That's why I prefer booking through the website or a TA. I know exactly what I'm getting, no added insurance or upgraded dining plan without telling me.
I never advise guests to Book through a TA. I work at a resort and I have often seen many screw-ups on a TA end. Often times we have to fix it when it wasn't our mistake in the first place.
This is how rooms are assigned.
We always try to get guests a clean and ready room upon arrival.
We do our best to honor requests but we remind guests that they are just that "requests". I have seen many a guest get up in arms about not getting their specific room. Sometimes things just aren't available (for example, requesting a view of the castle when you booked a Garden View). It doesn't matter if this is your 40th trip or your 1st. We won't inconvenience another guest just so you can get your way. There are only so many rooms that will fit requests.
Be specific about your requests. Requesting a "nice view" could be a nice view of a tree. "Room 3221" is way too specific.
And know the difference between connecting and adjoining!!! Connecting has a door, adjoining does not.
Sometimes if a guest has no requests they will be assigned a room to fill a hole or "lockout" between two reservations. For example a guest is staying in a room until the 5th, and there is a reservation blocked to go in that room on the 8th due to a medical need, we have two nights that are empty and are usually hard to fill. We will find a two night reservation and fill that hole. They then get a "Do not move!" comment placed on the reservation by room assignment who are the only ones allowed to move that room.
If a guest doesn't have a room assigned at C/I the system will automatically assign a clean and ready room upon arrival.
With the arrival of our new system, specific room descriptors will be placed on the rooms and reservations will be tagged with those requests so hopefully the system will automatically assign rooms based on requests.
Also if you ask for a free upgrade at check-in, don't get mad if one isn't available. Be happy with what you booked!
Let me know if you have any more room questions.
Hey, whatever works for you. I've heard that the resorts are so overwhelmed with phone calls/faxes that some don't even bother reading them. I know by checking in online, you request certain things.
We do read faxes. However we prefer you calling reservations and telling them. Then it will download with the reservation 10 days before C/I
As for moving resorts, it does happen. More than you would think. If it was our mess-up we often times will try to honor the rate if it is an upgrade. If it is just a personal choice to move, you will most likely need to pay the difference.