I really want the look of Kong from the 2005 movie if there could only be one thing from the 2005 movie added into the ride. The look gave Kong more f a backstory as well as making him look fantastic. The scratches, scars, and bits of hair torn of him told you that he's been beat up and been in many fights and still goes on to live another day because he has the will and brute strength to win. Also since Legendary is now with Universal and they are making the Skull Island film together, I only thought of one thing and that was Godzilla. Now many people have been speculating on Kong v Zilla but as a fan of both KK and GZ I don't want that to happen. But as a curious fan you get to thinking well now since Uni basically has the rights to Zilla now since they will be releasing a sequel in 2016 or 2017 could there be potential for a Zilla attraction at Uni? Of course my mind goes straight to the Studios and right over to Disaster and the SF section of the park, which is where most of Zilla 2014 takes place in. Could there be that potential?