River Country Location


New Member
Original Poster
Can anyone tell me roughly where River Country is located in the park? Can it be seen from any of the monorail rides?


River Country used to be located on the shore of Bay Lake near Discovery Island , River Country was part of Fort Wilderness but was shut down due to a problem using river water...which is a problem in Florida in General....hope this helps....


Well-Known Member
I think location was another reason it couldn't compete with TL/BB. It was a pain to actually get to the park by car. You had to park and then wait to take a bus which was usually pretty packed.


Active Member
There are so many things wrong with RC by today's standards

1. Long trip to/from by bus to/from parking lot.
2. Long walk from bus to park (toward Pioneer Hall, past Davey Crockett Tavern to the left and straight on 'til morning)
3. Small with few attractions = LONG lines.
4. Shared water with Bay Lake which became a problem with the algae blooms.
5. Not much room for expansion without impacting other areas.

Instead of letting it waste away I wish they would bulldoze it and build a new one in the same area and do it right. I would think with the proximity to Ft Wilderness, the Lodge, and the Contemporary there would be enough draw and audience to guarantee success. But then I have a whole list of wishes and this one doesn't make the top 10...

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