Something silly I've always wondered


Original Poster
You know the CMs on the haunted mansion that "magically" lower the handle bar? How long do they have to walk along the moving sidewalk before they get a break? I was just curious if they are stuck there for hours at a time. It must be really disorienting stepping off that thing after being on it for so long.


Account Suspended
Originally posted by Laura22
You know the CMs on the haunted mansion that "magically" lower the handle bar? How long do they have to walk along the moving sidewalk before they get a break? I was just curious if they are stuck there for hours at a time. It must be really disorienting stepping off that thing after being on it for so long.

Laura Laura Laura, don't you know that there are 999 Happy Haunts in the Haunted Mansion and that ghosts don't get tired?


New Member
Re: Re: Something silly I've always wondered

Originally posted by civileng68
that ghosts don't get tired?

Ok then... how about the futuristic humans that walk the load and unload platforms of the TTA and Spaceship Earth?

Quick, someone take a CM to McDonalds for an active meal and get one of those walking meters.


Well-Known Member
When I worked at Cedar Point, I worked on a rapids ride that had a rotating platform. Once you are on the platform, the rotation does not really bother you, but when you get off, it takes you a minute to get used to solid ground. As long as you are in decent shape, you will do fine.


Original Poster
tigsmom - that's another thing I wondered - if they ever lost their focus and "crashed". I guess they do!! :lol:

Quick, someone take a CM to McDonalds for an active meal and get one of those walking meters.

I've actually been considering getting one of those stupid salads just so I can have a stepometer for my Disney trip. :lol:


Well-Known Member
just to fill ya in CM at a attraction work everything at that attraction. So once about every 45 minuts or so we move around to another position. Don't think that anyone just sits at the same place all day.

At space I work everything from fastpass to tower and everything in between.


New Member
I think the bars lower on their own! LOL

I've had CM's walk to the end of the moving platform and scare the living daylights out of me by sticking their head around the doombuggy! Did this happen to anybody else?



I've had CM's walk to the end of the moving platform and scare the living daylights out of me by sticking their head around the doombuggy! Did this happen to anybody else?

Yeah, I've had that same experience a time or two. It cracks me up! :lol:


Well-Known Member
The figure's out there... I've seen it.. maybe on I think it's more than a mile... much more, even... you can find the exact figure if you look for it... Don't know if it's taking breaks and what not into account, but it's a number of miles walked concerning the moving platforms in HM... :)


Originally posted by TheDisneyGirl02

I've had CM's walk to the end of the moving platform and scare the living daylights out of me by sticking their head around the doombuggy! Did this happen to anybody else?

Once I was just walking, first out from the room, and I was just minding my own business. Well I make the turn around so I'm walking towards the doom buggys and this guy plops down on the rail or whatever its called. OMG I freaked out so bad. My family sure got a kick out of it. I also hear about it everytime we go on HM.


Active Member
Originally posted by tigsmom
Those salads aren't so bad, I actually like them (rated fourth behind Subway, Wendy's and Burger King). The pedometer really does work, but its pretty cheap.

I have one of the pedometers from McDonald's and it's more or less accurate. So far, the furthest I've gone is a little over 12,000 steps, which is about 6 miles. 2000 steps = approx. 1 mile.

As for the salads. I love the ones from McDonalds. Tried the Burker King ones and they do not compare. They're edible, but I like how McDonald's uses mixed greens. BK used all iceburg lettuce. I saw someone at Subway once get a salad and they used all iceburg lettuce too. I don't mind it, but I've read that mixed greens are better for you. Plus I like the "variety" mixed greens gives you. Gives the salad more... personality.

Anyhow, I challenge any CM who works on an attraction that has moving sidewalk/platform in the load/unload area to wear a pedometer to work one day and post the results here. This has me curious now too!

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
I've had CM's walk to the end of the moving platform and scare the living daylights out of me by sticking their head around the doombuggy! Did this happen to anybody else?

That happened to me on an E-ride night right at midnight. My mom and I still talk about it.
Originally posted by TheDisneyGirl02
I think the bars lower on their own! LOL

I've had CM's walk to the end of the moving platform and scare the living daylights out of me by sticking their head around the doombuggy! Did this happen to anybody else?


OH YES IT DID!!!!!! after we came out of the preshow i wanted to be the first on the doom buggie i was so excited i started to run... This CM Said so LOUD BOO I was so scared and shocked i screamed so loud in this girlie voice.... she followed my into my doom buggie and tapped on the back of it.... and came up behind me and screamed again... i leaned farther from here and she said be very careful in their good bye (in that madame leota voice at the end of the ride) SCARY!!!!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by tigsmom

Last year when we were there (August...very hot) a shapely young lady disembarked and the male CM just couldn't focus...his female counterparts just laughed and refused to help him up when he fell because he stopped walking and hit the end of the moving floor. *thud!* :lol:

There was a triangular woman???

Or trapezoidal?:hammer:
Originally posted by se8472
just to fill ya in CM at a attraction work everything at that attraction. So once about every 45 minuts or so we move around to another position. Don't think that anyone just sits at the same place all day.

At space I work everything from fastpass to tower and everything in between.

what was your hours of work a day from what time to what time?
Also what is your favorite job to do in Space Mountain? Giving out fast passes loading ride or somthing else? Lastly which ride in Tomorrowland do u enjoy handling the most? did u have to go to a program to become a cast member or what did you do to get your CM job? Was it hard to get that job?



New Member Says That A Cast Member Walked Up To 12 Miles In One Shift! Disney Does Care About Their Employees..

BTW, Does Anyone Else Traditionally Screams Along In The Streaching Hall.. I Do, Every Time!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by StuntDoomBuggy Says That A Cast Member Walked Up To 12 Miles In One Shift! Disney Does Care About Their Employees..

Maybe if more ppl had jobs like this the US would not have such a weight problem.


New Member
I am scared of those walking Haunted Mansion CM. :lookaroun

One time, a CM came out from behind the doom buggy right before we entered the mansion...and scared the living day lights out of me.

I am always the only 22 year old in the room who hides in her boyfriends or father's arms to keep away from them. LOL :(

Is anyone else scared of them....just slightly?

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