Sky sports in Orlando


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Original Poster
This is a sad question when i'm thinking of football but i will be missing a couple of crucial games whilst on my holiday......does anyone know of any bars that show english football on sky sports? I haven't mentioned this to my other half so hopefully if thee is i could sneak out at some point!!! :fork: :hammer:


New Member
Some bars on I-drive show UK football games and England internationals. Some are ticket only and during Euro 2004 some bars were charging $25 to get in. The Cricketers and Fridays sports bar are a good bet.


New Member
Original Poster
they are both on I-Drive yes..........and how far is that from Pop Century Hotel in disney would you say?
Thanks for your help!!!


Well-Known Member
I guess that would be more to do with which US sport networks pick up UK games. Sky Sports is broadcast from Astra which only covers Europe. So a US network would either have to get tapes I guess, or have someone re-broadcast it over the Atlantic. In either case, it wouldn't be Sky Sports.

Disney is about 20-30 minutes down I4 from International-Drive, IIRC


New Member
You are supposed to be on a break - enjoy the freedom from the shackles of "having to watch TV". This is applicable to both soap addicts as well as sports fiends. :wave:

Just my thoughts :D


Well-Known Member
How about taping it? You can easily avoid the result until you get home?

If it is Manchester United, I guess the chance of it being shown over there has just increased a bit.


New Member
i watch quite of few games here in florida on fox sports net. also most pubs in the states have satelitte to watch footie. if i think of an orlando pub, will note it here for you. will ask my parents, they still live in orlando.


Well-Known Member
GaryNorris777 said:
This is a sad question when i'm thinking of football but i will be missing a couple of crucial games whilst on my holiday......does anyone know of any bars that show english football on sky sports? I haven't mentioned this to my other half so hopefully if thee is i could sneak out at some point!!! :fork: :hammer:

Wanna borrow a video recorder :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Whenever I have visited the Rose & Crown at Epcot the lads who work behind the bar always seemed to know what the scores were from the UK. Might be worth asking them when you're in Epcot. :wave:

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