Sleeping Wife and Daughter. Who deals with this?


Well-Known Member
Mornings can be rough for us as well. I'm the Disney Rambo & want to be in the parks every second I can. On a daily basis I have to be up at 3:45am for my job, so this is a cakewalk for me. My husband isn't too difficult, but getting mopey teens out of the room without hearing "But I'm on vacation, I want to sleep just a little more", drives me insane. Seriously? It's can sleep at home. After they snooze a few minutes on the bus, by the time we get to the park, everyone is fine.

With the case of adults that have different preferred wake up times, I think the best choice for the early bird is to just plan beforehand that you will both get up individually, leave when you want and meet at the park at a specified time. Less tension and aggravation. You both get to enjoy some nice personal Disney alone time, and neither one gets annoyed.

I think that planning on this beforehand instead of figuring it out halfway through the trip, would just make the trip even more enjoyable.


Well-Known Member
My wife sleeps in and retires early at night. Early morning and late night are mine to have fun. She even keeps my son so I have nothing to care for but myself. I love the times I have to be solo in the parks.


In today's world were nearly everyone has a cell phone just tell them as you're leaving to call when they get into the park so you can meet up. It's not as if you even have to totally solidify a meeting time and place with your half-asleep family. Go have fun - they'll find you!


By the way, IMO if one spouse would get mad at the other for wanting to be in the Parks early (as one guy shared), they are being equally as selfish for wanting to sleep in and deprive the other of what he/she wants to do. So, no one is 'more wrong' than the other....agree to each do what you want in this instant and everyone's happy....."sleep away darling, you're so beautiful, see you later".......just sayin'


New Member
Our family likes to sleep in and then head to the water parks for the day and plan out the parks for the EMH's. But if anyone gets up early and wants to go they ask the others then just head out. We did that alot at the Ft. Wilderness, he would go fishing or if i got up early i went and took pics. I love spending time by myself at the parks cause i get to do the rides no one will going on any more with me like


Well-Known Member
We are up and out the door every morning to make rope drop. I'm a night owl usually but after spending all day walking I tend to sleep pretty good. BUT, we aren't taking another trip until 2013 for our daughter's 16th bday and this will be the first time where we've gone and she is wearing make up and doing the hair. I'm thinking we might have to get up a little bit earlier.
I must admit, I've never really understood the mentality of the people who go to Disney and do things like sleep really late, or sit in their hotel room and watch movies, or go to eat at restaurants off property. I don't go to Disney to do things I can do at home. I go to Disney to do Disney.

I say go and have fun. They'll catch up with you when they feel like rolling out of bed, and maybe if they're jealous that you did things without them, it will spur them to wake up early the next day. Our family is always up early and out late. We don't get much sleep. It's hard to deal with sometimes. BUT that's what we want to get out of Disney: max time at the parks. We'll come back and take little afternoon breaks, but otherwise we are out and about and going all day trying to maximize our vacation time.

We went with our friends a few years ago and they were supposed to meet us in AK at 9. Well, at 10 they called and said they just woke up, were going to get breakfast, and THEN meet us there. So we did the Safari and Everest without them and they just joined in when they got there. Don't let your time at Disney be limited because of others in your party. If you want to get there early, wake up early. If you want to stay later than the others, tell them you'll meet them at the hotel later.

Enjoy your trips!
I hate when this happens. its like the whole day is a waste. :brick: The other side of my family does this constantly when at Disney and they complain about size of the crowd when its like 4. sheesh. I could never do that. When going to disney i have to wake up early and stay up late or i feel cheated.


Well-Known Member
Most years we would get up early and head to the parks. Two of the years we stayed at a deluxe resort and that is when we seemed to sleep a little later. It definitely had to do with the comfort of the room.
"Hey, hey, easy kids. Everybody in the car. Boat leaves in two minutes... or perhaps you don't want to see the second largest ball of twine on the face of the earth, which is only four short hours away?". Clark W. Griswold.

"Hey look kids, there's Big Ben, and there's Parliament"


Well-Known Member
I am NOT a morning person. I love to sleep! I usually sleep till just before noon. My mom is the same as me, BUT, during our last WDW vacation we were not going to spend our mornings sleeping. I set the alarm clock at 6 or 6:30 and litterally dragged myself out of bed every single day wishing my feet weren´t so sore and my body didn´t feel like someone beat me up, but after a good shower I was wide awake and all excited. It´s not like you´re waking up early to go to school or work, come on, it´s WDW! you don´t get up early cause u paid tons of money, you do it because you know you´ll have a blast!


Well-Known Member
sometimes it can be a good thing though, on our trip last year in January, it was all adults, no kids so mom and dad, my sister, and brother, and each with our significant others. Brother dad and I are all early risers, so we met up at the Cafe at Wilderness Lodge everymorning for coffee a little breakfast and some great catching up while the girls, (and my sisters husband) all slept a little longer or got ready. We were still at the parks plenty early, and as my dad is getting older and my brother lives in florida and i in texas, I wouldn't give up that time together for anything. Even that time can be truly magical.


Active Member
In my family i'm the one who gets up first, my younger brother and sister (18 and 22) have been known to sleep in as late as 10 or 11am. This really used to bother me because in all the times we have visited, we have never ever made a rope drop :(

This changed last year when i got fed up of waiting and announced to my parents that i was going to the park and they could meet me when the siblings had moved from their beds. My mum ended up coming with me and we made the rope drop at Magic Kingdom and met so many more characters than we normally do without standing in line for too long. My dad finally turned up at 12 with my brother and sister and was not happy that my mum and I had been running all over Mk while he got the others out of bed. This year he said hes going to leave them in bed and join us in the parks :)

The way I see it is, we fly from the Uk once a year for 14 days in Disney, that leaves 351 days in the year to sleep in at home.


Well-Known Member
when i went with my parents when i was younger we used to get up super early and go to the parks, now that we have been more we started to sleep in untill about 9, later go for breakfast, do something non park related (mini golf and the wee boats were a favourite!) but this changed when we went on our honeymoon, jen had not been since she was a kid, and when we got there she turned in to one lol (a nice one hehe) she was so excited up at 7 am everyday and off to the parks, she is not even a night time person but we stayed right to the end everynight... it was awesome but to be fair i think i needed a vacation after disney lol :wave:


Well-Known Member
My wife and I believe you can sleep on the plane, when at Disney live it up and take it all in. First in line for the busses is our goal.


Well-Known Member
I'd say it's a blessing. I really really enjoy touring the parks solo. Of course I love going with other people, but solo touring is fun. I mean I wouldn't want to go to the parks all day by myself, but for a few hours it's fantastic.

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