SOFT OPENING WATCH - Seven Dwarfs Mine Train Coaster

Um... no one said anything about "not holding soft openings." But George did say "I don't think they would have been squeezing this stuff in at the last minute. How many Disney rides of this magnitude (I know "magnitude" is debatable) have had such limited soft openings to the public with less than a week to official opening?"

Which is why I said what I said.
Yes but I don't believe they said that there should be no soft openings either.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Are you kiddin me? No one said the wall's were better...this was in response to CM'S complaining and the statement was in response to that. I think the post was meaning that Disney created the problem with the guests being rude and if they wanted to avoid that maybe they should have kept the walls up, that is all.
They should not have left the walls up. Nuh-uh. No way.

A certain percentage of Guests need to grow up and quit acting like whiny babies that they didn't get to ride an attraction that is not due to open for another 6 days.

And to blame the front line CM, making minimum wage is equally ludicrous.

For those of you who got to ride it before your vacation ends, I am very happy for you. Six more months for me.
i understand what you are saying... really I do... but Disney today isn't the Disney of 10 years ago because WE aren't the people we were 10 years ago.
Social media made things more accessible and now people use that to create and be apart of this "frenzy."
I think Disney should have held off on Media Previews... maybe all of NFL should have opened together. But as far as soft openings... whether they have 1 or 100 soft openings, we can't be upset, it opens when it opens.
I am not at WDW now, and I am not upset. I am just making an observation of the chaos being portrayed here about CMs who are upset and guests that are being unruly/upset. The situation was created by a series of management decisions, including the scheduling of the media preview (as you mention) which I agree was a bit odd how that went down.
They should not have left the walls up. Nuh-uh. No way.

A certain percentage of Guests need to grow up and quit acting like whiny babies that they didn't get to ride an attraction that is not due to open for another 6 days.

And to blame the front line CM, making minimum wage is equally ludicrous.

For those of you who got to ride it before your vacation ends, I am very happy for you. Six more months for me.
I am not even at Disney at the moment, I am just agreeing with the other posters comments. Don't throw me in the group of whiny babies because I am not one of them. I do not blame the CM'S in front of the ride for anything but I also believe that they are getting paid to be there. It is like every other job out there you will have a certain level of stuff to deal with. CM'S should have been prepared for what was going to come with the guests, no I do not think guests should be so rude but again comes with the job and in my opinion you don't like it you quit.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
I am not even at Disney at the moment, I am just agreeing with the other posters comments. Don't throw me in the group of whiny babies because I am not one of them. I do not blame the CM'S in front of the ride for anything but I also believe that they are getting paid to be there. It is like every other job out there you will have a certain level of stuff to deal with. CM'S should have been prepared for what was going to come with the guests, no I do not think guests should be so rude but again comes with the job and in my opinion you don't like it you quit.
Wasn't aware that I grouped you with the whiny babies.

My point was - it is never better to have walls up, when you can have walls down. Period.
Wasn't aware that I grouped you with the whiny babies.

My point was - it is never better to have walls up, when you can have walls down. Period.

Your post made it seem like you were trying to imply that sorry if I took it that way. I agree that it is nice with the walls down but maybe if they had stayed up much of the current mess would not be happening right now is all I am saying. Like I said I am not at WDW at the moment but some of my family is so I keep a look out for soft openings for them.


Well-Known Member
I do. I'm just saying that any associated fallout of either CMs angry with guests behavior and/or with their managers due to the situation, I in general don't feel sorry for. Upper level management made a decision on how to run this, now they will deal with what happens given the situation they have created. It seems a little silly how highly visible the testing is, and how some things appear to not have been well thought through.

While I do agree that CM's should make every effort to be patient with guests, since that is their job and all, I'm not sure I understand why you equate what you think of as poor decisions on the part of management to something that should not warrant any kind of pity for the CM's who are having to go through the ringer in this situation. The CM's on the frontlines are highly unlikely to be the ones making the decisions you are referring to, so why does it not make sense to feel sorry for the ones on the lower levels who are thrown into this? I'm not saying it excuses poor behavior on their part, but I know I certainly wouldn't want to be there working today, especially if whether or not I'm getting yelled at for things I can't control is entirely dependent on whether or not a ride is open when people who can't handle being told "no" happen to come along.


Premium Member
It doesn't matter what Disney did, some would have complained about it. If they left the walls up while CM training was underway then some would have complained 'what are they hiding?'. They took the walls down so everyone can see it and now they are complaining that they can't ride. There are some in the community that will find something negative in everything Disney does.

Every new attraction has a readiness schedule that they have to go through once it's handed over from construction to operations. That schedule has a whole set of mandatory tasks the team need to complete leading up to the launch date. It's reasonable to assume that schedule is what dictated the 5/28 opening date. It would be irresponsible on Disney's part to open the attraction one day before they have completed all of those readiness activities and signed off on all of the readiness milestones in that plan. Sometimes that process goes very smoothly and it creates the opportunity for them to consider brief 'soft opening's' and sometimes it goes right on schedule.

Absolutely no guest is 'entitled' to any access to this attraction until the scheduled and announced opening date of 5/28. Absolutely no guest has any right of any kind to treat a cast member disrespectfully because you want to ride an attraction that is not open yet. There has been no surprise about the opening date for weeks now and if you have expectations that you would get on before 5/28 those are 100% your issues, not Disney's nor the CM's at the entrance.
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It doesn't matter what Disney did, some would have complained about it. If they left the walls up while CM training was underway then some would have complained 'what are they hiding?'. They took the walls down so everyone can see it and now they are complaining that they can't ride. There are some in the community that will find something negative in everything Disney does.

Every new attraction has a readiness schedule that they have to go through once it's handed over from construction to operations. That schedule has a whole set of mandatory tasks the team need to complete leading up to the launch date. It's reasonable to assume that schedule is what dictated the 5/28 opening date. It would be irresponsible on Disney's part to open the attraction one day before they have completed all of those readiness activities and signed off on all of the readiness milestones in that plan. Sometimes that process goes very smoothly and it creates the opportunity for them to consider brief 'soft opening's' and sometimes it goes right on schedule.

Absolutely no guest is 'entitled' to any access to this attraction until the schedule and announced opening date of 5/28. Absolutely no guest has any right of any kind to treat a cast member disrespectfully because you want to ride an attraction that is not open yet. There has been no surprise about the opening date for weeks now and if you have expectations that you would get on before 5/28 those are 100% your issues, not Disney's nor the CM's at the entrance.

Guests along with Cast Members have no right to treat anyone disrespectfully...if you are going to say guests you must include Cast Members I have ran into my fair share of them that were quite rude to me on numerous occasions while at the parks.


Well-Known Member
Guests along with Cast Members have no right to treat anyone disrespectfully...if you are going to say guests you must include Cast Members I have ran into my fair share of them that were quite rude to me on numerous occasions while at the parks.
But those can and should be reported to the proper person. CM's have no such recourse for rude guests unless there is a safety issue.
But those can and should be reported to the proper person. CM's have no such recourse for rude guests unless there is a safety issue.

I do agree to a point however, I have to say that when I reported CM'S to the appropriate person nothing was done at the end of the day. I believe that CM'S can complain to upper management if they so wish to do so since they were the one's to put them in the position. Again I fully believe it comes with the job, when I worked retail during the holidays I knew and prepared myself for the types of people I was going to encounter. No CM should be verbally abused by a guest I do agree that guests can be rude. On the other hand I believe it goes both ways CM'S and Guest's both need to learn to just bite their tongue.


New Member
Arrived at wdw today. I have read all the crazy post over the last few weeks. My family are AP holders and we have explained to our 2 boys that that probably will not get to ride since no AP preview and sporadic to say the least soft openings. What really chaps me however is that disney seems to be going out of their way on this one to rub CM previews in the face of paying guest. I am fine with testing on CM but do that before or after hours. Telling CM to wear street clothes and that they can ride as many times as they want at peak times is just bad business. Don't know of any other company that would be so bold as to basically say we don't care what you think we are going to do it our way. You don't hear about universal doing Employee only previews in the middle of the day. Oh we'll Disney is Disney but I will think twice about renewal of AP.
Arrived at wdw today. I have read all the crazy post over the last few weeks. My family are AP holders and we have explained to our 2 boys that that probably will not get to ride since no AP preview and sporadic to say the least soft openings. What really chaps me however is that disney seems to be going out of their way on this one to rub CM previews in the face of paying guest. I am fine with testing on CM but do that before or after hours. Telling CM to wear street clothes and that they can ride as many times as they want at peak times is just bad business. Don't know of any other company that would be so bold as to basically say we don't care what you think we are going to do it our way. You don't hear about universal doing Employee only previews in the middle of the day. Oh we'll Disney is Disney but I will think twice about renewal of AP.

I totally agree! Could have been handled better in my opinion!


Active Member
i am at WDW this week, and i notice that the attendance at the other parks is down. Wait time for Soaring have been under an hour today and i got extra fast pass plus tickets. tonight viewing of Illumination is very good. my belief is everybody is at MK for the mine train / 24 hours events.


New Member
So, Disney is only supposed to test the ride, with riders, during the 6-8 hours the park is closed overnight? Got it!
Yep. Or they could take the approach of testing in the middle of the day which will tick off paying customers. Why does it have to be tested during hours the park is open to public? Do you think McDonalds would introduce a new sandwich, put it on the menu, and then invite only employees to come to the store while they are off work and eat it while other paying customers watched. Of course not because they realize that is bad business just like the other parks realize employee only previews during regular hours is bad business. I would even be okay with a bunch of folks in fantasyland uniforms were riding to test it but off duty CM in street cloths laughing at the folks that pay their salary is quite different.

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