theme. I suspect over the years the entire facade will be changed out to lose the STUDIOS look
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