Spring Break - Kill Me


Well-Known Member
Until last year, whenever we planned a trip we planned it around off-peak season to, not only save money but, to go during more agreeable weather. We lived in FL for nearly 3 years and are very familiar with the temps during the summer months and just aren't a fan.

What changed last year was DS6 starting Kindergarten. Now we no longer have the freedom to just pick a week and go but have to at least try to work around the school's scheduled days off else we risk him being held back.

March has always been one of my favorite times to go (with October being right behind it) and our son's birthday is March 29th. This year his school's spring break starts on 3/29 and then runs for two weeks after. Because of the timing I'm thinking that may be the best time for our next trip but the realization that it'd be during spring break is giving me an ulcer.

I know the dates for Spring Break vary from coast to coast and state to state so I'm wondering if anyone can give me a feel for how nuts those first two weeks of April will be. Does that fall into peak-season pricing or would we be just missing it? Every fiber of my being says "don't do it" but our only other options are summer (NO) and winter break (which I'd love but it's just too crazy).

Help?!? Thanks!

Todd L

Well-Known Member
I LOVE october at Wdw. Great Weather, Mnsshp, Low crowd levels....its also both My Kids birth months so It makes it easy to find a Reason to go!!
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The MaD Hatter

Well-Known Member
My mother took my daughter to MK on Easter Sunday this year. Despite the crowds, with a good touring plan they were able to do everything they wanted to do (including some things multiple times) with minimal waits (not more than 15-20 minutes). It definitely can be done.
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Well-Known Member
We have taken our daughter out of school for trips. We just wrote notes several weeks in advance and they had work put together for her. They all won't do that but we've been lucky with her teachers. We decided with this trip that we won't be taking her out. She is in the 10th grade and it's just too much work to stay caught up on. We are going the first week in June and I'm dreading the heat. But if we want to go, this is when we can go. But at 6, we had no problem pulling her out. Have fun!!
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Well-Known Member
Yikes! I am a teacher, and I had leave w/o cause days to take. I put in advanced leave and got an "educational leave form" for the boys. My boss, their principal , is livid! "I just don't like it!".:(
I was trying to be honest about why I'm taking off. It's a week in September (23-29). I felt very guilty of course!:(
Next time, I will put in for sick leave, but I'm not sure if that will work due to the substitute situation!:( It's easier just to take the kids out and unfortunately lie about it and say they were sick.:( At this point, for the next two years ( 4th and 5th grade) we'll have to plan on Easter Break, Summer, Thanksgiving Break, or Christmas! We've done all of those crowds before. It's manageable, but I much prefer the non-peak season!;)
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My daughter is in 5th grade this year and we took her out of school Labor Day week and 2 days after that. She was in school for one full week before that. Other people think I am wrong for doing it but I dont care. Her teacher was understanding and gave us schoolwork for her to work on at Disney. Every night we had her do homework. The teacher had her write a vacation journal so every night she would need to write out what she did for the day and draw a picture.

When she was younger we still pulled her out during that time. My husband and I are fine with it and we dont care what the teachers or our friends/co-workers have to say. We like going when it is slower and we can walk on rides. It is a waste of time and money to go when you have 2 hour waits for each ride and it is 130 degrees out....
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It's easier just to take the kids out and unfortunately lie about it and say they were sick.:(
While I know that wasn't necessarily a suggestion... it's something I hadn't even thought about (saying he was sick and therefore the days being excused). I wonder at what point they require a doctor's note...

My daughter is in 5th grade this year and we took her out of school Labor Day week and 2 days after that. She was in school for one full week before that. Other people think I am wrong for doing it but I dont care. Her teacher was understanding and gave us schoolwork for her to work on at Disney. Every night we had her do homework. The teacher had her write a vacation journal so every night she would need to write out what she did for the day and draw a picture.
Another excellent point (and I know someone above mentioned it as well) re: having them assign work to do to not have the absence be a huge deal. He has nightly homework now so I'd like to believe that if he did the work he would've had to do that week and maybe some extra that would help. Another consideration for sure!
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Active Member
At that age I would take him out of school. We have from K-6 with no problems. We just let the teachers know ahead of time and they gave us his homework. No one has ever given us a problem. The teachers all felt it was way more educational. The principal never knew. The only time I've ever heard of the school having issues with this type of thing was if you took them out during the state testing they do. Of course Jr High will be different but we'll see
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We've always taken the kids out of school. I know lots o' folks bug out about that, but to me
1 week out of an entire year? If that's going to make or break my kid, I'm thinking I've got bigger problems.

Especially with your son being so young - I would cut out for a week when it's convenient.
He may miss a week of learning how to glue macaroni to a piece of construction paper or something but otherwise...
I'm kidding of course I know now a days they're just about teaching kids Algebra in Kindergarten...I'm thinking back to my days when it was all naps and scribbling....I think I failed scribbling come to think of it.
I agree with you. We are in disney right now with our daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren, 7,4,2. Our 7 year old did not miss ONE day of school last year for sickness etc. I do not believe this week here will hurt her and it is a great family vacation as her dad is being deployed to Kuwait in January.
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Well-Known Member
We will be in this situation next year and it is nice to hear that others do this too. My BFF who has older kids than my daughter said that too many absences could cause DD to get a lower grade! Has anyone else heard of this? I find that completely ridiculous, if she does the work, she shouldn't get a lower grade due to absences. Needless to say I will be reading the school's policies very carefully. Oh we live in Florida if that makes a difference.
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Well-Known Member
While I know that wasn't necessarily a suggestion... it's something I hadn't even thought about (saying he was sick and therefore the days being excused). I wonder at what point they require a doctor's note...

Another excellent point (and I know someone above mentioned it as well) re: having them assign work to do to not have the absence be a huge deal. He has nightly homework now so I'd like to believe that if he did the work he would've had to do that week and maybe some extra that would help. Another consideration for sure!
i wouldn't lie. First of all, it isn't worth lying about. Second, kids that little are bound to slip up either before or after the trip. Honesty really is, almost always, the best policy.

If you want to pull him out, just do that. If they want to say it is unexcused and give him an F in Coloring for those days, so what? Who cares? Ditto any nastygrams. Well...if you would care, then Spring Break (minus the homicide) is probably a better idea. I sure wouldn't, though.

When he is applying to colleges, it won't make any difference. Promise. You all could look back on it and laugh.

If you want to go, go! Life is too short to worry about silly stuff like nastygrams. :)
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