Segways anyone


New Member
Maybe they are goofy looking, but they are sure fun to ride on. You have to ride one to find out. :sohappy: :sohappy:

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Well-Known Member
I really don't think they are all that goofy looking. Different yes, but a concept that I think is very cool. Also, having ridden one, I can say that they are very cool indeed. :)


Well-Known Member
STR8FAN2005 said:
I want one to ride around campus on when I go to LSU. Lots of walking to be done there to get around.

I don't think they are quite there yet...yes, the technology is very cool...but pretty impractical...Where can you take them??? Right now I don't think I'd want to leave one outside chained to a pole...and I don't think I'd want to lug one around a store or building that doesn't allow them.


New Member
My initial reaction remains the same - there are enough people getting no excercise as it is. Just the simple act of walking is good for you, but these things (cool and funky looking as they are in a big boy's toys way) will take even that away.


New Member
I totally agree with you about it taking walking away from people. There are several reason that they are good. :animwink: We have them in our mall for the police and it helps them get to a situtation very fast.

I for one have asthma and very bad lungs. If I could use one to go around WDW or other attractions where there is excessive walking it would help greatly. i do not want to be in a wheelchair and I keep trying to walk it. When I am with DH he does not mind stopping frequently so I can get my breath, but when I am with other people, I hate to ask them to stop for me. :(

So there are good reasons to have them, but again I do agree we do no need more items to stop us from receiving some sort of exercise. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I've been following the Segway since the start, and I can say I'm very impressed with the technology, especially in the future, when instead of having cars in big cities, having Segways would be better. Just way to much money now. I've ridden them many times.


Well-Known Member
I think they look cool.

I would buy one in a heartbeat except for the fact that they are illlegal to ride anywhere I live.

They're not allowed on sidewalks
They're not allowed on streets.
They're not allowed in Parking lots.

So what am I going to do...spent Thousands of $$ on something I can only ride around in circles on in my Driveway? :hammer:

If these things ever become street legal I'll have one.

I can see where they would be great for Theme Park employees and in large factorys and for Postal employees.
Anywhere that alot of walking is required on your job.
These things would be a mail delivery persons dream come true.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't there a recall on these things? Something about the battery just dying and riders were flying off? I'm sure the problem has been fixed now. I would like to ride one, but I would rather walk.


Well-Known Member
DisneyGrl85 said:
Wasn't there a recall on these things? Something about the battery just dying and riders were flying off? I'm sure the problem has been fixed now. I would like to ride one, but I would rather walk.
The problem was with the software, while it wouldn't just die and drop you off, it would slow the machine down, so that it could only ballance you, so you were forced to get off. The problem was when you would go off a curb on them with low battery, the machine would try to speed up and stay underneith you, but it didn't have the power to, so it shut off. I've never heard of it happening to anyone, but still, better safe than sorry.


Well-Known Member
Do I think the technology is amazing? YES!
Do I think there is a place for them in society? YES!
Do I think they should be used for the mass public? No.

Here is why.


Put yourself in this position.

Say you are the owner of a mall. Do you allow them in your mall? If someone falls off of it...or accidentally hits someone're getting sued for allowing them in your establishment. (Heck, if a CM ran over a person...or even bumped into a person...I have a feeling you'd see Segways be gone from WDW).

Do malls allow you to rollerblade in them? No...and that's another form of personal transportation...same with rollerskates...same with skateboards. It's not that they don't want you "scuffing" up the floor because any pair of shoes with black soles will do's the liability issue.

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