OK this thread is way earlier than needed, LOL, but I'm just so excited! I have been trying to talk with my fiance (well, mostly-I'll get to that in a minute) about where to go on our honeymoon. Then, one of the Disney commercials came on TV when we were watching together, and it featured a couple there together, and I said "I'd so do that" and as we kept talking, he said something like "didn't I tell you that I would go to Disney for our honeymoon"
NO!!! You hadn't mentioned it!! I would have already been planning it, LOL!!!
Anyway, I'm Amber. Been a member of the forum for a few years now, but I find that I visit mostly when I know I have a trip coming up, otherwise it is too painful to look at the gorgeous pictures and trip reports!!
About Dave and I: We met online
Actually, it was from being a member of this site, and seeing how close people in the Chit Chat threads were, and from getting to talk to the ladies I came to know in the Scrapbooking thread, that led me to realize that there's a forum for just about any interest. So I joined a forum about the show LOST, which led me to meet MANY friends, and most importantly, Dave
So after we had been talking for many months, we started discussing moving in together (quite an undertaking because I lived in PA and he in GA). Then, as we discussed it, he non-chalantly threw out there "and if we live together for a couple months and all is going well, I figure we can get married next fall, like you've always wanted". So, I haven't had an actual PROPOSAL, though we are planning the wedding as we speak. As in, I have a bridal appointment with my mother back in PA in March, we've gotten the place, the date, the judge, the food. But I don't have a ring...I hope this is rectified soon, however, or he's gonna hear it!!
I did make the move, btw, and have been living together VERY happily for 6 months now 
I'm rambling.
I contacted everyone's favorite Kingdom Konsultant-Tammy-about the Disneymoon. We really aren't wanting anything in the way of gifts-we pretty much have all we need since we live together already. So I'm hoping to set up a way that my guests can donate toward our trip. I would LOOOOOOVE to stay at least 2 nights a Wilderness Lodge (have always wanted to), and then possibly move to Pop Century for the remainder of the trip (also because I want my Mom and little brother to join us later in the week, after Dave and I at least get a couple days as newlyweds).
So I guess this thread will be very pre-trip, as I want to go in October, hopefully October 19th-26th (which would also include my birthday). Anyway, thought I could sort of share my plans as I make them.
I'd always welcome thoughts and inputs as well, I'm sure I'm missing things.

Anyway, I'm Amber. Been a member of the forum for a few years now, but I find that I visit mostly when I know I have a trip coming up, otherwise it is too painful to look at the gorgeous pictures and trip reports!!
About Dave and I: We met online

I'm rambling.
I contacted everyone's favorite Kingdom Konsultant-Tammy-about the Disneymoon. We really aren't wanting anything in the way of gifts-we pretty much have all we need since we live together already. So I'm hoping to set up a way that my guests can donate toward our trip. I would LOOOOOOVE to stay at least 2 nights a Wilderness Lodge (have always wanted to), and then possibly move to Pop Century for the remainder of the trip (also because I want my Mom and little brother to join us later in the week, after Dave and I at least get a couple days as newlyweds).
So I guess this thread will be very pre-trip, as I want to go in October, hopefully October 19th-26th (which would also include my birthday). Anyway, thought I could sort of share my plans as I make them.
I'd always welcome thoughts and inputs as well, I'm sure I'm missing things.