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What would you do to revive business at WDW?

  • Expand Monorail Service

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • Build more Deluxe Hotels

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Build more Moderate Hotels

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Build more Value Hotels

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • "Re-build" popular extinct attractions

    Votes: 11 16.4%
  • Provide additional recreational activities

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Lower ticket prices

    Votes: 26 38.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 19 28.4%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Original Poster
I read the article about Eisner's thought's/ideas on reviving Disney, what does everyone think? I'm adding a poll, and I know some things (like expanding the monorail) won't happen, but I'm curious as to what everyone thinks would help?


New Member
The recent downturn in WDW visitation has really been beyond the control of the company. Economic problems coupled with political and travel problems are responsible. WDW will continue to have lower than normal visitation until such time as the airline industry gets its act together.


Account Suspended
Originally posted by foxfire
I read the article about Eisner's thought's/ideas on reviving Disney, what does everyone think? I'm adding a poll, and I know some things (like expanding the monorail) won't happen, but I'm curious as to what everyone thinks would help?

What article are you referring to? Is there a link?


Active Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Woody13
The recent downturn in WDW visitation has really been beyond the control of the company. Economic problems coupled with political and travel problems are responsible. WDW will continue to have lower than normal visitation until such time as the airline industry gets its act together.

True, attendance fell after 9/11, but they weren't doing so hot before then, either. I think the fallout began around 1997-1998 when DAK opened- they had a number of problems with the new park and stock prices went soaring.


New Member
I voted other mainly cause I don't think any of the rest are great fixes. I suppoose for other I would say lower Hotel prices. However, the Fairytale packages are a great step in doing just that.


New Member
i feel prices are a MAJOR issue, though im fortunant eough to come from a wealthier family, this doesnt tend to be as big of an issue with my parents, however practically all of my good friends simply cannot afford to go to disney, regardless of how badly they'd like to... i just dont see why you should have to pay as much as $600 dollars to stay in a hotel room that is worth $80-100 tops. and it AMAZES me that people haven't simply stopped going with the outrageously high prices.... lol who am i to say anything though, im one of the idiots who keeps doing it:hammer:


New Member
I can't really say any of them either. Prices? Hotels - The Fairytale Vacation took care of that, in fact I am going to go in July and again in October with friends due to the great prices. Theme Park - Again, Fairytale took care of that too. I love the parks they way they are. However, for me to go year after year and take my kids along, they have to keep giving us something new to see. What's that song? Every little thing she does is Magic? That's what it must continue to provide, more magic and not the canned, run of the mill stuff either. I want to feel the magic of Disney. Love cool ERides, but give me a great Monsters Inc or Treasure Planet ride and I'll be happy. So will my kids. They are getting older and need to see new things while we are there.


Well-Known Member
I voted for other, I think they should tend better to what they already have, like in the old days. If the current management thinks nobody will notice paint chips that aren't covered overnight, they're WRONG. What WDW used to have was not over-zealous, it was LOVE and MAGIC.

Also, I agree with Spidey, they should lower hotel rates, and create more special packages and invest more on their International market.


Well-Known Member
Ticket prices are low if you ask me. 50$ for one day is a great value. What you have to realize if that food can cost that or more a day if you have kids...


Active Member
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Originally posted by blackride
Ticket prices are low if you ask me. 50$ for one day is a great value. What you have to realize if that food can cost that or more a day if you have kids...

Even Universal is getting high in prices, but I hope WDW caps off ticket prices soon.
I'm a ways-off from having kids, I still spend a lot on food for myself when I go w/ friends. I figure around $15 for lunch, and at least twice that for dinner. It adds up fast, especially over a few days.


New Member
Originally posted by MKCustodial
I voted for other, I think they should tend better to what they already have, like in the old days. If the current management thinks nobody will notice paint chips that aren't covered overnight, they're WRONG. What WDW used to have was not over-zealous, it was LOVE and MAGIC.

Also, I agree with Spidey, they should lower hotel rates, and create more special packages and invest more on their International market.

wow- my thoughts exactly; the last time at disney there were numerous things i saw that kind of made me a little sad, saying to myself 'well this wouldn't have stood in the wdw of 10 years ago..."

the good news however, (it may just be me) but i really feel for some reason that after being stuck in a downward spiral for the last several years, wdw really seems to be turning itself around. im sure theres some of you out there who know what im talking about- just have that overall felling that with some new faces in management, plenty of constuction resort wise, and top-of-the line attractions on the way, i feel we might see wdw become truly GREAT within the next few years, (maybe even back to the disney we remember from years ago) -and maybe as soon as within the next 1-3 years!:cool:


New Member
I think they should do a special publicity event where for one month or so they roll back the prices to back to when ot was about $15. I mean look at the flock of people that would come down to Disney.


Well-Known Member
OK everyone says they would lower prices in the old days. Does anyone know if Disney lowered prices in the mid 80's when they were having problems? I dont think they did but I could be wrong. Also didnt Disney just run a special on resorts saying you get 2 extra nights free or something? If this isnt a way to get people in then I must be confused.....


Well-Known Member
Another thing.....Everyone want NEW and BETTER rides. How do you expect them to do this if they are lowering ticket prices and hotel rooms? And if they dont build new rides people will complain and say Universal is doing beter...blah blah blah....You cant have it both ways...


Well-Known Member
ticket prices will not drop lol...and there is no need to build more Resorts at present, as we are talking about 30,000 rooms come December...ample. I say continue as they are going now, with big, new rides, new entertainment, more Magic. I have seen a decrease in upkeep over the past decade, I will not deny that, but the parks are still incredibly well-kept, far better than Universal, Cedar Fair parks, or Six Flags...the biggest change I have noticed is that it takes longer for them to pick up trash off the ground and to clean bathrooms, but that is, to a large degree, the fault of guests--if people were not so immature as to throw their trash on the ground and trash the bathrooms (I have seen toilet paper on the walls...it's absurd), we wouldn't have the same problem. Guests need to be a little more considerate...not saying the fault is not on Disney's part, but a large part of the problem comes from guests. We cannot expect Disney to do everything; that is unreasonable. I am impressed with the new wave of attractions that are in the works or nearing completion, and I think you will all agree that the magic is still there 98% of the time...it just used to be 99.9% of the time, which is why we notice the change. But, we keep going back, don't we? It's still the best, by far.


New Member
originally posted by blackride:
Also didnt Disney just run a special on resorts saying you get 2 extra nights free or something? If this isnt a way to get people in then I must be confused.....

thats the best idea i've heard...a hotel room isnt doing you any good empty, and giving guests 2 extra days is a great way to entice them to spend at least 1 of those days at a disney park. you are losing money paying for the upkeep of the room, but a family trip to...lets say epcot :D...will more than cover that cost. Its not gonna bring in big revenue, but a little bit is better than nada.


Active Member
Original Poster
I guess what's been missing for me lately is the Disney Magic. I mean I still have fun at the parks, age has nothing to do with it for me. I enjoy my trips now (at 24) as much as when I was a kid, possibly even more.
But at the same time, sometimes it seems kind of "bland" wandering around the parks. Granted, it's up to us as customers to visit the parks, and not entirely Disney's "fault" things are in a slump, but there has to be a way for them to revive that spark.
The early-mid 90's were great---Innoventions, revising Tomorrowland, etc., but I feel some of the decisions made by corporate haven't been so hot...idk, maybe they should consider a change in management, or look back to what they did in the 80's and try and use some of those ideas/momentum to revive the parks. The CM's do a great job in/around the parks, maybe some of management should look to them as an example.
Speaking as an overseas Disneyworld fan (UK), I would love to see packages deals on Disney resorts hotels decrease in price.

Currently, the cost of a 2 week stay at All Star Music (inc. theme park entrance for length of stay) is approximately £1300 PER PERSON!!

Most people I know wouldn't dream of paying over £500 per person for a holiday. To me, it is worth every penny. But it's such a sacrifice. And for someone who isn't extremely passionate about Disney and Disneyworld, it would be too much of a sacrifice to make.

Their pricing strategy needs to be seriously re-assessed if they are going to drum up more overseas business.

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