My guess is River Country won't reopen in it's present configuation because it just doesn't make enough money. And I believe it would be too large an expense to operate as a swimming area for FW.
Somewhere I'm sure there is a financial analysis done by some WDW beancounter that proves turnstile counts just were not covering operating expenses and making the contribution to the bottom line Disney expects. It isn't the water quality, it's the quantity of paying guests in the water.
When it opened, RC was a breakthrough in public swimming. One of the the first real Waterparks. Since then waterparks have boomed and we are no longer impressed with RC.
I like the place, not the mob scene as at TL and BB. But the numbers rule and changes must be made if RC will ever reopen.
Somewhere I'm sure there is a financial analysis done by some WDW beancounter that proves turnstile counts just were not covering operating expenses and making the contribution to the bottom line Disney expects. It isn't the water quality, it's the quantity of paying guests in the water.
When it opened, RC was a breakthrough in public swimming. One of the the first real Waterparks. Since then waterparks have boomed and we are no longer impressed with RC.
I like the place, not the mob scene as at TL and BB. But the numbers rule and changes must be made if RC will ever reopen.