Security at the Park Entrance


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Sure, not all but majority of posters, the average guest who visits, and would be responding here, who isnt now a CM or past CM, will not have the type of info to share that a terrorist would be looking for.
There’s at least one giant gaping holes in Disney’s security that a terrorist could drive an explosive filled truck through.

I won’t say what it is though 🤐
You should have gone through Security after 9/11. That was the first time I been checked like that, and my wife small purse emptied and checked thoroughly. It did make me feel safe that no one was going to get into the park to do anyone harm. Now adays you cannot be sure and feel better to check than say sorry in the end.


Well-Known Member
You should have gone through Security after 9/11. That was the first time I been checked like that, and my wife small purse emptied and checked thoroughly. It did make me feel safe that no one was going to get into the park to do anyone harm. Now adays you cannot be sure and feel better to check than say sorry in the end.
Security came to check out post 9/11 because someone reported " Anthrax " on the bathroom sink counter. Remember when WDW had powdered soap not only did the abrasive soap clean your hands but felt like it took a layer of skin off of your hands?


Well-Known Member
You should have gone through Security after 9/11. That was the first time I been checked like that, and my wife small purse emptied and checked thoroughly. It did make me feel safe that no one was going to get into the park to do anyone harm. Now adays you cannot be sure and feel better to check than say sorry in the end.
And that bottleneck Disney created at the entrances afterwards was worse than any situation that could have occurred in the parks. Literally hundreds of people packed in a confined area with no escape route. A target rich environment if anyone wanted to attack


Well-Known Member
I have dystonia and two years ago I had brain surgery to insert two probes into my brain which are wired to a battery implanted under my collar bone via internal wires. Because of this I have to avoid metal detectors and have an international card to present at airports to avoid going through metal detectors. Knowing Disney and Universal both utilise metal detectors and with my wife and I coming this September, I emailed both of them to make sure that I wouldn't have any issues entering.

Disney's response was very straightforward whilst Universal's required a bit of back and forth to clarify things. Anyway here was Disney's response.

Dear Mergatroid,

Thank you for contacting the Walt Disney World® Resort!

We are very pleased that you and your family will be vacationing with us, and we appreciate your desire to make your visit as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.

When entering our Theme Parks or Disney Springs®, our Security teams will be happy to speak with you regarding this need and direct you accordingly. The process may not be the same for all of our Theme Parks, but generally you should be directed to the queue for strollers and wheelchairs. Once you are with a Security Cast Member to be checked, please again explain the need to avoid specific areas so that they do not place the wand over those places. While you are welcome to present your card, please know we do not require documentation for this process.

Our Security Cast Members are specially trained to assist Guests with a variety of medical conditions safely navigate the entry process, and they will be happy to help.

As always, we want to make sure you have the information you need to enjoy your visit with us. Should you have any additional questions after you have reviewed this information, please feel free to contact us.

Mergatroid, we look forward to your visit and we hope you have a magical day!

Kindest regards,
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Well-Known Member
I have dystonia and two years ago I had brain surgery to insert two probes into my brain which are wired to a battery implanted under my collar bone via internal wires. Because of this I have to avoid metal detectors and have an international card to present at airports to avoid going through metal detectors. Knowing Disney and Universal both utilise metal detectors and my wife and I coming this September, I emailed both of them to make sure that I wouldn't have any issues entering.

Disney's response was very straightforward whilst Universal's required a bit if back and worth to clarify things. Anyway here was Disney's response.
I’ve got to be honest - the way that some security “directs” guests in such a “hurry up hurry up get in line fashion” - I wonder how this will work in real life.


Well-Known Member
I’ve got to be honest - the way that some security “directs” guests in such a “hurry up hurry up get in line fashion” - I wonder how this will work in real life.
Well we visited Disneyland Paris last September and it went ok. After first emailing them I was told that on top of my card for the airports (that wasn't enough apparently) I would need a letter from a medical professional not more than 2 months old explaining why I couldn't go through a metal detector. My bemused neurologist wrote one for me bless him, whilst shaking his head in disbelief that a card that airports would accept wasn't good enough for Disneyland Paris 🤔

When we got to Security at Disneyland Paris and I started to explain the situation (my French is very limited) the Cast member immediately said "Come with me" before I even showed them the card or the letter. I was basically guided through the CM entrance immediately to the side of the guest entrance and they weren't interested in patting me down or asking any questions whatsoever. This happened on both days of our visits by different CM's. I guess I must have an honest face 🤷‍♂️


Well-Known Member
I’ve got to be honest - the way that some security “directs” guests in such a “hurry up hurry up get in line fashion” - I wonder how this will work in real life.
Have you ever shopped on Black Friday or knew someone in the military ? Hurry up and wait is the norm.


Well-Known Member
I had to use a transport chair for 2 trips for a temporary condition and the security personnel could not have been nicer or more helpful!
They've always been great with me I must admit. When I walk it's apparent I have something wrong with me (You wanna take a photograph pal :) ) and my wife says when I speak they know I'm crazy :rolleyes:

Quite often when walking they'll shout "Sir" and wave me over when I'm heading to the normal security entrance to the wheelchair and stroller one, I assume just to give me more space if it's very crowded? Anyway, it's nice of them to look out for folks.

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