Screamscape: Expanded River Country could become Pirate themed waterpark environment


New Member
So basically Screamscape's goal today is to punch out every wild rumor that has ever been mentioned across Disney boards?


Well-Known Member
Would be great to see this site get used but the chances I would say is pretty slim, I should imagine anything like this is more likely to be built upon land that is completely undeveloped if ever at all.


Active Member
It would be cool if Disney did it. Especially if it was modeled after Shipwreck Cove/Shipwreck City. It would look really cool at night. :)


Active Member
I would have to say that it would cost proably as much to do the necessary enviormental fixes, like seperating the park from the lake which it used as a water source. But even if they tried to do a deep cleaning on w/e slides etc that aren't already rotted out they might end up finding it impossible b/c water has been sitting there stanic for so long. I dunno if I would be going there if they just rehabbed and added new things, now if they started over I would go but only if they started over! I just think that unless that flatten everything and start anew they will have issues...


Well-Known Member
I would have to say that it would cost proably as much to do the necessary enviormental fixes, like seperating the park from the lake which it used as a water source. But even if they tried to do a deep cleaning on w/e slides etc that aren't already rotted out they might end up finding it impossible b/c water has been sitting there stanic for so long. I dunno if I would be going there if they just rehabbed and added new things, now if they started over I would go but only if they started over! I just think that unless that flatten everything and start anew they will have issues...

They would be gutting the whole area if they were planning on putting a water park there. They would not use anything that currently is there.

That would be the best place to have a new water park if like mentioned they make it easier to get to. I don't think it would cost that much more than if they put it somewhere else. On the upside it would a great place to have it since you have Wilderness lodge and campgrounds right there. And you can take a boat road over from any of the other resorts on the lake.


Active Member
Well like I said I think they would have a far better chance of getting people to come out if they actually started all over...

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
I am all for a 3rd water park, as for the pirate theme, its not a bad idea. I dont think they will go through the trouble of cleaning up the RC land when they could just build on something thats empty now. Pirates are wearing a bit thin for me but I could see how it could make for a cool park.


Well-Known Member
I can see plusses and minusses for using the current location now that I think of it.

It would cost them money to flatten the current state of river country but then they would save money on things like the roads that lead up to the site.

Where as if they were to build on new land, yes they wouldn't have to spend money on removing the current site, but they would have to fork out the money to start building new roads, car parks and all of the foundations on the land to be able to build upon it.


It would cost them money to flatten the current state of river country but then they would save money on things like the roads that lead up to the site.

There's really no near enough parking capacity at or near RC to allow for similar attendance as TL or BB. So they would still need to build a parking lot and roads to it.

I don't really care where they build, I just wish they'd clean the eyesore that was RC.


Parrothead & Disney Fanatic.
I'd love the idea of another water park to take the heat off TL and BB , a pirates themed one would be great, pirates are always popular with kids even when POTC movies aren't in the mix. River Country's location would be great as it's close to WL ,GF and CR and there is room to build more parking and expand RC.


New Member
As far as I understand it...

from fellow Cast Members and others on Disney Property. There is no plans to rehab River Country or Discovery Island. The land for River Country is going to be used for part of the 4 seasons hotel and golf course. That is at least the rumor I have heard from more than one source.


New Member
How about this for a new waterpark?

"Stich's Great Journey Into the Imagination of the Living Seas"!

Huh? Huh? Nice......right?



Well-Known Member
Why does everybody want ANOTHER tropical based waterpark to be a pirates park? TL would easily convert over and if you have a 3rd park -- THEME IT TO BE SOMETHING ELSE. River Country's theme was a perfect idea of a third theme. But TL and Pirates would be basically the same thing w/a few more bandanas on CMs. They should do an Alice in Waterland theme park.


Well-Known Member

ANyway, this rumor has been floating around for a long time. I'm 50-50 on it. I much prefer the idea of a Pirates waterpark than a Pirates AL.

I actually think, though, that Discovery Island would be a much better option. A mega-version of Tom Sawyer's Island-style activities with a small show, food, animals, etc. would make for a great 1/2 day activity. I think it could involve a waterpark-style section as well. We'll see, though.


Active Member
The option has definitely been looked at. The land is still valuable to Disney and they have been looking at all cards in their hand since the water park's closure. I personally don't see this happening, because of the money needed to re-build this attraction from the ground up. They need to cut the park's ties to Reedy Creek's natural water feed and create a new, clean and secure water system on the property. They need to basically re-inforce the majority of the existing land occupied by the former pools (as some of that land has become subject to Florida's biggest "wetland" issues, making the area highly subjectable to sinkholes. So, as I said, they would need to completely tear up the property and re-invest millions into the area terraforming and re-structuring the facility. The option is still possible, but due to the land's size, accessibility faults and time-caused issues, it is an expensive one.
I pirates themed water park would be fantastic. The crowds would flock to the place. As for using the old River Country spot, a lot of work would have to be done, quite possibly lowering the amount of money that could be spent on the actual scenery and slides in the water park. Wasn't there some concept art released a while back?

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