I don't seem to remember saying that it was the worst thing she has had said to her. Where did you get that? And if you want to continue being someone's doormat then fine, but don't criticize those of us that actually do something about idiots like this. Of course she couldn't confront him face to face because I'm sure the coward had long since left before she got the message. And please don't act like this idiot's behavior is excusable. It's not. As for her posting the message online, good for her. Make sure everyone that see's this and that knows he was at the establishment that night knows how big of an a-hole he is. I hope someone he knows has seen the story and says something to him. When my friend says these kinds of things it is #1, to just us and not the girl. And #2, he is an a-hole for doing it too and we tell him. My God, stop propogating this behavior by simply ignoring it. It's too bad he didn't leave her his phone number. That would have been great. I'd have called it.