So, sorry I offended. That was not my intent. But yes, I am dismissing the argument that Avatar doesn't fit in DAK because any reasonable person can see that it does. The question isn't "does it fit" but "how well does it fit"?
Hopefully we can agree on that.
Not a problem at all. However, I do think you need to recognize the fact that there's a large percentage here (maybe even a majority) that feels avatar land is ill-conceived. Whether or not we're right. Obtuse and or stubborn isn't a good way to describe us and I'll tell you why.
I recognize that the conservation/nature theme in the movie avatar is very well positioned to mate with a similar theme in AK. Heck, there's even a massive tree to go along with the big tree in the movie. I get it. I really do. Is that enough to craft and theme an entire section of a park, where the title "Avatar Land" sits on a big sign as you enter the park?
It had better. Because if it's not, its doomed.
The characterization and mythology, in my opinion, are far more important. That's what's driving potter-ville down I4. Not the theming...anyone can make a big ole castle set in scotland. Every kid, mom and dad that walks in there wants a wand, a picture in front of Hogwarts and a glass of butter beer in a souvenir cup. Without the characterization and draw to the mythology of the Harry Potter universe, Uni isn't getting 30 minute waits on the butter beer carts. They simply aren't. Without the endearing qualities of the characters, good or bad, they aren't selling $30 wands hand over fist. These sorta things are going to be timeless draws for WWoHP.
None of those qualities exist in Avatar. No Sam Worthington dolls. No big bad capitalist pigs or their mercenaries. There's seriously northing endearing about the movie. It was a great movie. It doesn't make my kids want to put on blue war paint.
When the excitement over this land dies down and it will (or worse, if the second and third movies are flops)...there won't be anything left to hold onto. Worse, is that the name 'Avatar Land' will still be hanging from the sign above the entryway to the park. Then there'll be a richly themed area that's intrinsically attached to a name that's meaningless. That's what we fear, as fans that don't agree with this project. It's not the fact that we don't like avatar. It's the fact that when the movie fades away, a land tied to it's name will have no meaning. That's not obtuse and that's not stubborn. We're concerned with the viability of the project, long term. You might not agree with us. Fine. We'll all have to wait and see...but just because we don't agree with you, there's zero need for name calling.
This is the central flaw in the anti-anything argument. You don't get to pick what to do with the money if a project gets canned.
If we could cancel Avland and divy up the money as we see fit, sure. Great idea. But that's not going to happen. It's more likely that the money just won't get spent on anything.
Yes, but I'll submit that there's plenty of flaws to the 'use it or lose it' mentality as well...You never get a good product from that. Our public school systems are proof.
My feeling that the land itself is ill-conceived, that spending money in such an area, if it does prove to be a mistake, could be dreadfully costly.
Like I said above...What if the second and third Avatar movie prove to be box-office clunkers. What if the hype surrounding the first movie is proven to be just that, hype? What if the fact that the characters in this mythology prove to be the turn off that some here feel?
If that happens, TDO will have ended up pouring millions or billions of dollars into a project that becomes a very visible failure. Retheming the land may be possible, but because it's so VERY specific and intrinsically tied to this movie (especially if Disney ante's up and satisfies Cameron's ego), it will definitely be costly.
So this particular instance. If it's a choice of avatar land or nothing at all, I think I'd rather see nothing at all. I feel strongly, despite loving the movie, that Avatar-land is a potential thermonuclear bomb of failure...and presenting Avatar in a way that is endearing, rich and timeless is something that I am not sure Disney is capable of right now.
Regardless, this is all my humble opinion...and I respect yours. I've always said, that if they're going to build it...I hope they build it well and do it justice...and to that end, if they do that, I look forward to seeing what they do.
However, given the fact that there is currently a chance the plug may be pulled, I revert back to my original misgivings on the project and feel it would be a better decision to cut and run now, then cause a charlie fox even greater than the current situation, yeti and all, in the AK.