Oh contraire... I can remember at least one instance where they did this. After the JIYI refurb, they had a ceremony with fireworks and projections on the building. I'm sure there were others too.
Was Journey Into Your Imagination being refurbished or reimagineered? I think that Disney would be more likely to have a ceremony for a ride that has been reimagineered, as it is essentially a "new" ride. From what I've read, it doesn't sound like It's A Small World is being reimagineered. Although, the refurbishment sounds pretty extensive. It'll be interesing to see how the public relations department handles this.
I would be shocked (pun intended) if you could get electrocuted by coming into contact with the water at IASW!
Does anyone know what they do with all the pennies (and other coins) that are thrown into the water at IASW... and other fountains and attractions with water? It seems to me that I saw a lot of coins in the water at IASW on my last trip to WDW; however, I may have conjured that up in my imagination. It would be nice if they donated the proceeds to charity.