Amelia Gronvall
New Member
Should I bring a friend with me to Disney?
My family and I are planning on going next year...We have been there twice, but it was a while back (i.e. When my sister and I were young enough to not remember ALL of Disney) further more, Disney has added SOOO much since we last visited. Given the long span of time between our last visit and next year (14 yrs) Disney will be pretty much new to me so I am in no place to be an expert or a tour guide for my friend-But I know the basics and enough about Disney that there wouldn't be any kind of problems like getting lost or omething...
Aside from that, I want my friend to experience Disney World...She has never gone in her life, and, under given circumstances, probably won't ever be able to...Her personality and likes/dislikes match a lot of ours, so there won't be any kind of clashing-diet, preferences, or religion wise...But, on one hand, that still doesn't mean that we don't have "slight" differences. But by no means severe enough to cause fights or disgruntled feelings.
I just have felt such a desire to do this...After having a conversation about Disney and hearing how she would feel in Disney; my heart broke. It made me think back on how I got to experience the magic as a kid, and all of that other wonderful stuff in Disney. Secondly, I feel like she deserves it so much...Due to some things she has been through and is currently dealing with.
But here comes the selfish part of me, I guess...I want to make sure I'm not "over romanticizing" the idea, and I would want to consider how my family would feel. We are all very close to my friend, so it isn't like it's one sided...But as I always say, everything has its pros and cons.
Since (as I stated previously) it has been such a long time since my family and I have visited Disney, we'll want to experience it to its fullest. And now we'll have to, in some ways, make "a way" for our friend. And not to mention, the possibility of (maybe whose to say?) doing some things in Disney that she would want to do that we could care less for. Lastly, it's an added expense.
Then again, I do feel that it would be mostly a grand experience. Sometimes I think we are all selfish as human beings and would rather have things "all to ourselves" and not have to "put aside time" "make an effort" or "share wondrous things" with our friends...(haha I'm by no means trying to put everyone in the same category as me, I just got this from an insightful video-about how needy people aren't a problem).
Anyways. Long story short, have any people out there had similar experiences? (I have been saying that word a lot lol) with bringing a friend? Was it good? Bad? Did anything go astray or not as "planned"?
Thanks for taking the time to read this and for answering it. Sorry if anything is confusing in this post, sometimes I do a bad job writing my thoughts down! XD
My family and I are planning on going next year...We have been there twice, but it was a while back (i.e. When my sister and I were young enough to not remember ALL of Disney) further more, Disney has added SOOO much since we last visited. Given the long span of time between our last visit and next year (14 yrs) Disney will be pretty much new to me so I am in no place to be an expert or a tour guide for my friend-But I know the basics and enough about Disney that there wouldn't be any kind of problems like getting lost or omething...
Aside from that, I want my friend to experience Disney World...She has never gone in her life, and, under given circumstances, probably won't ever be able to...Her personality and likes/dislikes match a lot of ours, so there won't be any kind of clashing-diet, preferences, or religion wise...But, on one hand, that still doesn't mean that we don't have "slight" differences. But by no means severe enough to cause fights or disgruntled feelings.
I just have felt such a desire to do this...After having a conversation about Disney and hearing how she would feel in Disney; my heart broke. It made me think back on how I got to experience the magic as a kid, and all of that other wonderful stuff in Disney. Secondly, I feel like she deserves it so much...Due to some things she has been through and is currently dealing with.
But here comes the selfish part of me, I guess...I want to make sure I'm not "over romanticizing" the idea, and I would want to consider how my family would feel. We are all very close to my friend, so it isn't like it's one sided...But as I always say, everything has its pros and cons.
Since (as I stated previously) it has been such a long time since my family and I have visited Disney, we'll want to experience it to its fullest. And now we'll have to, in some ways, make "a way" for our friend. And not to mention, the possibility of (maybe whose to say?) doing some things in Disney that she would want to do that we could care less for. Lastly, it's an added expense.
Then again, I do feel that it would be mostly a grand experience. Sometimes I think we are all selfish as human beings and would rather have things "all to ourselves" and not have to "put aside time" "make an effort" or "share wondrous things" with our friends...(haha I'm by no means trying to put everyone in the same category as me, I just got this from an insightful video-about how needy people aren't a problem).
Anyways. Long story short, have any people out there had similar experiences? (I have been saying that word a lot lol) with bringing a friend? Was it good? Bad? Did anything go astray or not as "planned"?
Thanks for taking the time to read this and for answering it. Sorry if anything is confusing in this post, sometimes I do a bad job writing my thoughts down! XD