The Shades of Green 'self-sustaining' statement is technically accurate - they are authorized to generate revenue as a Category C, but most likely they are breaking-even, per 10 USC 2491c (federal law):
Amounts may not be retained in a nonappropriated morale, welfare, and recreation account of a military installation of an armed force in excess of the amount necessary to meet cash requirements of that installation. Amounts in excess of that amount shall be transferred to a single nonappropriated morale, welfare, and recreation account for that armed force.
Any 'excess' would be transferred to the central fund referenced in the AR 215-1. This type of maintenance/ restoration would most likely be paid for using NAFs, since 1. the Army has the lowest rate of APF support for MWR at around 20%....and 2. Construction costs are not APF-authorized for Cat C.
BUT it is still APF-eligible (and also the UMF mechanism can convert NAF to APF so long as funds are coded properly), I wouldn't declare it 'case closed', but I also wouldn't be concerned about the amount of tax dollars that would support this.