River Country


Original Poster
I know there has been alot of posts about River Country but does anyone know if they are going to do something with the area?


Well-Known Member
I wish...but they say it wouldn't be cost effective. It would be nice for them to reopen it as a water park for Fort Wilderness guests only, though. That would be enough to make this high maintenance girl camp!


New Member
If you do a search you will find posts in the forums regarding this topic. The future of River Country is CLOSED do to neglect and the popularity of Typhoon Lagoon & Blizzard Beach. It would be nice to River Country revived and brought back from the dead and given to Fort Wilderness as a large pool and run area. But it is entirely up to WDI and who knows what lies in their imaginations for this area or even Discovery Island (the real one in Bay Lake).


Well-Known Member
You ask what they intend to do with the area? Ill tell you...

They are going to sit and watch it rot. Plain and simple. Unfortunately time caught up with good ol' RC, with 2 other huge water parks, RC just couldnt pull em in the way Disney wanted. Sure, they tried several different special events but they just didnt work out. So now it sits, a shamble of its former self. But hopefully one day, well get to go back to that good ol' swimming hole.


Well-Known Member
If they re opened it today do you think the attendace would perk up again? I think it would need a serious revamp. Maybe somthing along the lines of brother bear, it would have a wilderness feel. Off the top of my head i cant really think of any other themes. I had thought of the jungle book, but that wouldnt go with the wilderness lodge.


Well-Known Member
The one thing I could think of them doing with it is to refurb it and open it up to Fort Wildernes Guests only, similar to Stormalong Bay at the Yacht & Beach Clubs.

But, that would take a lot of money, and I highly doubt Disney would put out that kind of dough. It would require major construction to wall the park off from Bay Lake and make the Swimmin' Hole able to run recirculated, chlorinated water rather than the water from Bay Lake, as it used to. (See other threads about the fresh-water bacteria that ended swimming in lakes in Florida).

Or, perhaps Disney's just waiting until science comes up with a way to kill the bacteria. Then they'll re-open Water Country and all the lake-front beaches on property. :-)



Well-Known Member
I just don't see it ever opening up again....it would be nice, but it would probably need EXTREMELY extensive work to even be used on a part-time basis after all of this time. So I wouldn't count on it...too much $$ involved.


Yup, will sit and rot away. It was actually cheaper to abandon in place than to pay for getting it demo'd. Just like the wave machine for Poly.


We just took a fishing trip out of Wilderness Lodge and asked our guide if she knew. She said Disney doesn't tell them anything about it at all. It's such a shame and it looks awful from the water, it's really an eyesore! They did at one time say they were going to use the pool for guests at the campground, but they didn't even do that. Brother Bear is a cute idea but it wasn't popular enough to bring crowds back. I hate when Disney leaves things to rot like that, it's just so unlike what the World is about! To see Discovery Island and River Country rot like that is just a shame. I think the imagineers could come up with a great idea for those two things. They could maybe connect the two places and make it into some sort of special special attraction for kids at the hotels in the area! Charge a price and get the money back on it. What do you think?


I was looking on local.live for this area and I think I found it on the shore of the lake. But while looking I see this island to the NNW out on Bay lake with boat docks and what looks like abandoned buildings on it. What was that area, part of River Country or something else?

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I was looking on local.live for this area and I think I found it on the shore of the lake. But while looking I see this island to the NNW out on Bay lake with boat docks and what looks like abandoned buildings on it. What was that area, part of River Country or something else?

It was where they had birds etc that have be relocated to AK

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I was looking on local.live for this area and I think I found it on the shore of the lake. But while looking I see this island to the NNW out on Bay lake with boat docks and what looks like abandoned buildings on it. What was that area, part of River Country or something else?
Is this the island you speak of. If so and I am not mistaken it is the now closed Discovery island which served as a small wildlife style attraction. Rumors for its future use have been everything from a very high end and exclusive resort to MYST island. The most current thing that has been circulating is some sort of adult only pirate adventure.


Yes Master Yoda, that was the island I was looking at. Thanks for the information. I first went to WDW in 2002 and had never had heard of River Country or Discovery Island. It is a shame they aren't doing anything with it. I like the idea of Myst Island or something that you could spend an afternoon exploring or solving clues to a mystery.

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