So WDWMAGIC for me


Original Poster
i'm so sad, my computer at home will not for anything let me go onto wdwmagic. i'm able to go to any other site i want, except this one.

i tried unistalling programs, re-installing programs. i even re-formatted the hard drive. nothing will work.

when i punch in the address, all i get is a search page, telling me that the website is not there. does anyone know why this might happen?

:cry: :( :cry:


Well-Known Member
I had that problem awhile ago. Turns out my ISP was doing something funky with thier DNS entries or something... it took a few days to resolve it, but eventually it came back. Of course, they refused to admit it was thier fault, when it so very clearly was.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
gotta love central florida roadrunner. I ended up having to view magic via a proxy server to get it to work when they pulled that ish


New Member

Short for Domain Name System (or Service or Server), an Internet service that translates domain names into IP addresses. Because domain names are alphabetic, they're easier to remember. The Internet however, is really based on IP addresses. Every time you use a domain name, therefore, a DNS service must translate the name into the corresponding IP address. For example, the domain name might translate to

The DNS system is, in fact, its own network. If one DNS server doesn't know how to translate a particular domain name, it asks another one, and so on, until the correct IP address is returned.

Copy and paste this number into your browser address bar, Then hit GO! That will take you to (i.e. the forums).



Premium Member
yodasmith said:
i'm so sad, my computer at home will not for anything let me go onto wdwmagic. i'm able to go to any other site i want, except this one.

i tried unistalling programs, re-installing programs. i even re-formatted the hard drive. nothing will work.

when i punch in the address, all i get is a search page, telling me that the website is not there. does anyone know why this might happen?

:cry: :( :cry:
What Internet Service Provider are you using? You should contact their technical support and raise it as an issue.

can you also go to START, COMMAND PROMPT, and type:

and tell me what you get back on the screen?



Original Poster
i'm at work now, i'm going to send all the info you guys have said to my self through the e-mail.

i connect through optimum online in ny.

thanks for your help, and hopefully i can get things working when i get back home tonight.


Original Poster
back at work, and i still can't get onto wdwmagic at home.

when i punched in the ip address for wdwmagic. nothing happend, it again said web site not found.

when i tried the command prompt way it said nothing as well. just thtqa the request timed out

i found out, that it's not just my computer. my aunts and my friend no one can get onto this site or a few other sites. the only thing we all have in common is that we use the same internet company.


Premium Member
yodasmith said:
back at work, and i still can't get onto wdwmagic at home.

when i punched in the ip address for wdwmagic. nothing happend, it again said web site not found.

when i tried the command prompt way it said nothing as well. just thtqa the request timed out

i found out, that it's not just my computer. my aunts and my friend no one can get onto this site or a few other sites. the only thing we all have in common is that we use the same internet company.
from the command prompt, can you do :


and then copy and paste in the contents? or do a screen grab.



Original Poster
just as an update, still can't get on at home. my aunt still can't get on, and neither can my friend.

thanks for all your help.


Premium Member
yodasmith said:
just as an update, still can't get on at home. my aunt still can't get on, and neither can my friend.

thanks for all your help.
from the command prompt, can you do :


and then copy and paste in the contents? or do a screen grab.



Well-Known Member
I'm having the same problem with optimum online in NY. I called Tech service and went thru different solutions. He had me do the tracert (nice to see DOS again) and various other solutions. The tech tried getting to wdwmagic on their computers and was successful on some of them. After a half hour, the tech told me that they would work on it and call me back later. I had given him the results of the trace. He called back the next day and said it was the sites problem, not optimum online. I doubt it's wdwmagic's problem. Thanks.


New Member
me too!

I have not been able to get on the site using IE/optimum online in NY either! but....if I use my aol problem. Right now I am in a hotel in DC and problem. This is very frustrating! I have tried all of the suggestions but no luck! I used to be able to...what happened?? Thank you for any other help you can offer.



New Member
Thanks Steve...I did try your suggestion but... what exactly am I copy and pasting? and to where...also how do you do a "screen grab"? Sounds like I need to brush up my computer literacy instead of spending so much time lurking around here!


New Member
moonmom said:
Thanks Steve...I did try your suggestion but... what exactly am I copy and pasting? and to where...also how do you do a "screen grab"? Sounds like I need to brush up my computer literacy instead of spending so much time lurking around here!
Please allow me to help. What Steve wants you to do is as follows:

For this example, I am going to assume you are using Windows XP. While you are connected to the Internet (online) press the Start button (lower left corner) and then press "Run". A window will appear that asks you to "Open" a program. Type in "tracert" (without the quotes). Then click "OK".

A black window will appear and the Internet "route" will begin to appear within this window. Now, if you can, copy the information in this window and then paste it in a reply on this forum. If you can't do a copy and paste (I can't) then do a screen grab. He's a free program that will allow you to do all sorts of screen grabs:

It's a small program (1.15mb) and only takes about 10 minutes to download on a slow dialup connection.

Once you have screengrab loaded up on your computer, then do the tracert deal again but this time hit F9 to "grab" the screen just as it finishes. Then just save the file as a JPG or BMP file and then copy that file and post it in the forum.

Easy, huh? Well, I don't know your level of experience, so this might be a little difficult. However, if you have additional questions, feel free to ask in this forum or PM me and I'll be glad to help. And I am sure others will help you as well. Good luck! :wave:


Original Poster
tonight when i get home from work, i will take care of that for you guys. hopefully tomorrow when i come back to work, i'll have that screengrab for you.



New Member
...i need a little more help...

"Then just save the file as a JPG or BMP file and then copy that file and post it in the forum."

Woody; your instructions were wonderful! I followed them all the way to the part where i'm supposed to copy the saved file as stated above....i cannot seem to paste it in my reply. So i copied the actual screen "picture" and i can paste it and see it in my reply...but when i previewed it , it only appears as a file name. I hope this makes sense to you...Thank you so much for your replies!


New Member
moonmom said:
"Then just save the file as a JPG or BMP file and then copy that file and post it in the forum."

Woody; your instructions were wonderful! I followed them all the way to the part where i'm supposed to copy the saved file as stated above....i cannot seem to paste it in my reply. So i copied the actual screen "picture" and i can paste it and see it in my reply...but when i previewed it , it only appears as a file name. I hope this makes sense to you...Thank you so much for your replies!
OK!:wave: You're doing great. Just email that file as an attachment to Steve at: <>

He would very much like to see it. And, I'll be glad to tell you how to send it as an attachment just in case you don't know. Heck, wasn't too long ago I didn't know how to do that sort of thing. Steve will really appreciate your help! You're very cool! :cool:

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