Should Eisner leave?

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I just want to post my 2 cents on this issue....

(1) It is a shame Disney is leaving the company...

(2) It is a shame Disney has had to call for Eisner's outster...

(3) It is a shame that Eisner has let this situation build up to the point that his position in the company is being called into question...

(4) It is a shame that the "Brain Trust" (including Eisner, Disney, and Gold) are no longer on the same team...

(5) It is a shame that pesonality differences could have a direct effect on the company itself...

That said, I hope Eisner does not step down. I hope Eisner takes this as a wake-up call and gets back to the style of leadership we all once knew of him during the Frank Wells years.

Without Roy, who will lead the animation studio? Who will keep the company in check as Vice Chairman?

Eisner has given a boost in recent months to the film division, with hits as Pirates, Haunted Mansion, and Finding Nemo. Eisner has approved the largest construction of new attractions at the parks in recent years.

If Eisner leaves, who could replace him?


New Member
This may be old news to some now, but Gold has resigned also. I think the smartest thing in the interest of the company is for Eisner to do the same.

In the interest of Eisner, I think the company is his and he will have little opposition now. However, the opinions of the public may decide his fate for him now. The smartest thing on Roy's part was to let this be instant public knowledge as fast as possible. Just the fact that he is a Disney will weigh very heavilly in the casual population not as familiar with the company behind the scenes.

Disney is pulling out of Disney? What a world.


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Originally posted by WDWspider
This may be old news to some now, but Gold has resigned also. I think the smartest thing in the interest of the company is for Eisner to do the same.

In the interest of Eisner, I think the company is his and he will have little opposition now. However, the opinions of the public may decide his fate for him now. The smartest thing on Roy's part was to let this be instant public knowledge as fast as possible. Just the fact that he is a Disney will weigh very heavilly in the casual population not as familiar with the company behind the scenes.

Disney is pulling out of Disney? What a world.

If Eisner left Disney now, that would be the WORST thing he could do for the company! Who on Earth could replace him? With no successor, just putting in anyone (who has no idea what he/she is doing) would certainly bring down the company!

Eisner also owns a huge chunk of the company (over 5%). So, it is in Eisner's interest that the company do well.


New Member
Originally posted by PeterAlt
If Eisner left Disney now, that would be the WORST thing he could do for the company! Who on Earth could replace him? With no successor, just putting in anyone (who has no idea what he/she is doing) would certainly bring down the company!

*I am jokingly saying this :lol: *

That is just like Eisner's ideas. Always looking for the immediate fix and never the long term solution.

*a little more serious*

Disney will survive. Eisner really needs to be replaced. Should he wait for a better time... YES. But not that long from now. I wouldn't even hate the idea of him choosing his successor, but it is an issue that needs to be handled and soon. I do disagree that keeping Eisner benefits the company, but I also understand why you say that too. It is very complicated to truly express in a few posts. I think you see both sides of the coin also because of your initial thoughts. There is no easy answer, but one must be found, and I do not feel that Eisner remaining is that answer.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by WDWspider
*I am jokingly saying this :lol: *

That is just like Eisner's ideas. Always looking for the immediate fix and never the long term solution.

*a little more serious*

Disney will survive. Eisner really needs to be replaced. Should he wait for a better time... YES. But not that long from now. I wouldn't even hate the idea of him choosing his successor, but it is an issue that needs to be handled and soon. I do disagree that keeping Eisner benefits the company, but I also understand why you say that too. It is very complicated to truly express in a few posts. I think you see both sides of the coin also because of your initial thoughts. There is no easy answer, but one must be found, and I do not feel that Eisner remaining is that answer.

Yeah, I see what you're saying. But, who could replace him? I tried brainstorming for names, but I could not come up with any. Can anyone here come up with any names on who could replace him?


New Member
Well I think that Eisner has had his chance.

This isnt the first time Disney has told Eisner he should leave. Disney told him a while back and Eisner didnt listen. Then after the first few board members and top level exec. left because of him he should have gotten the clue. I think it is unfair how Eisner and the board pretty much bullied Disney into leaving a company his family started. Disney is in his right mind, he loves the company, and is a Disney himself. I think Eisner has overstayed his welcome. Now that DIsney has left and Gold with him, well if Eisner doesnt leave he is just a real jerk, he is no better then those Enron creeps.

Eisner took a company that cared about its audience and turned it into a greedy, looking to make a buck and nothing else company. He looks at the here and now only and does not care what happens to the company in the future.

I also hate how people say he did wonders for the company in the early 90's. Eisner did none of that, he was running off others ideas. People like Frank Wells who made huge contrubutions to the company.

I think we are seeing a revolution within the Walt DIsney COmpany. I feel this is a call for a change in how disney opperates. The board should see this as a wake up call and a need for the company to go back to its roots and continue with Walts vision for a family company thats not afraid to lose money in the short run if it means making it a better company and make money in the long run.

Eisner has ruined ABC Television and cursed it with poor raitings, made the theme parks less family friendly and "Walt like", and given the Disney brand a "sore eye" in the marketplace.

of course these are just my 2 cents, but I stand with Mr. Disney on this matter. Eisner, your time is up!


Of course he should!!! I don't know of a single person who actually likes Eisner and the way he's directed the company. Me and a few friends were discussing this today at school, we were all saddened by the loss of Roy but Mike Eisner needs to go ASAP. It's terrible that he forced Roy to leave. He is taking the company downhill. Jay Rasulo, or even Steve Jobs, would make great new chairmans. Rasulo has that Disney-spirit and is very interested in the well keeping of the parks. Eisner is the exact opposite. Frank Wells was a great man, since his saddening passing I believe the company has gone down. It doesn't really bring out that Disney magic anymore. I too agree with Blizz, the board should really go back to its roots, and make the company like Walt would want it now.

Out with Eisner!:fork:


New Member
Well I dont know, this entire thing sounds a little shaddy. I think it'll be interesting to see what comes of the board meeting in New York, today and tomorrow


New Member
If Jim Hikk and The Poet are correct, finding a replacement should be no problem... (You need to read his latest article to get what I'm talking about...)


New Member
folks, I guess I'll have to step up and assume my position as CEO.First order of buisness...BAN THOSE PINS, more meet & greet designated "attractions". passholder day.


New Member
Originally posted by NemoRocks78
Of course he should!!! I don't know of a single person who actually likes Eisner and the way he's directed the company. Me and a few friends were discussing this today at school, we were all saddened by the loss of Roy but Mike Eisner needs to go ASAP. It's terrible that he forced Roy to leave. He is taking the company downhill. Jay Rasulo, or even Steve Jobs, would make great new chairmans. Rasulo has that Disney-spirit and is very interested in the well keeping of the parks. Eisner is the exact opposite. Frank Wells was a great man, since his saddening passing I believe the company has gone down. It doesn't really bring out that Disney magic anymore. I too agree with Blizz, the board should really go back to its roots, and make the company like Walt would want it now.

Out with Eisner!:fork:

I agree with all you said except Steve Jobs. He is also as bad as Eisner (just watch Pirates of Silicon Valley). But i think Jay Rasulo would be a good choice, that is if he would want to assume the job. I also think that Al Weiss, would make a good CEO, he has done good things for the parks in spite of Eisners downfall to the company.

Actually, it would not supprise me if Eisner left and Disney came back like he did in the 80's after he tried to take over full control of the comapny.


Well-Known Member
The Eisner Era is over...I think we're due for an admnistrative change any day now...

*crosses fingers, hoping we don't trade in the bad, for someone worst*



When Eisner came in he really saved the company. people forget that. This being said, I do agree that he has had his time in the sun and either should step down, or look at what's being said and change his way of doing things. I'm sure whomever is next to lead the company will follow the same path that Eisner has, do some good and then fade.


Originally posted by lamarvenoy

If you ban those pins, no one will like you. Especially me!!!!!:fork: PINS ROCK!

Just think........Eisner resigns, we're all happy, hoping for a really good new chairman......board calls a press conference, and the new chairman of the Walt Disney Co. is.........PAUL PRESSLER!! With Cynthia Harris a new board member! :eek: :eek: :dazzle:



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by NemoRocks78
....we're all happy, hoping for a really good new chairman......board calls a press conference, and the new chairman of the Walt Disney Co. is.........PAUL PRESSLER!! With Cynthia Harris a new board member! :eek: :eek: :dazzle:


The stuff nightmares are made of.......Pressler and Harris back at Disney?...and with such high positions?....that gives me chills....but I highly doubt such an atrocity could ever occur....

:lookaroun :brick:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by PeterAlt
Eisner has given a boost in recent months to the film division, with hits as Pirates, Haunted Mansion, and Finding Nemo.
Well, kind of. If Haunted Mansion was truly a hit, I feel it should have STOMPED Cat in the Hat over the weekend. Instead, it placed a close second. And don't confuse the talent at Pixar with anything stirring in Eisner's brain.

The old saying "power corrupts - absolute power corrupts absolutely" is certainly taking application to Eisner. I fear he will see Roy's resignation as a sign that he can't be taken down, by anyone. Hopefully not, but...if the board sees this as an opportunity, maybe good things can happen.


New Member
Originally posted by NemoRocks78
If you ban those pins, no one will like you. Especially me!!!!!:fork: PINS ROCK!

Just think........Eisner resigns, we're all happy, hoping for a really good new chairman......board calls a press conference, and the new chairman of the Walt Disney Co. is.........PAUL PRESSLER!! With Cynthia Harris a new board member! :eek: :eek: :dazzle:


Pressler wont come back, he is with Gap, Inc. now and I highly doubt him leaving anytime soon. I also highly doubt Cynthia Harris coming back. But I do have to wonder if the actions taken by Pressler and Harris while with Disney, if they were motivated by Eisner and then Pressler and Harris being the scapegoat.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
I think there is a time for everything, and I think now is the time for Eisner to bow out. The only problem now is, he will look weak to the entire world if he resigns now. Everyone would think he resigned due to those letters. I think that Eisner will resign as a result of this, but it still may be a year off. I would be surprised if he was able to finish out his contract with the company.


New Member
Originally posted by DisneyInsider
I think there is a time for everything, and I think now is the time for Eisner to bow out. The only problem now is, he will look weak to the entire world if he resigns now. Everyone would think he resigned due to those letters. I think that Eisner will resign as a result of this, but it still may be a year off. I would be surprised if he was able to finish out his contract with the company.

I agree, if he left now, he would look like a push over to his "Hollywood friends" and it might be tougher for him to get another job, although with his money, he could retire with a nice sum of cash.

Eisner will be getting a lot more heat in the comming weeks from those on the board, and others in and out of the company.

I know that he is also covering up this as much as he can within the company by doing things such as not posting Roys decision in the Cast Member portal or in the headlines on the portal.
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