Trip Report Shortest Retirement in History? *COMPLETED*

Justin Bieber lasted 2 weeks.

Tom Brady lasted 40 days.

I, Tuvalu, outlasted them both. Not by much, mind you. Yet if not for the encouragement of some forum friends - along with some unusual circumstances - you wouldn’t be reading this.

Unusual circumstances, you say?

Around Thanksgiving my beloved Woody learned his presence was required at a work conference. In Orlando. At Universal.
Just down the road from Walt Disney World.

Woody said I could accompany him if he drove (rather than flew) to Florida. And that we could leave a couple days early and have some Disney time together.

Well you don’t have to ask me twice!

I’d be on my own during the conference. Since the majority of Universal’s attractions don’t appeal to me, it didn’t make sense for me to buy Uni tickets when I could visit WDW for free with my AP. Being solo, I thought it might be fun to do a live trip report so y’all could be my virtual companions!

Turns out I won’t be alone while Woody is occupied after all. Some friends that you have seen in my previous TRs (and one you haven’t) have offered to play with me. I can’t wait!



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Saturday, August 24

Day 7 was here. Our last day of vacation. Allow me to remind you of the background. My entire grumble can be found on page 66, but I have copied the relevant part below.
Frustrated, I decided to check DHS availability for days later in our trip. It wasn't until day 7 (our last park day) that I was given morning return times for my three choices. I booked and paid (also booking Lightning Lane Single Pass for Rise), only somewhat satisfied that I'd gotten what I wanted - but not until our last vacation day. Another item of note is that our park reservation for that day was MK and the system allowed me to book LLMP for DHS anyway. (Of course I then had to go online and switch the MK reservation to DHS. :banghead:)

Will be interesting to see how LLMP works in real time. I'll be posting the result!

Woody made me proud again - our third early entry of the week!


Since we’d missed MMRR on Monday night, it was priority #1.


The above picture was taken at 8:32 am. There were a few dozen people queued outside but the line was not moving.

We waited. And waited.

I’m going to grumble again. Disney promotes early entry as a resort guest benefit. There is a list of which attractions are eligible for early entry for each park. If the attraction is on the list, shouldn’t it be OPEN in time for early entry? Otherwise, where’s the benefit? DHS has been the worst offender during my many visits with Rise, Slinky and RnRc often delayed until regular park opening (or later).

When the line began to move it moved quickly. We guests were being “held outside” until a CM unlocked the door and said the “technical difficulties” < insert eye roll > were over.

I took the next pictures at 8:52.



We walked right into the preshow theater. And at 9 am - regular opening - we were onboard.


Four minutes later Goofy was jazz-handing our goodbye.



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When we were leaving I looked at Woody and said, “Let’s ride again!”

As we approached the entrance the standby wait reflected 50 minutes. We knew that was not possible. There wasn’t a soul in the outdoor queue and the interior queue looked like this ~



We were back onboard in twelve minutes (and that includes the preshow!)



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Next up was our LLSP for Rise of the Resistance.

Woody was on point with his thumbs-ups today!


(And no, I didn’t ask him to pose this way either time. :hilarious:)

We walked right in as the doors to the preshow were closing and had to stand in the back near the exit door.


This was not a problem since we were then first in line for the transport ship!




Thus far a fast and flawless experience!

As we waited in the holding cell, a woman behind us was chatting and was oblivious to the surprise that was about to happen. I nudged Woody so that he could watch her reaction with me.

My picture does not do it justice but she was FREAKED OUT by the laser effect.


She then tried to board in our row until the CM corrected her. That’s why it’s important to remember your assigned color. We’re in a hurry to escape, people!


Apparently she embarrassed one of her companions. :in pain:

This is where our flawless experience ended. The probe droid was not working and Kylo was in B-mode.

It hurts a little more when you’ve paid to ride.


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I remember the first few times we were in Galaxy’s Edge. It was a difficult place to navigate and the (ginormous) Millennium Falcon was hard to find. (Which in retrospect is a positive since the reveal produces such a WOW moment.) Oga’s was a challenge as well.

Entering from Grand Avenue and exiting into Toy Story Land (or vice versa) without getting lost? Impossible.

That was then and this is now. I’ve learned that if I want to get to Toy Story Land from the exit of Rise of the Resistance, I turn left onto the walkway and stay to the right. No veering off the path. It feels like walking in a half circle. And it is surprisingly fast.

Our first LLMP was for Alien Swirling Saucers (not gonna abbreviate 😉).


The ride is much bumpier - and far less smooth - than it used to be. Thus not as fun.


When it was over the Aliens proclaimed, “We are eternally dizzy. Oooh…..”

It was the best part of the ride.


Well-Known Member
OMG, I'm loving these updates!!! Your meal at Topolinos looked incredible although it sounds like your server wasn't exactly what you'd expect from a signature restaurant at WDW! We've only eaten there once since they opened and enjoyed the meal, but I just feel like you can't beat California Grill with those views for a top shelf restaurant at WDW. I hope they change the menu back to a la carte entrees one of these days so that you can return. I love that Woody has been such an early riser this trip to make so many early entries at the parks!!! We'll have to get him to talk to my husband at our next get together about the benefits of it! 🤣 I really wish Disney didn't distort the wait times on their rides because it really does scare off people from entering when it's really a walk on or low wait time. Glad you had so much fun on this day at DHS!!!


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Saturday, con’t

We had some time until the window opened for our next LL. In lieu of recent park developments we knew what we had to do.


And we weren’t the only ones. It was a FULL HOUSE show!!

Fear not, Muppet friends. Don’t let those Monsters scare you. Many of us are wishing for lots of pixie dust 🧚‍♀️ so you can remain in your current home.



Well-Known Member

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Not gonna lie. It was great not having to wait in the sticky hot standby line. The 10 minutes we were in the Lightning Lane was warm enough!

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I think this was my first time riding at the tail end.

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I always look forward to Wheezy’s serenade.

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The only time we ever get to ride Slinky Dog Dash is if we do it at rope drop and rush over there first thing, otherwise the line is ridiculous all day and night. Glad you got to enjoy your LLMP!!!


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Saturday, con’t

Woody said he’d had one of the best mornings at DHS in recent memory. Seven attractions in three hours was quite a feat! He’d worked up an appetite and was ready to eat.

We had placed a mobile order earlier and headed for the restaurant. I sent this picture to Em because at the time she and I were in the throes of watching what would be a disappointing season of a guilty pleasure show.


Our grilled chicken sandwiches and steak fries from ABC Commissary were very tasty. And relaxing in the a/c was much needed.



Premium Member
Our grilled chicken sandwiches and steak fries from ABC Commissary were very tasty. And relaxing in the a/c was much needed
The ABC Commissary was always one of my "go to" places for good a/c in the Studios Park. The food wasn't anything great, although it looks like they've improved a bit with the chicken sandwiches.

By the way, I love Woody's t-shirt!!


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Saturday, con’t

After lunch we departed DHS. Were we on a bus to WL?




We hopped over to MK for two very important reasons. The first was to visit The Confectionery for treats for the Tuva grands and @TrolleyFollower91.

The second was to get ice cream, since we’d yet to have any on this trip!


Woody went with the All American Sundae and I was delighted to see the S’mores Shake was still on the menu. It was even better than the first one I had.

And the view couldn’t be beat!


I did not want us to get caught in the 3 pm (now 2 pm - why?) parade traffic so we hurried out of the park where a WL bus was at the gate waiting for us.

It was a gorgeous afternoon and I couldn’t resist another opportunity for some pool time! Woody opted to read in a comfy chair by the Old Faithful Club.


Thankfully no rain, lightning on the radar or chemical imbalance cut short my time in the water. 😍


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Saturday, con’t

Nothing piqued our interest when we saw tonight’s apps at Happy Hour. We’d planned to return to MK anyway and so decided to head over earlier and grab dinner before doing any attractions.


I wanted to walk through Cinderella Castle. It’s a magical experience I don’t get to do every trip. While on the way I overheard dialogue between a mother and a child about this —


Little kid, pointing down: “What’s that?”
Mom: “Those are train tracks.”

Me, in silent thought: If by train you mean trolley, then yah.




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