Premium Member
So do Shuri and the Wakandans have no existing-capability to detect Vibranium? My understanding was that they do, so when Shuri and Riri were discussing it when they first met in the college dorm about the frequency and whatnot, Shuri was amazed that Riri got it working in months time (for a simple school project).I'm willing to bet that in Ryan Coogler's original script for Black Panther 2, prior to Chadwick Boseman's death, that Riri wasn't in the movie at all and that it was SHURI who was the brilliant scientist who found a way to detect vibranium. I bet Namor, in the original script, wanted to abduct Shuri and that him going after T'challa's sister is was what instigated the Wakanda/Talochan war. It would have definitely made Namor's feud with T'challa and the Wakandans more personal since he was threatening their princess instead of some random American.
However, Once Boseman died and Shuri took T'challa's role in the original story, I believe they needed to have someone else take Shuri's original role in the story and decided to shoehorn in Riri Williams. I liked Dominique Thorne's performance, but feel the character was treated too much like a plot device instead of an actual character.
Your theory would make for an interesting storyline, however. And yeah Riri definitely felt like a plot device, was looking for that word, so thanks haha