Small MK update about the mix up with the Donald Duck Pinata...I only rode the refurbed Rio de Tempo once and I forgot that they has the same type of AAs! But the rest is true! I never realized how load the chain was for BTMRR when going up the hill, but I'm guessing some of that is added audio?

And the Italian boy was the only change I remember seeing on Friday, but that was because I remember all of us wondering where he went a couple months ago...I might have been imagining it though but IASW seemed alittle emptier than in missing some AAs...I mentioned it to my gf but I might have just never noticed that some of the scenes are kind of empty...don't take what I say for fact was really the first time I went to MK looking for some updates to provide...I think someone else needs to verify. =) Thanks for being kind tho guys!

When I rode IASW two weeks ago, I thought it looked different too (as in emptier than normal). No one else noticed it, but I'm convinced that something was off.


I might have been imagining it though but IASW seemed alittle emptier than in missing some AAs...I mentioned it to my gf but I might have just never noticed that some of the scenes are kind of empty...don't take what I say for fact though...

It's funny how your mind starts to play tricks on you once you start looking for these things.

"Wait, was that always there?"
"Has it always been this loud?"
"Wasn't it darker in here before?"

Looks like this may be another one of those closet outing threads. :lol:

We have closet outing threads? :lookaroun Where was I all this time?

-p.b. :cool:


New Member
It is so funny that you guys are talking about iasw, I thought something was different as well. I think it looked cleaner and the clock tower was once again working. This was back in September during my trip.




Well-Known Member

So, I clicked on that link, all curious, and as soon as the first picture popped up, I knew exactly where that thread was going. :lol:

That should be the newest forum on WDWMagic. "Closet outing threads"! I love unkadug for coining that term. :D

-p.b. :cool:

haha. I thought the same thing! :lol: :lookaroun


haha. I thought the same thing! :lol: :lookaroun

Which thing? About the forum?

I can see it now. Posting in the "closet outing threads" forum would be almost like a game. You'd have to start subtle - a trip report with a few carefully chosen pictures, maybe, just to see who comments on the CM in the tight t-shirt. Or an update that begins, "So I'm in my room at the ASMu, flipping back and forth between Top Ten Must Sees and reruns of Will & Grace, when I noticed something unique about the Broadway rooms..."

Then The Mom could step in and close down any threads that didn't have any outings after a while. ;)

Okay, I'm so sorry for taking this thread way off topic, but I just couldn't help myself! :lol:

-p.b. :cool:

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