If you watch the library video closly, you will knowtice that the same people (including the little starlet) that played in the movie, also are in the video in the library. That is t he only reason I said that the storyline AT THAT POINT is the same. Now don't get me wrong on this. I know the storyline flawlessly. I was just suggesting that they put us in the moment back when it happened.
I love the ride as it is, and am only stating this as an option for like a certain time at night, and MABEY even as a fulltime storyline.
This in no way means that the two storylines are the same. The two are totally different, AFTER the point where the elevator gets struck. After the lightning stricking, it goes totally seperate ways
And I know, they have opened it as a tour of the hottel, but it would be great to SOMEHOW (even though it is damn near impossible, but still, it is possible..
) make it so that you begin it as a tour, and suddenly something happens, and you are transported back to the time it happens... I havn't come up with a way to do it yet, but I am thinking projections of some sort...
Now that was only a SUGGESTED storyline.... It doesn't mean that I think they MUST do it... I just think it would add to it. And don't take that wrong either, I also like the ride as it is today... but wouldn't it be great to see that come in somehow?
That thing about the guests checking in and out, I ment that the ghosts of the guest be checking in and out.
Also, I didn't mean what I said about WDI in the way you put it. I just ment that they could have done so much more with the ride than what they had done with it. Although it is a great storyline setup, it could have been much more on the creapy side, and have had more technology used in it.