^I honestly think that the changes will be fine as long as they're made intelligently. I'm most concerned about pacing: I haven't watched Tokyo's yet, but I watched WDW's for the first time recently via YouTube. I don't think any of the changes they made out there actually improved the show, but a few of them might have worked if the show wasn't so sluggish. Segments drag on and on so that they lose their power. My biggest hope is that they keep the pacing tight.
There is room for improvement, IMO. Most of my love for the show comes from the beginning, the Jungle section, and the princesses through the end. I tolerated Pink Elephants and Pinocchio. The Columbia section is great less because it's Peter Pan and more because it's some much-needed action in the show (I'm very excited about never having to hear "Mr. Crocodile, do you like Codfish??? YOU DOOOOO?!?!?!?!?" ever again).
I think they do need to be careful about changing the video clips so that it doesn't feel too much like WOC, and hopefully they will work hard to keep it from feeling redundant. I don't think anything from Princesses onward really NEEDS to be changed, but I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt for now.