Sharing at WDW


New Member
Hi there! My husband and I are planning a trip in Sept. Got a quick question for ya. When we go out to eat, we usually split an appetizer and then split a meal. We both get plenty to eat, don't feel obligated to tote around smelly styrofoam boxes for hours, and it is cheaper. What restaurants at WDW would you suggest this strategy at(or think it wouldn't be looked down upon) and which ones should we avoid? Obviously buffets are out. Thanks for the feedback.
Welcome to the Magic.

Unless there is a specifice plate charge for splitting, then no one will say anything at any of the restaurants. You may, however, have some uphappy servers whose livelihood comes from tips. Hopefully, though you service should be expected to be the same....go for it.
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New Member

Since you say you get an appetizer and a meal and share both, you could just have one of you order the appetizer (as a meal - my mom often does that b/c they're usually big enough for her to eat as a whole meal) and then one of you can order the meal and it'd still be like you're ordering 2 dishes...

Not that they should judge you since you may not be as hungry at that given time so it's not like servers can say "you should be eating more, it's mealtime", but definitely show your appreciation for their service by thanking them and leaving a nice tip. (unless of course, their actual service was less than par)

However, that there may be restaurants that charge a little extra for splitting (it's usually noted somewhere on the menu), and if that's the case, I would be honest and let them know you're splitting the meals so they can charge appropriately.

Have fun!
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Original Poster
Thanks guys! The tipping thing is a nonissue for us since I have been a server/bartender before. We are always great tippers regardless. :) I'd still love some suggestions of favorite full-service restaurants with good appetizers.
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Okay now that we have the first issue out the way.....

Take a look at
They have a comprehensive list of all the WDW restaurants and recent menus. Just as a reminder, many of the restaurants, like California Grill and Flying Fish, change their menus weekly.

My personal favorites: Flying Fish, Brown Derby, Spoodles, Portabello Yacht Club, Le Cellier and Chefs de France. I love eating and thank God I still have a high metabolism.

If you have any more questions, do not hesitate....Happy eating:slurp: :slurp: :slurp: :slurp:
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New Member
All of the above sounds reasonable to me.

My question is are there restaurants that have a specific plate charge for splitting, or that charge a little extra for splitting? Does anyone have a list of them? I had understood that just like ordering from the kid's menu, it was okay all over WDW to request one meal be brought on two plates. Maybe the situation has changed or I didn't really focus on this question before. Can anyone shed some light on this?

BTW, WendyOkada, it's great to "read" from you again. Have you been gone, or maybe I have? :animwink:
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I actually don't think any of the WDW restaurants have a plate charge, but I am not 100% on that and don't want to give out wrong information. So I qualified my statements with the whole plate charge thing.

And again, my cousin gets all the love.........
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New Member
No problem. I'd just like to help answer the original poster's question:
What restaurants at WDW would you suggest this strategy at(or think it wouldn't be looked down upon) and which ones should we avoid?
Of course your cousin gets all the love, mine does too! :lol:
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New Member
I'm like Rodney Dangerfield. I get no respect.

"My wife, how can I trust her? When my kid was born, four guys gave me cigars!"

"Oh, when I was a kid, I was poor. I used to sleep six in one bed. I didn't know what it was to sleep alone until I got married!"
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Sharing Suggestions

My friend and I do this all the time. The portions at most restaurants are so large that it's easily enough food for 2 full servings, it saves money, and for us, over-full stomachs and the fast pace/heat/motion of rides don't mix!!! Two of our favorite places we do this is 50s Prime Time in MGM. We get the fried chicken meal and tell them we're splitting. They always offer to "upsize" the chicken to 2 (very large) chicen instead of one breast and one leg. Then they split the mashed potatoes and green been servings between us. Even shared it's a challenge to eat it all. We've often left some behind just so we had enough room for dessert!!! Another place that you'll have great sharing success is Liberty Tree Tavern in the Magic Kingdom. We asked to share their traditional Thanksgiving meal platter. A server came by and brought our plates. We actually waited for a few moments until our waitress came back, at which time we said, "We think there's been a mistake we wanted to share the meal." She laughed and said - no mistake we divided the portions in the kitchen onto two plates. We had SO MUCH FOOD!!! I was thankful that we didn't even consider getting individual meals. There's a place in the Sunshine Food Fair in Epcot that serves a spaghetti, salad, breadstick, and giant cookie's another of our standard "sharing" meals. I think the places where you'll run into problems sharing will be the buffets. Hope this helps!
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New Member
That's good information tltcats. Welcome to the boards from another newcomer!

Besides the buffets, you seem to be saying one meal / two plates is okay. That's very encouraging. :sohappy:
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Hey. Don't worry about thread drift. I think we are all guilty of getting way off topic. As you can see, someone is usually lucid enough to reel everyone back in.

Oh........and it was really funny by the way
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New Member
Originally posted by billybaruch1
BTW, WendyOkada, it's great to "read" from you again. Have you been gone, or maybe I have? :animwink:

How nice of you to notice... I have to take these boards in chunks... I obsess for a while, and then my eyeballs start to fall out (or get stuck open, staring at the screen) so I have to take a little break to get some color back in my skin by going outside... ha ha ha.

But as my dear cousin said, we're down to 40-something days away so I have to get my Disney fix again to get me revved up to go (or thoroughly annoyed by rude and insensitive comments - ha ha).

Thanks for the welcome back!:wave:
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New Member
Originally posted by Kaleigh
Hi there! My husband and I are planning a trip in Sept. Got a quick question for ya. When we go out to eat, we usually split an appetizer and then split a meal. We both get plenty to eat, don't feel obligated to tote around smelly styrofoam boxes for hours, and it is cheaper. What restaurants at WDW would you suggest this strategy at(or think it wouldn't be looked down upon) and which ones should we avoid? Obviously buffets are out. Thanks for the feedback.

One restaurant that doesnt matter if you share a meal or appetizer is Rainforest Cafe at Downtown Disney. I see people sharing meals all the time.
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