Well, it wasn't since then the photo capture was added, and that was a major change. ALSO, they have worked on the stars in the final bit. It looks much better. (And at THAT point it's pretty much the same as before. Looking up at the cars ahead of you in a tunnel of Fiber Optics.)
It sounds like they are still at work on tweaking and adding then. I would love to be shocked come February and see a big grand inspiring finale unveiled to show that Disney imagineering "still has it". But my hopes for that are pretty much dashed at this point. At least they are still up there some doing some stuff. I def hope those of you who said your sources say its not done are correct, wow wouldnt that be nice, but if they would just bring some climatic grand music back and I would put up with the silly cartoon and black start curtians. Grumble I would but I would be more content.