Sept 13 - 22: A Canadian Family Heads South

Hi whoever is reading this. The trip report is finally 100% uploaded. I may have a few more pictures to add later, but the main report is complete. Hope you all enjoy reading it.

The 2012 Trip Report


Hello everyone, and welcome to the 2012 edition of the Burnett family trip report. Let’s start with a brief intro of the crew this year (you can see a more detailed intro and tentative itinerary at the PRT: ).

This year we have my DW Tammy, our DD Stephanie, our DS Liam and me (Graham). We’re booked for 9 nights at Animal Kingdom Lodge – Kidani Village in a one bedroom apartment. This is our 5th trip in 4 years. This year we’ve decided to try the waterparks and more option on our park passes, and we’ve also booked the Not So Scary for Sept 19th, and a family photo session at Epcot on Sept 16th. So, without further adieu, let’s jump in...

Day 0 – How do they expect me to concentrate at work today?

As has been our normal practice, we head down to Buffalo the night before our arrival at WDW since it is a lot cheaper to fly out of there rather than Toronto or Hamilton airports. However, I first had to get through a full day of work (normally I take this day off to finish packing etc, but I’m an accountant and we were just in the process of closing the books at the company I work for (Tim Hortons – coffee anyone?), so that wasn’t happening this year). I was concerned that I would be too “antsy” all day and that they day would drag. Fortunately I had a lot to do, so I didn’t have a lot of down time, and before I knew it the end of the day had arrived. I jumped in the almost 100% packed car, drove home as quickly as I could in rush hour traffic, got home, spent a few more minutes packing the car, and we were out the door by around 6:15pm. Traffic to the border was great, and we have Nexus passes which means we don’t need to sit in the customs lines at the border (we cross border shop quite a bit too, so the passes are great), and before you know it, we’ve checked in to the Sleep Inn hotel. We love this place, not because it’s super fancy or anything (it’s not), but because it’s the place we always stay the night before we go to Disney. Anyways, check in went smooth, then we headed out to Cracker Barrel for a late dinner, then back to the hotel for an “earlier” night since our flight is at 6:10am the next day. We were all in bed and asleep by 10:30, with a wake-up call at 3:00am. Good night everyone.

Day 1 – How can you not be happy to be at the most Magical place on earth?

The alarms started going off around 3 (I had set the bedside alarm, as well as the alarm on my Blackberry, my Playbook, and had scheduled a wake-up call also – there is no way we’re sleeping through all those), and Tammy and I got up and started getting ready. I hate that kind of sick feeling you get when you wake up and haven’t slept enough, but that was quickly overtaken by the excitement that today was the day we had been planning for almost a full year. Steph and Liam were up not long after us, and we were out of the hotel room by 4. We grabbed a quick breakfast in the lobby, and then hopped on the hotel shuttle to the airport. Check in went extremely smoothly (the agent at Southwest asked if we were professional packers since our two larger bags both weighed in at 49.5 lbs (50 lbs is the maximum). We didn’t tell her we had weighed them a few minutes before at an empty scale and had to do some last minute rearranging. Security check was pretty good too. The agent was a guy with a really dry sense of humor who made the experience more tolerable for the kids (they both have inherited my sense of humor, so they catch on pretty quick to when people are being funny and play along). We grab some caffeine from a coffee shop in the waiting lounge and sit patiently waiting to be boarded.
Boarding call came quickly, and before we knew it we were in the sky.

I’m a pretty relaxed flier, so I was able to sleep for about an hour of the 2.5 hour flight (Liam fell asleep for a while too), which really helped the time “fly” by. The plane touched down in Orlando around 8:30, and we made our way quickly to the Magical Express desk.

The AKL line was really short (actually, the whole airport was pretty dead at this time), and we were boarded on a bus almost right away. After a few minutes the ME movie started, and before we knew it, we had arrived at Kidani. We had a nice talk with a CM who was waiting when we got off the bus. His name was Hamilton, but his tag said Hammy. He asked where we were from (we’re from Hamilton, Ontario), so he thought that was kind of cool. He knew about an attraction we have in Hamilton (the African Lion Safari), so that was neat. After our discussion with Hammy we head to the front desk to begin the check-in process. Everything there went smoothly too and, to our surprise, our room was ready. Once we received all the check-in materials, we head up to room 7311. I noticed they have the RFID locks on the doors in Kidani which makes life easier when your hands are full. We got into the room, and we were all really impressed. We love this place. Here's a few room shots:
I love this headboard.

Is it odd that I'm super excited about being at Disney and my wife is super excited to have this in our room:

Must be a mom thing;) So we drop our bags, try to make a quick call to my parents using video chat on the Playbook (that didn’t work well. One complaint about this place is the free Wi-Fi in this resort is terrible. In the room you can’t connect half the time, and when you do you can’t really do much other than basic web surfing), and then decided to head to Animal Kingdom since it’s so close.

The park was pretty empty, and I also noticed that while it was really humid, it wasn’t overly hot. The kids wanted to do Everest first, so we headed over. The wait time said 10 minutes, so we head in. It was more like 5. Love this ride. The waterfall effects were all working, and they have the yeti positioned in such a way that I found myself kind of ducking when we went by. The kids loved it so much that they wanted to do it again, so round 2 it was.

After that everyone was getting kind of hungry (it was around 1:00), so we headed to Flame Tree. Tammy and I got the ribs, and Liam and Steph split the chicken and ribs.

The food here was OK. I found the ribs to be a bit dry, but the food did the trick and we were soon full. Next was Dinosaur, which was another walk-on, and then the kids wanted to do Everest again (guess which ride is their favourite). One more Everest walk-on, and then we called it a day in the park. Our plan was to head back to the room and nap for a few hours since I can’t stand when tweens get tired and suddenly become so much smarter than you (at least in their eyes they are). Our bags had arrived when we got back, but we just wanted to sleep, so we unpacked after the nap. Oh sleep, how I missed you. The nap was great, and everyone was up by 5:00 and ready to go. We had 7:00 reservations at ‘Ohana, and couldn’t wait to get there.

We showed up at around 7:05 (some transportation issues had us running a bit late) and checked it. Tammy and the kids went to look in the shops, while I tried my parents on the Playbook again (which worked great in the Poly. They had a really good wi-fi signal. I’m wondering if the Wi-Fi is really strong in the lobby area of each hotel, but weak in the rooms). Anyways, the buzzer went off, and we were soon in wood fired meat heaven. Our server was Roy, and he was fantastic. Our drinks never got empty, and he was by about every 10 minutes to see if we wanted anything else. Everything was so moist and delicious.

The one thing they’ve started doing is opening the shrimp up so they are easier to eat, which made Steph very happy. The bread pudding was amazing as usual (so good that I asked for the recipe. They had me fill out a form with my e-mail address and will e-mail it to me later).
With bellies full we decide to walk around the Poly a bit.
Hidden Mickey

We head out down to the beach and the pool. This resort is amazing. After that, we head back to Kidani since the kids wanted to swim before bed.

The pool there is nice, and the kids made a friend in the pool. I didn’t catch her name, but she was an extremely out-going, not shy at all twelve year old girl. As we were getting ready to leave she swims over and starts talking to Tammy. The conversation was something like “Hi....I’m really happy I can swim right now...I haven’t been able to for the last 3 should know why...girl things....Is it weird that my cup size is bigger than my 18 year old sisters?...”. What??? Really??? This is how you strike up a conversation with complete strangers? Tammy and I both laughed afterwards. Anyways, we were done for the day. We headed back to the room and crawled into bed thoroughly exhausted by our first Disney day. Tomorrow’s plan is the Magic Kingdom, and then we’re meeting up with some friends who are down here for dinner at Boma.


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Day 2 – The Magic Kingdom and the minor downpour.

Something odd happened this morning....we all “slept in”. I was the first one up at 8, made the coffee (which makes the trip with us every year), and then started the trip report.
What Canadian doesn't drink this?The rest of the family was up around 9. We grabbed a quick breakfast in the room, and then headed down to the busses. The Magic Kingdom was the destination today.
I really love the Magic Kingdom, and don’t feel like our vacation has officially started until we go there. We arrived at 11 and headed in to the parks. I had been telling the kids about the Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom game and they were excited to try it, so we headed to the fire station to pick up some cards.
I will say that this game is really well done throughout the park. The kids loved it, and the game spots aren’t intrusive to anything else going on.
We made our way down to the hub just as the 11:00 parade was starting, so we watched that for a few minutes, and then crossed the bridge into Adventureland.
We really didn’t have a plan for the day, but it was starting to spit so we headed for the closest ride that would provide shelter, which was the Jungle Cruise. The greeter there was Andrew, and he and I had some fun talking to each other (he mentioned that he liked my camera strap and camera and thought it was very nice that I would bring it all the way from Canada for him. I told him the best I could offer him was me taking a picture of him.

I then jokingly asked since we were friends now could he take us up front to skip the line. He said no, so I asked if he really worked there or was he just a big fan that liked to dress up like one of the JC cast members. He said he was just a big fan and that it took years of practice to get the MK nametag to look just right.). JC was basically a walk-on, and was a lot of fun. And one more picture of Andrew on the way out.
Next up was Pirates, which was another walk-on. After Pirates was Splash, which is where I think I found evidence of Disney manipulating crowd behaviour using the ride times. The posted stand-by time for Splash was 30 minutes, but the ride was a complete walk on (and I mean no line at all). Very odd. Anyways...Splash was fun, and everything looked great. However, when we got to the top of the drop it was pouring. To make matters worse, we got stuck in a line of logs waiting to exit...right next to the waterfall...while it just times.
Oh well, now we were wet. We’re not made of sugar so we won’t melt, so we carried on.
Thunder Mountain was next. It looks a lot better since the refurb and was fun too. Around this time we started getting hungry, and decided lunch was in order. The first thought was Pecos Bill’s, the old tried and true favourite. However, I had heard a podcast where they discussed QSRs that are often overlooked, and Colombia Harbour House was one of them, so I recommended we go there. This place was amazing. Tammy got the fish and chips, Liam got the chicken nuggets, Steph the macaroni and cheese, and I got the shrimp platter.
We went to the second floor of the restaurant and found a nice spot close to a window looking towards the Haunted Mansion. Lunch was amazing, and I fully recommend this place. After lunch, it was HM. The kids wanted to go through the graveyard line which was cool.
They both really liked the interactive things to do. Tammy even found a cat to pet (she loves cats)
We then headed towards Fantasyland. Tammy really wanted to ride Peter Pan, but it was a 60 minute standby, so we got fastpasses and then headed towards Tomorrowland. Space Mountain was the destination, and it was another walk-on. Tammy, for the first time in 3 trips, decided to ride with us this time, and she really had fun. So much fun that we did it twice in a row (and got to ride both tracks). Fun times indeed. After all that, we were getting kind of tired, but first to Peter Pan (it’s only fair that if Tammy is going to go on rides that she isn’t the biggest fan of that we go on one’s she likes too). Peter Pan was fun, and Tammy was happy she went on it (she remembers it from when she was a kid). So, that was it for the park for the day, except for a few more rounds of Sorcerers and Liam using the 4 quarters he found on Space Mountain at the shooting gallery. Then it was home to Kidani to get ready for Boma.

A giraffe outside the hotel. If it's trying to hide behindthat treeit'snot doing a very good job.

We were meeting some friends from our church for dinner tonight, and were quite excited to see them.
Boma was absolutely fantastic. We had never eaten here before, and can’t believe that we had never tried it in the past. We had a nice time with our friends, and had a great meal. Oh, and I found out that I really love Zebra Domes.
Sooooo delicious. So that’s it for the day. Tomorrow we have an early morning since we booked a photo shoot at Epcot for 7:30, and then we’re heading to Blizzard Beach. See you tomorrow.


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Day 3 – Pictures, a melting glacier, and dining in colonial times

5:30 is not the right time to be waking up when you’re on vacation. 5:30 is the time I wake up at home to go to work. But at 5:30 all the alarms we had set went off. It was all good though, since we had booked an early-morning photo-shoot at Epcot. We all got up, got ready, and headed down to the lobby to figure out our transportation. We went to the front desk to ask what time the Epcot busses start at today, and were told 8:00, which is too late since we have to be at the International Gateway for 7:25. So we head out front and get one of the CMs at the front to call us a cab. While we are waiting for a cab, an Epcot bus pulls out of the bus loading station....bah:mad: . The cab arrives, and $20 later we are at the Beach Club. A quick walk to the International Gateway and we are ready to go. We arrive at the gate at 7:30 and are met by our photographer Alicia and her assistant Jo. They were both fantastic and we had a lot of fun (I’ll post some pictures of the photo shoot once I get them (they take about 4 weeks from the time of the shoot for them to be ready to view)). We had a lot of pictures taken in Canada in the garden up by Le Cellier (it was Alicia’s suggestion to go there). Liam kept thinking we were breaking the rules of the park since we had to hop the fence to get into the garden. After Canada we headed to the UK for a few pictures by the phone booths, and then France for a few more pictures, and then we were done. Here is a "sneak peak" at what the kids looked like:
The whole thing took about an hour and a half and, based on some of the pictures we saw from the back of the camera, are going to look amazing. Once the shoot was done I took the chance to get some pictures of the park while it was totally empty. It was really cool, but also gives you that kind of creepy “I’m the last person alive” kind of feel.
With the shoot now done, we head up to the front of the park and back to the hotel. Our plan today is Blizzard Beach. We’ve never done a waterpark before, and everyone was pretty excited to try it. We got to BB just a few minutes after park opening, rented a small locker, and then claimed our spot by the wave pool.
The park wasn’t overly busy which was nice.
Steph and Liam were chomping at the bit to do Summit Plummet (as was I) so we headed over to the ski lifts for the ride up.
Tammy absolutely hates heights, so she stayed by our towels and stuff while we went. Summit Plummet is crazy. It is just so fast, but we all loved it.
Those dark clouds should give you some idea as to what was coming. It was at the bottom of Summit Plummet that I had an epiphany... I’m a big guy (6’4, 240lbs), and am very self-conscious about how I look, so I normally wear shirts at beaches and pools etc. However, I discovered that the thing that makes me feel more uncomfortable than not having a shirt on, is having a soaking wet shirt stuck to my body. So off the shirt came. While I’m on the topic of beachwear, let me recommend a few things that I think someone should have told some of the people at the park today (and, just to be clear, I’m not judging someone’s size):

1) I don’t think thong bikinis are really appropriate for a waterpark where there will be lots of kids

2) I don’t care what country you are from, a see-through-when-wet speedo is not cool (and I think may have severely traumatized Steph).

3) Is it really that hard to dress appropriately for your body type? My wife thinks some people either they don’t own a mirror, or have an extremely high sense of self-confidence.

Yeah, you see all different body types at the waterparks. After SP we went back and got Tammy and headed up to the family raft. Tammy doesn’t mind walking up heights, so she was fine taking the stairs (oh yeah...stairs....there’s lots of them, so you may want to start working on the stairmaster at the gym before you go here, ‘cause our legs were just burning by the end of the day). Tammy had fun on that one, which I think loosened her up a bit to try some other slides.
We rode almost all the slides at the park together and had a blast. We also hopped in the lazy river, which was just amazing. Tammy and I just lay beside each other holding hands and floated around the river (which takes about 20 minutes), it was so relaxing. When we neared the end of the first trip around we heard the best thing we could hear at the time, when Liam asked “can we go around again”...YES.
All in all we had a great day, and are looking forward to Typhoon Lagoon later in the week. We were just getting ready to go, but decided to do one more family slide together...big mistake...we had noticed the clouds rolling in earlier, but didn’t think much of it. I was taking the kids up on the ski lift one last time (and Tammy was walking up), and about half-way up the lift the skies just opened, and it started pouring. We went down the slide, but when we got back to our chairs, our towels were soaked...and it was still pouring. We ran to the lockers and sat for about 45 minutes waiting for it to let up. Thankfully, we had a lovely tour group in there with us to keep us entertained with their chanting....
Finally it let up enough and we ran to the busses and headed back to the AKL. One thing they do when it rains at AKL is roll-out a Wii station for kids to play (and maybe a certain Dad too). Steph played a dancing game with one of the CMs while Liam and I played Guitar Hero.
Dinner tonight was Liberty Tree. Fortunately the rain had stopped before we headed out. First stop was the fire station for some more Sorcerers cards, which the kids then used to play a few more rounds, then we made our way over to Liberty Tree.
We got there about a half hour earlier than our reservation, but we checked in anyway, and were seated within 2 minutes of check-in. Our server tonight was Russell, and he was fantastic. Very friendly and happy, and was super attentive. Dinner was delicious.
Dessert was some white cake thing which was OK, but Tammy and I miss the fruit cobbler they used to have.
Dinner was great, and we would go back again. I will say that the park was packed tonight (I think because it was a Saturday night). We rode the Liberty Belle (which we had never ridden before), the HM again, and Liam finally got to ride the Tomorrowland Speedway. We headed up Main Street just as Wishes was starting (talk about feeling like Salmon swimming upstream). A quick stop at the Main St Bakery so the kids could get their dessert (they didn’t like the dessert at the Liberty Tree). Liam got the chocolate cake, and Steph got an Ice Cream sandwich.
We got outside of the park just as Wishes ended, so we avoided the crowd stampede at least. Exhausted, we made it back to the AKL and crashed. A long day had finally come to an end, and we all collapsed in bed. Tomorrow we are doing MK in the morning (Liam is getting a hair cut at the Harmony Barber Shop) and then Hollywood Studios in the afternoon.


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Day 4 – Half day of Magic and half day of Hollywood

I was up early again (around 6), so I jumped on the laptop while the rest of the family slept. Once everyone else started waking I made coffee, and we were out the door around 10:00. Our plan was the MK this morning since Liam had an appointment at the Harmony Barber shop. Our first stop was the Main Street Bakery for some delicious breakfast treats.
The four of us split two giant cinnamon buns and a yogurt with granola to fool ourselves into thinking we were being healthy.
Breakfast was good for what it was. The kids knew we only had a few hours here and had their list of rides they had to do. Buzz was first. I found a target that was worth 100,000 points per shot. Couple that with a 30 second pause in the ride, and I had maxed out my score before the last two rooms. Next was Space mountain, which was pretty much a walk on. Liam had hoped to do Tomorrowland Speedway again, but the line was way too big, but we reminded him we’d be back again. After Buzz and Space it was getting close to Liam’s haircut time, so we headed back up to the front of Main St.
I went and checked in, but they had no reservation for us...with all the righteous indignation I could muster (not really, but go with it here. The mental visual will be hilarious) I whipped out my Playbook that had all our reservations on it and proudly pointed to the reservation number, right next to the date...September is the 16th....uh oh. Fortunately, they weren’t overly busy so they took Liam in anyways, and he was quite happy. Michael was the barber and he was really nice. He even put some “pixie dust” on Steph’s head too.
The haircut lasted about 20 minutes, and then we headed back to the AKL. We got back to the room and relaxed for a few minutes, then packed up our hoodies, and headed out to Hollywood. The park wasn’t overly busy today which was nice. Our first stop was fastpasses for Toy Story, but who are we kidding, it’s 2:00 in the afternoon. Fastpasses were all out, and the standby line said 90 minutes. No thanks. We’ll get you next time Toy Story. Liam and Steph wanted to ride ToT next, so we headed there. Tammy doesn’t like this one and, while at one point in the trip said she would try it again, decided against it. She walked through the que with us though. The ride was good as usual. Next up was Rock ‘N Rollercoaster for Liam and I, however the 40 minute standby was more than we were willing to do, so we got fastpasses instead. Star Tours after that, and we all really liked that one.
We got the Hoth scene and Naboo. We all want to try that one again. Next was Muppets, in which I fell soundly asleep (I must be getting old). We still had some time after Muppets before our fastpasses could be used, and we weren’t sure what to do. We saw Lights Motors Action being let in, so we took that as a sign and headed in to the stadium. We all loved this show.
It was really good, and I fully recommend everyone do it at least once. Once the show let out Liam and I headed to RNR, while Tammy and Steph went to the animators studio thing to learn to draw a Disney character. They got to draw Merida, and they both did a really good job. They want to take me back later to do it. Liam and I did RNR and, since the line went so quickly, also did ToT (oh yeah, forgot to mention it started raining right after Star Tours, so the parks emptied out a bit, so ToT was a walk-on). Liam didn’t think we should tell Tammy and Steph we did two rides, so we started concocting a story to explain our slightly longer than expected absence. However, when we got there and they asked what took so long, I caved and told them everything. I would not do well if tortured for information. ADRs tonight were at 50’s Prime Time, and it was excellent. We started in the lounge, where we got Steph and Liam PB&J milkshakes, and a few minutes later we were seated.
We had a waitress named Cindy who was really into her character and we had a lot of fun.
For dinner Steph got the fried chicken, Liam got the meatloaf, and Tammy and I got the Mom’s sampler plate.
Everything was so good. However, Steph didn’t eat all her vegetables, so Cindy came over, took a big forkful of greenbeans, and had everyone in the room make airplane noises while she fed them to Steph. Too funny. For dessert, Steph got the S’mores, Liam didn’t want anything, Tammy got the apple cobbler, and I got the Boston Cream parfait.
All were good, and we were quite full. We decided to call it a day after that and headed back to the AKL for the night. We went to the animal viewing area and looked at the animals through night vision goggles (which was very cool), and then went and watched a presentation done by one of the CM’s (Grace), from Botswana, on her country which we all found interesting. So another day is in the books. Tomorrow, weather permitting, is Typhoon Lagoon and Epcot.

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