Small Stitch Update

General Grizz

New Member
Whoa now ... this contains 3 MAJOR bits of information!! Can you post the complete text and details?? :eek:

- CoP: Timeframe and extent of rehab? Seasonal status?
- Astro: Will our planets revolve after a year+ ?
- Stitch: Intriguing.

Thanks! :wave:


Well-Known Member
DispatchInhibit said:
however, is that it published an opening date for Stitches Escape November 1st! :sohappy:

Goodness, I hope that means we will see soft-openings or the AP preview the week before - when I am there. :)


General Grizz

New Member
DispatchInhibit said:
Honestly I should have taken the Times home with me because I don't remember the exact dates of AStro or CoP but when I go to work on Wednesday I will check and post them. Sorry that is all the info I have now, the Stitch date stuck with me though because I was so suprised they printed a date. It didn't even say "tentatively scheduled" or anything so i am very excited.
Thanks so much! You have us VERY intrigued. :)

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
:sohappy: All good news for the lately lackluster tomorrowland. I don't suppose you noticed any mention about the future of Timekeeper?


New Member

I have been waiting for this ride all year and im taking a ton of friends down is there any way it could be OPEN when we go???? our trip dates are OCT 14-18. Please tell me there's hope :( :)


Well-Known Member
Yay! SGE opens Nov 1st! Looks like I'll get to see it when I go (which is Nov. 10-15). It'll be close, but if all goes well, we'll make it. Thanks for the update.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Austin1 said:
I have been waiting for this ride all year and im taking a ton of friends down is there any way it could be OPEN when we go???? our trip dates are OCT 14-18. Please tell me there's hope :( :)

You might catch soft openings towards the end of your stay, but no guarantees. It's a right place-right time kind of thing. It's never a good idea to plan around opening dates. Test Track was delayed for how many years?


New Member
Well I am also hoping for the chance to check out the new SGE attraction when I am there between October 10th to 17th..but with a November 1st opening...who knows

Perhaps this is wishful thinking...but I love the fact that CoP is scheduled for a rehab. It needs I would think they would not bother with a rehab if it was only on seasonal looks like we may see it open year round..(hoping)


Well-Known Member
STR8FAN2005 said:
I just hope that putting CoP up for rehab isn't a quiet way of closing it down forever.

It wouldn't surprise me one single bit for Disney to say this is just a regular rehab and then never open it up again. They know good and well that if they ever announce a closure and replacement, there will be an uproar. I definately hope CoP is indeed getting a well needed rehab, but do not be surprised if Disney says it is going down for a few months and never comes back.


Well-Known Member
I must say that unfortunately, Stitch is the only future attraction that I'm not excited about. I think the money could have been used for something else. The attraction won't be much different than Alien Encounter. Not enough difference to merit change.


Well-Known Member
I hope, for Disney's sake, alot of people do not feel the same way you do. But I could see that being a problem among us WDW fans. They didn't make SGE different enough from AE to please some people, but they changed AE enough to make AE fans mad. There is a very fine line there. I personally wish they would have completely redone the attraction, but hopefully what is there will be worthy enough.


Well-Known Member
The major difference I see is Stitch and that is more likely to repell me than attract me to the attraction. Alien Encounter was a Walt Disney World original and exclusive. It was fine just the way that it was. I don't even think that Lilo and Stitch was that popular. There are far more popular movies that do not have attractions.


New Member
I'm glad to see CoP under refurb, for some reason I don't think Disney is going to be deveious and "close for rehab" and never open it again. It seemed busy enough while I was there, and it's not like it takes a huge crew of people to run it, so they aren't losing much on the paychecks of the people running it.

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