so any of you dressing your kids as disney character


Original Poster
my niece is being cinderella.......maybe i;ll dress as one of the pirates from pirates of the carribean, lol or look like a ghost from haunted mansion, what about you guys????
Baby Roo here

Our daughter (7 months old) is going as Baby Roo. Too young for candy but just old enough for some fun pictures. It helps keep a little Disney magic alive for my family since it will be a while before we head back to the World. Happy Halloween one and all.



New Member
My daughter is going as Pocahantas and my son is going as the red power ranger. We returned from disney in sept, so the costumes had to look exactly like the characters in the park


New Member
My daughter, who turns 8 tomorrow, is going to be Minnie Mouse.
She and her older sister have been:
Cinderella, Mulan, Ariel, Jasmine, Eeyore, Belle, Snow White, and Pochahontas over the years! We love DISNEY!!!:animwink:


Active Member
For Trick or Treating my dd (8) is going to be Hannah Montana! I just got her a blonde wig and a headset mic. She's going to wear regular clothes. She's been Aurora, Belle, Cinderella, Tink, Mulan and Eeyore in the past.

My son (3) is going to be Thomas the Tank engine. He's never been a Disney character unless you can count Murray Wiggle since their on Playhouse Disney.

When we go to WDW in Dec, my dd is going to be Belle and my son Prince Charming when we eat with Cinderella. Then my dd is going to wear her Mulan costume again when we eat with the princesses in Norway. I hope Mulan is there!

I almost forgot that my dd was Jessie (her hero) when she was 3. My son was torn between Buzz and Thomas this year! lol


Active Member
Who said it's just kids that dress up. This year I will be Jafar, and my wife bought our son (9) the same costume so he's going as mini me:drevil: .

I even have a Jafar staff with the snake and glowing eyes. Who says Halloween is just for kids.


New Member
My DD (almost 7) is going to be Mulan and my son is going to be Green Lantern (we're comic book geeks). I am going to be a pirate wench (as close as I could get). We are already planning to be at WDW next year for MNSSHP and I'm going to have the whole family (DH included) dress up!


New Member
My dd (3) is dressing up as Village Belle (blue dress) and my ds (1) is dressing up as Captain Feathersword from the Wiggles. We plan to get some extra milage out of the costumes this year and wear them to the Pirates and Princess Party in February. :animwink:

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