According to several websites aswell as the previously mentioned upgrades to SM, at night there will be an entirely different set of effects and I think different music, most likely rock!
What are peoples views on this?
I personally think it'll be great if they do it properly, a mean one or two extra flashing lights and an Guns N Roses soundtrack ain't gonna make a great difference but if its a whole new set of effects witha carefully selected soundtrack for nightimes they are in essence getting two rides for the pric eof one if you follow my meaning?
What are peoples views on this?
I personally think it'll be great if they do it properly, a mean one or two extra flashing lights and an Guns N Roses soundtrack ain't gonna make a great difference but if its a whole new set of effects witha carefully selected soundtrack for nightimes they are in essence getting two rides for the pric eof one if you follow my meaning?