Should MK replace pirates?


Well-Known Member
They missed that boat. The high school musical success was the perfect time to relaunch something like this or Mickey Mouse Club.
Oh gawd. High School Musical...I had to watch that movie everyday one summer because I was babysitting my two young cousins. It was that and the movie Cars, but mostly just High School Musical. Everyday. An entire summer and that was all they wanted to watch. I must have blocked it out of my mind from being traumatized because I don't remember the movie at all.


Well-Known Member
Well Pirates at MK is not so great compared to others. If they replaced pirates at DL that'd be a completely different story. Pirates at MK and its history are totally embarrassing. Misinterpreting demand then rushing in a cheap fast tracked halfass clone? Embarrassing!
I don't understand why people keep dragging other park's ride versions into discussions like this. There are many people, including myself, who have never been to DLR, so the only frame of reference we have is the WDW version of POTC, which many of us happen to like. If you want to get into the DLR vs WDW discussion-sure, some people think DLR POTC is better. But, many people who have been to both parks will tell you that WDW's HM is better, WDW's Space Mountain is better-does that mean they should replace these rides at DLR? Not to mention the fact that WDW has the People Mover, CoP and Country Bear Jamboree, all of which DLR does not have anymore. The fact is that PoTC at MK has been around for all but the first 2 years of WDW, making it a classic, beloved attraction that should not be bulldozed for "better" technology and 100 screens. And calling a decision made 44 years ago "embarassing?" :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why people keep dragging other park's ride versions into discussions like this. There are many people, including myself, who have never been to DLR, so the only frame of reference we have is the WDW version of POTC, which many of us happen to like. If you want to get into the DLR vs WDW discussion-sure, some people think DLR POTC is better. But, many people who have been to both parks will tell you that WDW's HM is better, WDW's Space Mountain is better-does that mean they should replace these rides at DLR? Not to mention the fact that WDW has the People Mover, CoP and Country Bear Jamboree, all of which DLR does not have anymore. The fact is that PoTC at MK has been around for all but the first 2 years of WDW, making it a classic, beloved attraction that should not be bulldozed for "better" technology and 100 screens. And calling a decision made 44 years ago "embarassing?" :rolleyes:
I strongly feel that the difference between the pirates rides in the states are so big that no, it shouldn't be protected.

You need to go to Disneyland. And yes the HM is better in Orlando but only by a little bit. Even with the beloved hatbox ghost ( which I feel is very out of place)

If Orlando lost pirates and its replacement was the Shanghai pirates, everyone would eventually be on board. On another note, Disney could bulldoze any attraction in orlando, and still not feel much of a backlash as long as its replacement was as good or better.


Well-Known Member
I strongly feel that the difference between the pirates rides in the states are so big that no, it shouldn't be protected.

You need to go to Disneyland. And yes the HM is better in Orlando but only by a little bit. Even with the beloved hatbox ghost ( which I feel is very out of place)

If Orlando lost pirates and its replacement was the Shanghai pirates, everyone would eventually be on board. On another note, Disney could bulldoze any attraction in orlando, and still not feel much of a backlash as long as its replacement was as good or better.

I have always been of the opinion that, if it is a "classic" attraction, unless rider numbers are very low, or it is expensive to keep it operational, it shouldn't be replaced. I would love to have an attraction at WDW that utilizes the same technology as Pirates in Shanghai, or Mystic Manor in Hong Kong, but based on another IP and not replace a current, popular, viable attraction. Expansions/additions will always be better than replacements, IMO. Obviously, if changes are made, you either have to eventually accept them and move on, or stop visiting WDW, but nostalgia and memories are a powerful motivator for repeat visits to WDW, and to some, it feels like a part of their past is being ripped from them every time a long-standing attraction at WDW is replaced. There are still people who have not gotten over losing Mr. Toad, 20000 Leagues and Horizons.
Also, I will visit DLR sometime in the future-just have to convince my DW and DD, as they are only interested in WDW.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why people keep dragging other park's ride versions into discussions like this. There are many people, including myself, who have never been to DLR, so the only frame of reference we have is the WDW version of POTC, which many of us happen to like. If you want to get into the DLR vs WDW discussion-sure, some people think DLR POTC is better. But, many people who have been to both parks will tell you that WDW's HM is better, WDW's Space Mountain is better-does that mean they should replace these rides at DLR? Not to mention the fact that WDW has the People Mover, CoP and Country Bear Jamboree, all of which DLR does not have anymore. The fact is that PoTC at MK has been around for all but the first 2 years of WDW, making it a classic, beloved attraction that should not be bulldozed for "better" technology and 100 screens. And calling a decision made 44 years ago "embarassing?" :rolleyes:
I would never want to see our Pirates replaced...only upgraded...which it really needs. After riding the one in Disneyland I can never look at ours the same. It is WAY better. The queue in Orlando is definitely better but that's it. I think the expansion of it is the only viable option at this point.
As for Mansion...yes MK's is better...but Space Mountain? Not even close. While people like the drops on the original, Disnelyand's is longer, smoother, far more comfortable, and definitely more modern. I'd pick theirs over ours any day. That being said, I don't think either coast should lose rides just because one might be better than the other, or one is the 'original' and the other is just a cheap clone. Most people will never visit both resorts...and an even higher number will never visit the parks overseas.

Getting back on topic...All this talk of Shanghai's and hearing how amazing it is makes me want it...or at least the ride system utilized using an exciting IP...but new build - not a replacement. Either using the system in DHS or DAK would make sense.


Well-Known Member
Should Disney replace pirates at MK with pirates at SDL? I think they should. Admittedly, seeing all the other versions of PotC has changed my view of the attraction at MK. Something that shouldn't have happened but alas. Anyways, my question is: should the version of PotC at MK be replaced with the version in Shanghai? I loved the one in SDL and it is right next to Sinbad and 20k at TDS as my favorite dark rides.

I would be open to a replacement, but I think I would be more on board if the new version utilized the Shanghai system but played out differently story-wise. At the same time (and I know this would never happen), I'd be open to a new, original attraction if it surpassed the WDW PotC in quality and was still animatronic-heavy (either a dark ride or a dark/thrill ride hybrid). I understand the argument that people on the North coast may only ever ride WDW PotC, but that doesn't change the fact that WDW PotC is a subpar imitation of DL's PotC, and isn't on the level of more innovative updates like Shanghai's PotC. I would love to see Adventureland get a brand new, original dark ride (along the lines of Sinbad in Tokyo) and I don't think most casual guests would begrudge the replacement, especially in a park like MK where so many classics are intact. Obviously this would never happen (or at least, not for a very long time) but if we're talking blue sky, I think one of the WDW classic dark rides is going to need a replacement or overhaul eventually, and I would prefer PotC (or Peter Pan) to HM.


Well-Known Member
I just watched the Shanghai version for the first time. It was good, but I agree with others in that I like how each park is unique. So I say no on changing it, but I would love to visit SDL sometime and I've actually been trying to talk my husband into it.
, WDW's Space Mountain is better

How do you figure that?
It's rickety, bumpy as all get out and the seating is wholly unacceptable with that asinine single file tandem style. I hate that pile of rocky road course.

DL's has a way smoother track and the rockets have on board sound system. The track layout is light-years better too as well as better looking ride vehicle.

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