There were a few new boats cycling last night, first time I've seen them in a while. They looked different this time around, like they've received a thorough paint job. Last time I saw them, they were solid colors. With the new paint job they blend in and look a lot less rubber. And they look a heckuva lot better than the WDW boats.
Who knew, but it's really hard to take pictures of POTC boats. They're always full of people and moving in darkness. You want some blurrycam bigfoot-in-the-forest shots? Well, it's the best I could do.
So anyway, use your imagination to fill in the rest. There were two consecutive new boats. Every boat behind and in front of this pair were old. I rode in an old boat.
The first sad excuse for a photo shows the back end of a neuveau bateau.
This is the back end of the first boat and the front end of the next boat, both new. Note the solid rubber rectangle bumper taking the place of the previous cluster of four:
The third image shows row 6 of a new boat. You can't see it in the photo, but sculpted into the seats is a wooden plank pattern. I really like it. What you
can see is the higher seat backs and lack of metal handrail on the back of each. The only remaining one is on the bow.
Here's the back of a new and the front of an old. Compare it to the second image to see the new boat's darker color and lack of divided "planks."
Sorry again for the low quality – looks like a Rorschach test!