Should I experience Magic Kingdom on Christmas Day?


Original Poster
I will be a new Disney/Seaworld/ Universal traveler come December.

I'm looking through this absolutely beautiful site called Undercover Traveler for research, and to buy my tickets in a few days,but I'm stumped on some things. While I intend to use their planner on when to go to what attractions etc I don't know what I should do about Christmas Day and Magic Kingdom.

My vacation is from Sat December 21 to December 31. While that is technically ten days I don't count the 21 or the 31. My flight gets in to late(8pm), and I leave to early (7am). So I really only have eight days to visit Disney,Seaworld and Universal as well as throw in some kayaking and water skiing on my next to last day elsewhere.

I'm going to buy the base ticket for three parks. I was going to get Magic Kingdom out of the way first(Sunday morning on the 22) since that's the park I've always wanted to go to. However my vacation is right smack int the middle of crazy,but beautiful Christmas madness.

Basically should I do one of the OTHER two parks from my base ticket, and wait to do Magic Kingdom EXACTLY on Christmas Day(25) because I bet it will be extra amazing on that day.

Also since I'm only getting the base(3) I can't go to one of the parks. MK is definitely in, but I don't know what to choose with the other three.

I love animals, and I have a fondness for zoo's where I can see wilder ones up close. The safari also interest me greatly as does the things to do from Pandora from Avatar. Anything to do with the Lion King is also something I would like to see.

However Epcot seems interesting to. A lot of semi traveling to other countries, tasting their food, and space experiences. I'm very intrigued.

The only thing that MILDLY interest me from the Hollywood park is Star Wars,but even mild interest is still interest,and apparently this is the first time it will be there to so that would be something extra special to see.

To the ones who have experienced these three parks which ones should I absolutely not miss out on since I can only choose two.

Thanks 😊


Well-Known Member
Granted I never been on a holiday (does the week before Thanksgiving and April vacation count), the videos I've seen of MK on Christmas Day are crazy. So if you like bumper to bumper people traffic with tens of thousands of your best friends, go for it. I would go to AK though, probably less crazy but smaller pathways.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the above post, Animal Kingdom is def probably your best bet. Especially with nice whether like December, normally when I’d go to Animal it’s extremely hot and unenjoyable. And if you’re into The Lion King things, this year is the perfect time to go since they’re celebrating their 25th anniversary of the movie. I’d recommend the Festival of The Lion King & Rivers of Light (not directly related to TLK, but has a good portion of the show.) if you’ve got some time to spare with the shows.
Like mentioned before Animal is likely your best bet for the time of year you’re going. Good luck on deciding and hope you enjoy your vacation! 🙂


Well-Known Member
I would absolutely choose the MK on the 22nd instead. It's the best bet you have at a reasonable crowd level. The 22nd is the date of the last Christmas party. The park will be closing early that day with no night entertainment. Your first impulse will be to avoid it that day because of the early close, but that's why the crowds will be lower. Christmas Day in the MK will be frustrating. If you're OK with doing your 3 FP rides and leaving, do Christmas Day. If you want to have a shot at doing other things, go on the 22nd.


Well-Known Member
I actually go to magic Kingdom every Christmas eve and have found the crowds to be manabele. It's more like summer but perfect weather and you get to experience the Disney magic holidays. Now the period between December 26 and January 3, you couldn't pay me lol


I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
I would absolutely choose the MK on the 22nd instead. It's the best bet you have at a reasonable crowd level. The 22nd is the date of the last Christmas party. The park will be closing early that day with no night entertainment. Your first impulse will be to avoid it that day because of the early close, but that's why the crowds will be lower. Christmas Day in the MK will be frustrating. If you're OK with doing your 3 FP rides and leaving, do Christmas Day. If you want to have a shot at doing other things, go on the 22nd.
All good advice, but in this case, remember that "reasonable" is relative. That Sunday, the 22d, will likely see most, if not ALL of the locals heading to the MK during the shortened day to see the Christmas finery displayed, because they know that (a) the party usually depresses attendance and (b) the 25th usually sees some level of capacity controls implemented.

I would actually recommend the 24th since, although local kids are out of school, most parents still have to work mid-week and anyone planning to go on the 25th will likely be in another park that day.

As for whether or not to visit Epcot -- where do you live? If you live in Europe or the Middle East, skip it; you get Epcot on a daily basis already.


Well-Known Member
I've never been on Christmas Day but have on Independence Day and New Year's Eve and it is insane. Park generally closes at some point during the day for capacity limits and lines are ridiculously long (3 hours for PoTC). On the other hand it's something you might want to experience at least once. For us it was very cool being there both of those days. We would just never do it again.


Well-Known Member
This was Christmas 2013 line to enter MK. We decided to go to AK instead. Best Decision Ever!


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Well-Known Member
I've done Christmas day and although it was very packed it was not as bad as New year's eve. If you go in with a plan you can get many things done. Rope drop is a must in that case. I would trey to get my fast passes for 11am and later.


Well-Known Member
I will be a new Disney/Seaworld/ Universal traveler come December.

I'm looking through this absolutely beautiful site called Undercover Traveler for research, and to buy my tickets in a few days,but I'm stumped on some things. While I intend to use their planner on when to go to what attractions etc I don't know what I should do about Christmas Day and Magic Kingdom.

My vacation is from Sat December 21 to December 31. While that is technically ten days I don't count the 21 or the 31. My flight gets in to late(8pm), and I leave to early (7am). So I really only have eight days to visit Disney,Seaworld and Universal as well as throw in some kayaking and water skiing on my next to last day elsewhere.

I'm going to buy the base ticket for three parks. I was going to get Magic Kingdom out of the way first(Sunday morning on the 22) since that's the park I've always wanted to go to. However my vacation is right smack int the middle of crazy,but beautiful Christmas madness.

Basically should I do one of the OTHER two parks from my base ticket, and wait to do Magic Kingdom EXACTLY on Christmas Day(25) because I bet it will be extra amazing on that day.

Also since I'm only getting the base(3) I can't go to one of the parks. MK is definitely in, but I don't know what to choose with the other three.

I love animals, and I have a fondness for zoo's where I can see wilder ones up close. The safari also interest me greatly as does the things to do from Pandora from Avatar. Anything to do with the Lion King is also something I would like to see.

However Epcot seems interesting to. A lot of semi traveling to other countries, tasting their food, and space experiences. I'm very intrigued.

The only thing that MILDLY interest me from the Hollywood park is Star Wars,but even mild interest is still interest,and apparently this is the first time it will be there to so that would be something extra special to see.

To the ones who have experienced these three parks which ones should I absolutely not miss out on since I can only choose two.

Thanks 😊
This is the phase closing thread from last year on Christmas - some great info/photos from those who were there:


Well-Known Member
We never did the Christmas Day excursion. However, one year our trip did happen to run into the weekend before Christmas. We had one more day left on our tickets, so we decided to hit Magic Kingdom up one more time. I remember pulling into the parking lot around 11:00AM and seeing the cars almost to the farthest lots. There wasn't a ride that was less than a 45 minute wait; most were over an hour. It was a beautiful day, but the park was crammed elbow to elbow. Probably will never do it again until I get grandchildren.


Premium Member
I will be a new Disney/Seaworld/ Universal traveler come December.

I'm looking through this absolutely beautiful site called Undercover Traveler for research, and to buy my tickets in a few days,but I'm stumped on some things. While I intend to use their planner on when to go to what attractions etc I don't know what I should do about Christmas Day and Magic Kingdom.

My vacation is from Sat December 21 to December 31. While that is technically ten days I don't count the 21 or the 31. My flight gets in to late(8pm), and I leave to early (7am). So I really only have eight days to visit Disney,Seaworld and Universal as well as throw in some kayaking and water skiing on my next to last day elsewhere.

I'm going to buy the base ticket for three parks. I was going to get Magic Kingdom out of the way first(Sunday morning on the 22) since that's the park I've always wanted to go to. However my vacation is right smack int the middle of crazy,but beautiful Christmas madness.

Basically should I do one of the OTHER two parks from my base ticket, and wait to do Magic Kingdom EXACTLY on Christmas Day(25) because I bet it will be extra amazing on that day.

Also since I'm only getting the base(3) I can't go to one of the parks. MK is definitely in, but I don't know what to choose with the other three.

I love animals, and I have a fondness for zoo's where I can see wilder ones up close. The safari also interest me greatly as does the things to do from Pandora from Avatar. Anything to do with the Lion King is also something I would like to see.

However Epcot seems interesting to. A lot of semi traveling to other countries, tasting their food, and space experiences. I'm very intrigued.

The only thing that MILDLY interest me from the Hollywood park is Star Wars,but even mild interest is still interest,and apparently this is the first time it will be there to so that would be something extra special to see.

To the ones who have experienced these three parks which ones should I absolutely not miss out on since I can only choose two.

Thanks 😊

You won't see any of the Christmas finery, LOL. We went on Christmas day and we couldn't even see the popcorn carts through the crowd once the crowds started coming in. They opened the park at 7 am though, and if you're willing to be at the park by 6:45 am on Christmas morning, you'll have a good 2-3 hours of perfect park crowd levels. When the masses come though,.... it's just a sea of people. We could hardly even see the sidewalk.

It really depends on your tolerance for crowds and whether or not you're a morning person or a night owl. I'm not huge on crowds but I'm an early riser so getting there at an obscenely early rope drop worked for me. My ex husband is not huge on crowds and is a night owl, and I'm pretty sure he'd rather eat his spleen than go back to Disney on Christmas day.

I have a link in my signature for my trip report from Christmas day if you want to see what it was like and decide for yourself though.


Original Poster
Two potential plans: Which one will maximize what I want to do. If it helps I have very,very minimum rides( strong aversions to high drops and motion sickness) and I will not be dining.


Disney 3 Day Base. No park hopper or water parks. MK, Animal Kingdom, Epcot.

Fast Pass enabled. Will get magic bands as well. Since my biggest reason for going to Florida is to see Disney I definitely want to know which of these two plans seem to be better for the above three parks.

What I intend to do in my one day till closing at MK. Will be using Undercover Traveler's park plans.

Peter Pans Flight
A Pirates Adventure Treasures of The Seven Seas
Cinderella's Castle(really want to do this because when I think of Disney this is what comes to mind)
Frontier shooting Arcade(maybe)
Haunted Mansion Attraction
Jungle Cruise Attraction(really want to do this)
Liberty Square Riverboat
Mickey's Magic Attraction
Pirates of the Caribbean Attraction(really want to do this)
Sorcerer's of Magic Kingdom
Tommorowland Tourist Authority People Mover. Undercover tourist said this would be good to do if you don't want to do space mountain. It takes you through without the roller coaster part.
Under The Sea Journey of the Little Mermaid(really want to do this)
Walt Disney Carousal of Progress
It's a Small WorldAattraction

Shows at MK I want to see:
Disney Festival of Fantasy
Happily Ever After
Once Upon a Time
The Royal Majesty Makers

Ariel at her Grotto
Tinkerbell at town square theater
Elsa although apparently she's at Epcot.

Seaworld Discovery Cove with Dolphin Swim Package comes with breakfast,lunch, and dinner in the package.
I plan to be waiting when the gates open to do this first thing. I also plan to get Seaworld's version of the fast pass.
Seaworld Orlando

Universal 2 day with Hogwarts express. Universal Studios and Island of Adventure.
Plan to get their version of fast pass.

Plan A:

Sunday Dec 22- Discovery Cove with Dolphin Swim. On Undercover Traveler it's in the red everyday I'm there lol. Not a green check mark to be found so I thought I might as well get it out of the way before Christmas week then.

Monday Dec 23-Magic Kingdom- Neutral no red or green marks. I also thought it best not to do this on the 22 Sun because the park closes early, and I think I'll be able to experience every thing in my above list if I'm there on a day it stay open at its regular hours.

Tue Dec 24 Christmas Eve Animal Kingdom(green check)

Wed Dec 25 Christmas Day Epcot (Neutral no red or green marks).If MK will be very crowded on Christmas Day then does that mean Epcot would be more manageable on Christmas? Or is Epcot like MK on Christmas Day? Also I want to see the candlelight progressional and it seems to be nicer to see on Christmas. I also want to do some of the countries to taste their food.

Thur Dec 26 Seaworld(Neutral no red or green marks).

Friday Dec 27 Aquatica(wasn't even on the crowd map to begin with).

Sat Dec 28 Universal Island Adventure(green check)

Sun Dec 29 Universal Studios Florida(green check)

Plan B

Sunday Dec 22- Discovery Cove with Dolphin Swim. On Undercover Traveler it's in the red everyday I'm there lol. Not a green check mark to be found so I thought I might as well get it out of the way before Christmas week then.

Monday Dec 23-Universal Florida(green check)

Tue Dec 24 Christmas Eve Animal Kingdom(green check)

Wed Dec 25 Christmas Day- Universal Island Adventure(green check)

Thur Dec 26- Magic Kingdom(green check). Makes sense I guess since it's the day AFTER Christmas so all the mad crowds would have went the day before on Christmas Day. Plus parents might have to go back to work so everyone would be leaving to go back home also making the crowds better the day after Christmas. Or am I way off base and it's just as crowded as Christmas Day?

Friday Dec 27,-Aquatica

Sat Dec 28-Seaworld(green check)

Sun Dec 29- Epcot(green check)

Last day plans regardless of Plan A or B:

Monday Dec Monday 30- Kayaking at Weeki Wachi.
Orlando Water Sport Complex- Waterski/Tubing.
If I have time I plan to go to Downtown Celebration and Ice at Gaylord Palms.

Tue Dec 31 Go Home. Flight at 7:00 a.m.


Well-Known Member
I'm doing it. I may live to regret it, but I have always dreamed of Christmas Day at Magic Kingdom. We're going with very low expectations of riding many rides. Our plan is to use our three fastpasses for the mountains, which we have at good times, see the parade, eat at Be Our Guest (found a lunch reservation), and enjoy the Dapper Dans. Anything extra is bonus.


Well-Known Member
I'm doing it. I may live to regret it, but I have always dreamed of Christmas Day at Magic Kingdom. We're going with very low expectations of riding many rides. Our plan is to use our three fastpasses for the mountains, which we have at good times, see the parade, eat at Be Our Guest (found a lunch reservation), and enjoy the Dapper Dans. Anything extra is bonus.

Victor Kelly

Well-Known Member
Been there on Christmas day in MK. Avoid MK like it is a plague ridden zombie infested nightmare. Any other oark will be way better. Epcot or Ak are the beat bets because they are bigger parks.


Well-Known Member
I will be a new Disney/Seaworld/ Universal traveler come December.

I'm looking through this absolutely beautiful site called Undercover Traveler for research, and to buy my tickets in a few days,but I'm stumped on some things. While I intend to use their planner on when to go to what attractions etc I don't know what I should do about Christmas Day and Magic Kingdom.

My vacation is from Sat December 21 to December 31. While that is technically ten days I don't count the 21 or the 31. My flight gets in to late(8pm), and I leave to early (7am). So I really only have eight days to visit Disney,Seaworld and Universal as well as throw in some kayaking and water skiing on my next to last day elsewhere.

I'm going to buy the base ticket for three parks. I was going to get Magic Kingdom out of the way first(Sunday morning on the 22) since that's the park I've always wanted to go to. However my vacation is right smack int the middle of crazy,but beautiful Christmas madness.

Basically should I do one of the OTHER two parks from my base ticket, and wait to do Magic Kingdom EXACTLY on Christmas Day(25) because I bet it will be extra amazing on that day.

Also since I'm only getting the base(3) I can't go to one of the parks. MK is definitely in, but I don't know what to choose with the other three.

I love animals, and I have a fondness for zoo's where I can see wilder ones up close. The safari also interest me greatly as does the things to do from Pandora from Avatar. Anything to do with the Lion King is also something I would like to see.

However Epcot seems interesting to. A lot of semi traveling to other countries, tasting their food, and space experiences. I'm very intrigued.

The only thing that MILDLY interest me from the Hollywood park is Star Wars,but even mild interest is still interest,and apparently this is the first time it will be there to so that would be something extra special to see.

To the ones who have experienced these three parks which ones should I absolutely not miss out on since I can only choose two.

Thanks 😊
It sounds like you have your choice already made! I'd leave out DHS if you prefer DAK. Epcot is unique and has a lot of great things to offer that runs counter to Galaxy's Edge and Toy Story or the thrill corner of RnR/ToT. Whichever parks you go to, you're going to have a great time.

Though it's good to see you're getting out before New Year's Eve. Was at MK on Dec 31 one year and it was arguably one of my least fun experiences on property. They gave out noisemakers to everyone and there was a constant, overlapping din of awful for an entire day. Not enough advil in the World, evidently!

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