So, You Want to be an Imagineer Season 18 HUB THREAD


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Original Poster
This thread is meant as a reset now that sign ups are happening. The older thread for Season 18 will act as a hype thread while this is where all projects (including the remaining two weekly challenges) will be posted and reviews. Question of the Day will continue to be held in the original thread and will probably continue once the game itself is underway. Before we get into sign-ups, here's a run-down of how this season will work for anyone new coming into this who might have missed it.


Team-based gameplay
Depending on the size of the cast, the season will start with you divided up into either two or three different teams. Each round the teams will have to chose a Project Leader to guide the brainstorming. It's the project leader's job to nominate two players for elimination should the team loose. This will be done via a "voting booth" private message set-up we'll be implementing for each player. After the final tallies come in and a winning project is crowned, the judges will make the call on which of the two nominees gets eliminated. Things will get switched up from time to time including at least one team swap, but generally speaking that's how the first half of the season will play out.

Midway into the season, the two teams will merge into one and each round will be a singular team effort. The same rules apply...a project leader gets chosen who then has to nominate two people for elimination. Nominations can only be made AFTER the project is completed to ensure any last minute additions to the projects get accounted for in the nomination process.

The return of the Power of MVP
The Power of MVP, or PoMVP for short, is the most famous advantage in SYWTBAI. It's the game's equivalent to the immunity idol in Survivor or the Power of Veto in Big Brother. Every round the project leaders will nominate the player they feel contributed the most to the project for the power, and it will go to the nominated player of the winning team. The player with the PoMVP will be immune from being nominated from elimination the following round. Players cannot receive the PoMVP in back to back rounds. I love this power because it does a great job of honoring folks who go above and beyond for the project while getting progressively valuable as the game goes on.

Unorthodox projects...your way!
"Have it your way" might as well be the tagline of this season. Each prompt is going to celebrate the fact that SYWTBAI is the only Armchair Imagineering game that's done wildly outside the box IPs consistently for most of its run. With that in mind, every single prompt will be a little bit outside the lines. You're not going to find many traditional prompts here. With that being said, don't be scared off if you don't want to deep dive into an IP you're not familiar with. This time around each prompt will be an outside the box concept with enough options and variations for what can be done with it to ensure that nobody feels left out in the dark. It's all about diving into the subject matter YOU are passionate about!


And with that, if you wish to sign up simply state that you want to play! The first project will be held in a group setting and teams will be formed based on skill level and chemistry that comes out of the first round. With that being said I don't really need a proper "application" this time around. Here's a list of folks who have already signed up. Do YOU think you have what it takes??

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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
After the overwhelming response to sign ups and some careful consideration, we've decided to go ahead and move the start date up a week to this Sunday, May 24th. Don't fret if you're one of the people who didn't want this to happen. The first round will be completely non elimination and will mostly be used as a bit of a "job interview" to place you into respective teams. The only way to be eliminated in the first project is to go completely MIA without explanation and not show back up once the second project starts. As long as you give me a heads up that you're not going to be active during the first round, you'll be good to go moving forward. I'll still take any latecomers who want to sign up but we've already hit 18 people so I'm not exactly encouraging it anymore haha.


Well-Known Member
Alice In Wonderland: Down The Rabbit Hole
situated to the right of the mad tea party in the magic kingdom, located on part of the former speedway is the preshow to a new version of the Alice in wonderland dark ride in Disneyland.
Visitors enter through a “painted lady” Victorian house, colored to compliment the paint job of the neighboring mad tea party.

Not unlike the Haunted mansion, guests enter the Victorian house into a octagonal room, albeit with a much simpler light blue wallpaper.
The doors behind them close, and Alice’s voice plays through speakers. “My journey through wonderland began when I followed the rabbit down the rabbit hole. Then, all of the sudden, I fell!”
Suddenly, the wallpaper peels away, to reveal the rabbit hole, with the help of projection effects. Guests can see Alice fall along the rabbit hole along with them.

The floor shakes to simulate movement, as the guests continue to fall down the rabbit hole.
Alice continues to speak: “down, down down, I fell. It felt like it went on forever, until suddenly I landed in a strange room.”

Doors then open to reveal a room based on the eat me drink me room from the movie. From here, the guests “shrink down” and then board caterpillars like in the Disneyland one, except this one is completely indoors, and there are new scenes to make up for the loss of the rabbit hole scene, including a caucus race scene.
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Well-Known Member
Let me just say first: the idea of this elevator round is really interesting, and an inspired idea for a prompt. It definitely got me thinking, and in this case, I decided on a pre-show for a 3D motion-based dark ride (like The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man) inspired by the popular anime series My Hero Academia. Now, let me offer the set-up for My Hero Academia: Hero's Pursuit.


Exterior and Queue: Guests will find themselves outside of a sleek convention hall-style structure, known as the Nabu Expositon Center. Banners on the exterior walls advertise the Hero Exposition, with All Might proudly displayed on the banners. Winding their way through the convention’s halls, they see advertisements for all sorts of panels and demonstrations that will be held during this convention. Some TVs even run news segments, some discussing the event and others running news about the League of Villains. After passing through a security scanner, guests will step into an elevator.


Pre-show: The elevator’s design is thoroughly modern, with TV monitors in the room along with a security camera and signal light in the corner. It looks almost as much like a safe room as it does an elevator. Once everyone is in and the doors are closed, guests feel a rumble as if the elevator is going up. The TV monitors, which had been running through a loop of the Exposition Center’s logo, come to life as All Might appears on the screens.


(All Might, displayed as example)

“Welcome, everyone! Yes, I am here, ready to welcome you to the Hero Exposition!,” he says, beaming with his signature smile in his powered-up state. Some of the monitors begin to run clips from My Hero Academia showcasing super-powered battles, as he continues, “Ever since the first Quirks appeared in our world, there have been those who sought to use their gifts for evil. However, they have been met by those who use their Quirks for justice! I’m sure you have seen these incidents for yourself, from old pros like myself to the next generation of heroes, trained at schools like U.A. High School.”

The monitors cut back to All Might, as he leans toward toward the camera, with a more serious expression. “We know that things have been tough lately. The League of Villains has been trying to put fear into good-hearted citizens like yourself. Well, we’re here to show that there is nothing to fear!” His attitude regains the earlier light-hearted air, as he continues, “With the aid of the Hero Public Safety Commission, hero agencies, and numerous companies, we have assembled the Hero Exposition! Here, you’ll witness all the latest technological developments and advancements to make our world safer, along with seeing students from our proudest hero schools demonstrate their skills. Yes, this very day, you will see us take to heart that proud motto: go beyond, plus ul…”.

Mid-sentence, the screens flicker and cut to a warning notice. The signal light comes to life as guests feel the elevator shake and seem to “stop”. The feed cuts back to All Might, talking to a police officer. He turns back to the screen and says, “Guests, I am afraid today’s Exposition will have to be cut short. The League of Villains has attacked.” The elevator starts “moving” again, this time feeling like it’s heading down fast. Some of the monitors show fighting going on in the convention center, giving a preview of the villains to come. One screen is still focused on All Might as he continues, saying, “Do not be afraid. We heroes will hold them off. You’re heading now to the basement level, where we have evacuation transports waiting in the garage to get you to safety. Some of U.A.’s top students will help you and explain more about the situation.” All Might begins to run off-screen, as the feed on all monitors switches to a garage where Izuku Midoriya is looking at someone off-screen.


(Izuku Midoriya, displayed as example)

“Wait, he said what?,” he asks, before turning to the screen and realizing he’s on. He shrieks for a small moment, before regaining his composure. Behind him, U.A. students like Tenya Iida and Bakugou Katsuki are talking to police officers as Midoriya says, “Y-yes. As All Might said, we have evacuation vehicles waiting to transport you to safety. In addition, there will be safety goggles available in case of any falling debris.” Bakugou turns, noticing the screen. He walks towards Midoriya, who continues, “We’ll follow along to offer protection. So, when the elevator comes to a stop and the doors open, if you would please line up in an orderly fashion and…”. Bakugou shoves him off-camera mid-sentence, yelling at the screen, “MOVE IT, YA NERDS!”. The feed cuts out, changing back to the Expositon Center’s logo as the elevator “stops” and the doors open.


(Bakugou Katsuki, displayed as example)

Guests walk out into the loading area, resembling a garage, as they pass by a bin for picking up their 3D glasses. While Tenya Iida offers safety information, guests head to the loading dock and hop into the evacuation transport, ready to take part in a 3D motion-based dark ride adventure as they find themselves caught in a battle between the League of Villains and the U.A. High School students like Midoriya and Bakugou.


Well-Known Member
Coming soon to your nearest nondescript location comes a love letter to two beloved, but unfortunately overlooked, cartoon characters. Two characters who shaped not only modern cartoons, but modern television as a whole. Two characters who...ok I'll stop. This is a project thematically similar to one that I did years and years ago with our beloved @monkey92514 for SYWTBAI Season 12(?), but I had a really stupid punchline that I really wanted to do and the Rocky and Bullwinkle IP was one of the few IPs where I thought it made sense. Thus, please indulge me as I spend multiple paragraphs set up a punch-line that probably won’t land in:

"Rocky and Bullwinkle in 'Minecart Mishap,' or 'This Ore of Mine'" finally brings these sadly forgotten characters back to the spotlight in an all new attraction combining family thrills with the groan-inducing humor that the show was known for. But, since this project is all about the elevator, I’ll focus on that, but I’d like to quickly get you all up to speed primarily for context:

“When we last left our gallant guests, they had just arrived in scenic Frostbite Falls, Minnesota, a quaint town of 48 nestled in the mountains of the great white midwest. After passing through the town’s movie house, tourist board, and overpriced gift shops, our intrepid itinerants find themselves at the base of the Mt. Flatten Mine, home not only to the world’s only source of the valuable anti-gravity mineral Upsidaisium, but also to none other than Frostbite Fall’s most famous residents, and amateur prospectors, Rocket the Flying Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose. Passing through the explosive-encumbered entrance, and twisting through musty mineshafts, our tenacious tourists soon come to a dead end. Before them stand two large wooden doors, appropriately labeled Stockrooms A and B. Will these steadfast sightseers be brave enough to enter the Presentation Room? Will they finally find out why the mine is rigged to blow? Will the cast member attending finally stop accepting fastpasses? Find out next time in Tourist Trapped, or The Fastpass and the Furious.”

Good. You’re up to speed. Now here’s something we hope you’ll really like

The Preshow
Passing through one of two sets doors, guests will find that the stockroom seems to have been haphazardly converted into a presentation room. The entire room looks quickly made of cartoonish wood. On the far wall, three small windows can be seen, looking out only into the hollowed rock face of the mine-shaft. A set of doors are also on this wall. Boxes are clumsily stacked, a few of which, labeled ‘Upsidaisium,’ are weighted down with a variety of heavy objects. On one of the boxes, the words “Build Your Own Theater: Impress Your Investors” can be seen. To the front of the room is a small stage with a red curtain. A medium-sized television hangs from the ceiling, displaying only a test pattern. Most apparently, standing behind the stage’s podium is an obviously robotic version of Bullwinkle, shaking slightly and audibly whirring. Soon the doors to the presentation room close, and a short fanfare plays as a spotlight falls upon “Bullwinkle,” who begins to disinterestedly speak in a thick, Russian-sounding accent.

“Yes it is I, world-famous moose. I will be welcoming you to Mt. Flatten, home to world’s only source of very valuable mineral Upsidaisium, but do not be worry about that. Soon elevator will take you to peak of mountain, where you will be giving view of terrible snow-capped desolation. Don’t be -”

a familiar voice announces. “Folks, this isn’t Bullwinkle.It’s an impostor.” Suddenly, Rocky the Flying Squirrel appears on the television screen.

“What you saying?” “Bullwinkle” retorts. “Of course I am moose. Watch me pull rabbit out of sleeve.”

A muffled yell can be heard, accompanied by a small shake of the stage’s curtain.

“Bullwinkle, is that you?” says Rocky. “Hang on a minute, folks. I’ll get to the bottom of this.”

In a flash, Rocky zips from the television (with a plume of smoke bursting from the side of it) and can be seen rustling behind the curtain.

“Aha!” says Rocky as the curtain is torn open, revealing Bullwinkle J. Moose, now ungagged, but still in the process of being untied from a chair (this effect is achieved through use of an effect similar to the hologram effects found in the various Harry Potter rides. The chair is real, but Rocky and Bullwinkle are projections.)

“Thanks, Rock.” says Bullwinkle, as he stands from the chair. “If you hadn’t gotten me out of there, I would’ve thought I’d been kidnapped.”

“But you were kidnapped, Bullwinkle. What happened?”
Asks Rocky.

“Well I was walkin’ around when someone told me to put a blindfold on so they could give me a surprise.” says Bullwinkle.

“But it was a trick, wasn’t it?” asks Rocky.

“Well, I was surprised.” retorts Bullwinkle.

“Who would have done such a horrible thing to you?” asks Rocky.

“I don’t know.” says Bullwinkle

Suddenly, the robotic Bullwinkle erupts in evil laughter as its’ chest opens, revealing Natasha Fatale stuffed inside.

“It is me.” laughs Natasha. “I disguise self as moose and none is the wiser.”

“Hokey smoke it’s Natasha Fatale!”
yells Rocky. “Identity theft is serious business, you villain.”

“Rocky!” chastises Bullwinkle. “I am disappointed in you. That’s no way to talk to the intern.”

“Intern?” asks Rocky. “Why would you need an intern in a mine?”

“The state made me stop using canaries.” replies Bullwinkle.

Natasha turns to the guests.
“So what?” she says. “Moose have good healthcare.”

She then turns back to Rocky and Bullwinkle. “Now I have stolen very valuable Upsidaisium.” With a slide whistle, a sack labeled ‘Upsidaisium’ floats up from behind Natasha. “Once out of mine, I can escape and sell for tidy profit.”

“Bullwinkle,” says Rocky worriedly. “We have to keep her from getting to the elevator!”

“Uhh, Rock.” says Bullwinkle.

Natasha laughs.
“Is too late, moose and squirrel.”

A ka-chunk can be heard as the floor of the presentation room shakes. Through the windows, guests can see the rock moving. The room is rising.

“This is the elevator.” says Bullwinkle.

“Why did you turn the stock room into an elevator?” asks Rocky, surprised.

“How else am I going to get my company’s stocks up?” retorts Bullwinkle.

“Yes.” cries Natasha. “Soon I will be at peak of mountain and then will be home free.” A variety of beeps followed can be heard. The television alights once more with focusing static. “Oh, darling. Come in. Are you finishing with preparation?”

The television screen changes once again, revealing Boris Badenov.

“Yes, my love. Helicopter is ready, and I have being prepared for phase two of fiendish plan.” says Boris.

“Wonderful, darling.” says Natasha. “What is phase two?”

begins Boris. “Upsidaisium has being stolen. Now elevator door is welded shut, and mine entrance is exploded. Now moose and squirrel are trapped inside.” Boris begins to laugh

“You imbecile!” screams Natasha. “We are inside mine too. You have trapped us both with moose and squirrel.”

sighs Boris. “I may been getting ahead of myself.”

“Now’s our chance, Bullwinkle.”
says Rocky. “We have to get that stolen Upsidaisium back and get these folks out of here.”

“Not so fast, moose and squirrel” says Natasha. “You will be-”

A creak is heard.

“What is this?” asks Natasha.

The elevator shakes. A larger creak is heard as Natasha drops slightly.

“Your robotic suit must be too heavy for the elevator.” says Rocky.

“Oh yeah. I knew I forgot to put some signs up.” replies Bullwinkle.

“You will not be stopping me.” says Natasha. “I still ha-”

One final crack can be heard as smoke shoots up around Natasha. She can be heard falling as she screams “Curse you moose and squirrel.” As the smoke clears, the floating bag of Upsidaisium can be seen gently falling below the podium, no doubt still held on to by Natasha.

“Hokey smoke I hope she isn’t hurt.” says Rocky, optimistically.

“Of course not,” Bullwinkle proudly replies. “We moose are strong creatures.”

“You know she’s not a moose, right, Bullwinkle?”
asks Rocky. Bullwinkle doesn’t seem to hear him. “Anyway, we have to get everyone out of here. Hey, maybe we can use the minecarts. The tracks have gotta lead out somewhere.”

“I don’t know, Rock.”
replies Bullwinkle. “The last time I let people use the minecarts they started a union.”

“Oh come one, Bullwinkle.”
replies Rocky. “It may be the only way to get us all out of here.”

“Well ok.”
says Bullwinkle.

The doors on the windowed wall swing open revealing three flights of concrete stairs, surrounded by a protective fence which looks out into the ride’s loading area.

“Oh, Bullwinkle,” says Rocky, disappointedly. “You’re not going to make these people take the stairs down, are you?”

“I have to.”
Bullwinkle retorts. “This elevator only goes up."

"Only goes up?" asks Rocky.

"Well of course, Rock."
replies Bullwinkle. "We spent too much of our budget on in-theater effects.”

As guests exit the presentation room, the ethereal voice of the narrator can be heard.

“And so our plucky partners have briefly thwarted evil, but the day is not yet saved. Will Rocky and Bullwinkle recover the stolen mineral? Will Boris and Natasha escape the mines of Mt. Flatten? Will Bullwinkle learn to stop blindfoldedly trusting strangers? Find out next time in “Nowhere to Go But Up” or “The 390 Steps.”

At the far end of the top of the staircase is a handicapped elevator. Crudely painted on a wooden sign above the elevators door are the words 'Down Elevator.'

Thanks for reading. If anyone would like to see some of the source material, I'd strongly advise you to click here.

Apologies for just quoting my initial post. There's a bunch of formatting that wouldn't copy over that I didn't have the time to do from scratch again.


Well-Known Member
Batman: Speed of Knight


Batman: Speed of Knight is a sophisticated dark ride and simulator hybrid attraction in which guests of eight board the iconic Batmobile on a fast-paced voyage through the gritty streets of Gotham City. The attraction is based primarily on Batman: The Animated Series, and while the events of the attraction's story take place years later in Bruce Wayne's life (later adventures with the Justice League), the entire aesthetic of the queue, pre-show, and attraction are inspired directly by the iconic show. Guests are brought to Wayne Manor itself and allowed the privilege of seeing the Batcave for themselves. This privilege, of course, is not granted lightly. The attraction's story explains that guests are esteemed, highly-trained members of the Justice League Reserve Team, sworn to preserve the sacred identity of Bruce Wayne, just as other members of the league such as Clark Kent and Diana Prince have done. Upon entering the mansion and winding along its many gothic rooms, guests are led into a large library, Bruce Wayne's library to be specific.


The library, a decadent room similar in scale to the lobby in Hollywood Studios' Tower of Terror attraction, features a large window on one end, with a digitally-projected night glowing ominously in the background. A large desk near the center of the room plays a radio dramatization broadcast of 'The Gray Ghost,' which fans of the show will recognize as Bruce Wayne's childhood television hero. A newspaper planted on the same table features a headline concerning the death of Bruce's parents. Other features, such as a large fireplace on the far end of the room and large minimalist works of art hanging on the walls help to give the library a look that is true to the show. On the end of the room opposite to the fireplace stand two bookcases, with a familiar clock nestled in between. Guests are divided into groups facing one of the two elevators, both of which slide horizontally to reveal a secret passage behind them, revealing a metallic hallway quite distinct from the rest of the manor. Guests are ushered into the hallway by the voice of Alfred. Each bookcase leads guests into one of two elevators, both of which are exactly the same, much like the way the Haunted Mansion features two elevators for capacity purposes.

After making their way down the hallway, guests are met with a final pair of metal doors concealing an elevator. Soon, the doors open, and guests excitedly enter a squared bronze elevator, decorated with wrought iron features, brushed metal rivets, and a grimy stone floor. The gaps in each panel allow view of surrounding practical rockwork, beautifully carved and dimly lit to give the impression of a dank cave. The intoxicating smell of moisture, which some guests might compare to the smell of water in Pirates of the Caribbean's queue, engulfs the air as cool breezes make the elevator feel slightly cold. Droplets of water can be heard faintly behind the buzzing and beeping of the computerized gantry lift preparing to send guests hundreds of feet below into the depths of the Batcave. As guests admire the weathered elevator, the doors in which they entered from close slowly as the lights dim.

Unlike most pre-show 'elevators' such as the ones found in Escape From Gringotts or Journey to the Center of the Earth, this elevator is a functional one. Guests are very much moving downward into a basement show building, albeit in a manner that creates the illusion of traveling hundreds of feet below ground level as opposed to only a few stories. This elevator sequence is, in fact, designed to put its predecessors to deep shame, and it starts as soon as the elevator begins its descent. After passing through a brief tunnel, which is presented as a practical effect, guests see four stone pillars ahead of them, also practical. Behind the pillars, however, sits a massive projection screen depicting the far reaches of the Batcave. The vast majority of guests can't even begin to explain the sensation; how is this effect so compelling, so realistic? Expert theme park visitors would recognize that this illusion is not new. In fact, it's over 20 years old, at least in terms of its use in theme park attractions.



The illusion can be traced to Islands of Adventure's Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man attraction in which guests feel that they are climbing several stories upward toward the surface of a skyscraper; the illusion is simply presented backwards, with the elevator traveling downward instead. The illusion is also similar to the drop sequence in Rise of the Resistance, in which two vehicles share the same dome screen. The scale and complexity of this particular sequence, however, is very much grander and more elaborate than either of these predecessors. The elevator moves downward at a constant speed with guests inside. As they move downward, however, various pieces of 'stacked scenery' move upwards. By fusing practical moving sets with the IMAX dome screen and a mobile elevator, along with wind effects, sound effects, lighting effects and voiceover, guests are treated to a pre-show that may be worth the price of admission alone. Along their voyage to the bottom floor, guests will encounter highly-detailed rockwork, layered in such a way to give the illusion of endless depth, narrow tunnels, and even a bat nest, where gleaming yellow eyes glare menacingly from the dark crevices. Moments later, the elevator reaches the bottom floor, giving guests their first view of the fully-realized Batcave, complete with the Bat Computer and sleek Batmobile. The entire Batcave is fully-practical, and as guests exit the elevator, they might begin to wonder if the formal ride sequence will even top the pre-show elevator sequence.

Elevator Shaft(s) Diagram:
Please note that size depicted in this model is purely demonstrative; image scale does not necessarily represent actual height of elevator shaft. Actual height of entire sequence would be contained within about 4 stories, two above ground level and two below ground level.


Virtual Walkthrough/Ridethrough:
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Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
So, I wasn't actually able to finish this one, but...

The Elevator of Elevators: A History of Elevators!

A new pre-show will be added to the expanded and updated Motion Pavilion at Epcot in 1996. A multi-part expansion and revitalization to the Pavilion featuring a new Circle-Swing flat ride (Like Golden Zephyr at DCA) themed to the history of Air Travel and a new boat tour of the World Showcase Lagoon (featuring comical narration) themed to the history of boats. All to round out the pavilion anchored by a newly revitalized World of Motion which shows the history of automobiles.

The Elevator of Elevators: A History of Elevators! Is a way to enter the newly expanded pavilion serving as a pre-show to the entire experience rather than just for one ride. Guests board an elevator that has windows and as they ride it they see the history of elevators right before their eyes accompanied by the same tongue and cheek narration that made World of Motion such a special ride. At the end, guests get to see the world on a whole new level as they look out across World Showcase Lagoon and Future World from an observation deck on the roof of the expanded pavilion space. The queue lines for World of Motion and the boat ride both wind down back to ground level to enter the rides, then guests can either exit the pavilion from ground level or wind back up to the observation deck. The ride back down in the elevators for those that choose to return to the observation deck after their rides showcases an imagined future for what elevators can be!​

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Apologies for just quoting my initial post. There's a bunch of formatting that wouldn't copy over that I didn't have the time to do from scratch again.
If you click the gear icon in the post/edit box, you can toggle into BB Code. Then copy and paste that. It will save all your formatting. Helped us out a ton when prepping stuff of Sorcerer's Apprentice


Well-Known Member
If you click the gear icon in the post/edit box, you can toggle into BB Code. Then copy and paste that. It will save all your formatting. Helped us out a ton when prepping stuff of Sorcerer's Apprentice
Ooh that's fantastic. I could get everything to carry over except for the colored lettering so I'll definitely keep that in mind if I ever have to do that again.


Well-Known Member
NateD1226’s Reviews

@Pufflefan - California Ocean Expedition
A Knotts ride! I was so happy to see you pick Knotts Berry Farm. The actual ride though felt half baked. The idea was there but it wasn’t fully thought out. First off, the formatting of the doc is not the best. There shouldn’t be pages with just one word on it. From now on, remember to use correct formatting. The next thing is the layout of the ride. With Knotts being around 15 minutes from me, I know the park pretty well and with that, I don’t see this layout working. A ride usually shouldn't wrap around the park unless it's a train/monorail type situation. Other than that, the ocean elevator was very nice.
Creativity: 8/10
Detail: 7/10
Realism: 6/10
Presentation: 6/10
Total: 27/40

@JokersWild - Rocky and Bullwinkle
I absolutely loved this! It was so nice to see beloved characters back into the spotlight just like you said in the writeup. I don’t really have any nitpicks but if I had to, maybe a nice concept art of the presentation room would have been a good addition. But overall, this was such a delight. Amazing work!
Creativity: 9/10
Detail: 9/10
Realism: 8/10
Presentation: 8/10

@NigelChanning09 - Wall-E Destination Earth
What a great choice! The idea of this ride was fantastic. The elevator was nicely thought out and had the right amount of detail. My only nitpick is that if you are going to write a lot of detail, try and use Google Docs. Google Slides tend to start getting very cluttered when you have so much detail but not that much space. Overall, great job
Creativity: 9/10
Detail: 8/10
Realism: 8/10
Presentation: 7/10

@DashHaber - My Hero Academia: Hero's Pursuit

Great project! I am not that big on anime so I don’t fully know everything about the show but I knew enough to say it was a great project. Everything flowed well and it had a good amount of detail. Great work!
Creativity: 9/10
Detail: 9/10
Realism: 8/10
Presentation: 8/10

@Basketbuddy101 - Batman: Speed Of Knight

Well how cool is this! The video was amazing and the level of detail was great. The technology used was awesome and really tied the knot as a whole project when it was all described. Overall, amazing work.
Creativity: 9/10
Detail: 10/10
Realism: 8/10
Presentation: 10/10

@Outbound - The Great Muppet Vator
Another fun website! Loving these so much. The elevator was great but I feel like it needed a little more detail explaining how it all works and ties in together. Other than that, I loved everything as it felt very true to the Muppets brand.
Creativity: 10/10
Detail: 9/10
Realism: 8/10
Presentation: 9/10

@Pi on my Cake - The Elevator of Elevators: A History of Elevators

Sweet and simple! I love the play on elevators and how great it would be to learn about elevators in an elevator! It was a very nice project. Great job!
Creativity: 9/10
Detail: 7/10
Realism: 8/10
Presentation: 6/10


Well-Known Member
NateD1226’s Reviews

@Pufflefan - California Ocean Expedition
A Knotts ride! I was so happy to see you pick Knotts Berry Farm. The actual ride though felt half baked. The idea was there but it wasn’t fully thought out. First off, the formatting of the doc is not the best. There shouldn’t be pages with just one word on it. From now on, remember to use correct formatting. The next thing is the layout of the ride. With Knotts being around 15 minutes from me, I know the park pretty well and with that, I don’t see this layout working. A ride usually shouldn't wrap around the park unless it's a train/monorail type situation. Other than that, the ocean elevator was very nice.
Creativity: 8/10
Detail: 7/10
Realism: 6/10
Presentation: 6/10
Total: 27/40

@JokersWild - Rocky and Bullwinkle
I absolutely loved this! It was so nice to see beloved characters back into the spotlight just like you said in the writeup. I don’t really have any nitpicks but if I had to, maybe a nice concept art of the presentation room would have been a good addition. But overall, this was such a delight. Amazing work!
Creativity: 9/10
Detail: 9/10
Realism: 8/10
Presentation: 8/10

@NigelChanning09 - Wall-E Destination Earth
What a great choice! The idea of this ride was fantastic. The elevator was nicely thought out and had the right amount of detail. My only nitpick is that if you are going to write a lot of detail, try and use Google Docs. Google Slides tend to start getting very cluttered when you have so much detail but not that much space. Overall, great job
Creativity: 9/10
Detail: 8/10
Realism: 8/10
Presentation: 7/10

@DashHaber - My Hero Academia: Hero's Pursuit
Great project! I am not that big on anime so I don’t fully know everything about the show but I knew enough to say it was a great project. Everything flowed well and it had a good amount of detail. Great work!
Creativity: 9/10
Detail: 9/10
Realism: 8/10
Presentation: 8/10

@Basketbuddy101 - Batman: Speed Of Knight
Well how cool is this! The video was amazing and the level of detail was great. The technology used was awesome and really tied the knot as a whole project when it was all described. Overall, amazing work.
Creativity: 9/10
Detail: 10/10
Realism: 8/10
Presentation: 10/10

@Outbound - The Great Muppet Vator
Another fun website! Loving these so much. The elevator was great but I feel like it needed a little more detail explaining how it all works and ties in together. Other than that, I loved everything as it felt very true to the Muppets brand.
Creativity: 10/10
Detail: 9/10
Realism: 8/10
Presentation: 9/10

@Pi on my Cake - The Elevator of Elevators: A History of Elevators
Sweet and simple! I love the play on elevators and how great it would be to learn about elevators in an elevator! It was a very nice project. Great job!
Creativity: 9/10
Detail: 7/10
Realism: 8/10
Presentation: 6/10
What about my project? Oh yeah, I forgot to take off the rough draft label! I removed the label!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Alice In Wonderland: Down The Rabbit Hole
situated to the right of the mad tea party in the magic kingdom, located on part of the former speedway is the preshow to a new version of the Alice in wonderland dark ride in Disneyland.
Visitors enter through a “painted lady” Victorian house, colored to compliment the paint job of the neighboring mad tea party.
View attachment 471767
Not unlike the Haunted mansion, guests enter the Victorian house into a octagonal room, albeit with a much simpler light blue wallpaper.
The doors behind them close, and Alice’s voice plays through speakers. “My journey through wonderland began when I followed the rabbit down the rabbit hole. Then, all of the sudden, I fell!”
Suddenly, the wallpaper peels away, to reveal the rabbit hole, with the help of projection effects. Guests can see Alice fall along the rabbit hole along with them.
View attachment 471768
The floor shakes to simulate movement, as the guests continue to fall down the rabbit hole.
Alice continues to speak: “down, down down, I fell. It felt like it went on forever, until suddenly I landed in a strange room.”
View attachment 471769
Doors then open to reveal a room based on the eat me drink me room from the movie. From here, the guests “shrink down” and then board caterpillars like in the Disneyland one, except this one is completely indoors, and there are new scenes to make up for the loss of the rabbit hole scene, including a caucus race scene.

Sorry for the oversight. I just finished reading the projects and was about to start on reviews, but I'll get to yours first. :)

Generally speaking, I really am loving this transitioning point of a Mystic Point style mansion. It calls to mind the opening of the Through the Looking Glass while still feeling very much in line with rabbit hole itself via the project mapping effects. I would have liked to have seen maybe a few more effects happening on the actual descent down. It's a cool effect, but doesn't have a ton outside of the projection mapping to set it apart. That being said, I do enjoy how you board the catepillars completely underground, and the inclusion of the Caucus Race is something I've always wanted to see!

Creativity: 8/10
Realism: 9/10
Detail: 7/10
Presentation: 8/10
Total: 32/40

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