Wow how long has it been since I have last posted on this website, I am thinking like two whole months, when all I did each and every single day between January and March was to check this website each and every single day. First of all My College program has been amazing thus far. I have had the oppurtunity to do some networking around the company, and meet some really cool people along the way. Downside? They work you you down here....ALOT!!! I work six days a week. All have been evening shifts, where I close my ride, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. But all in all it has been really fun. It is the best career move I have made thus far. Me and Bethany are doing great!!! With what little time we have we have gone to the parks and stuff!!! I still havent been able to ride every ride at WDW, do to my schedule of course...Well i am currently getting ready for work at Big Thunder Mountain Railroad so I think I will sign off by saying good luck to all the newbies and hope to see you all down here real soon!!! Take care. Radiohost