Rings of Power


Well-Known Member
6 episodes in & what a waste of a reported $500 million for this series. this has to be the most boring show i’ve seen in awhile.

My pet peeve with a lot of short-order seasons is that the main plot is something that would just be a movie or a single episode in another era. Where it's just padded out across the season. Takes it's time, meanders and has detours. As opposed to each episode being a story that leads to a much more complex story across the season. It's just inefficiently slowly moving the plot. Often highlighted by episodes where nothing happens and some where lots happen.

This show seems to have taken that sized main plot and decided to spread it over the 5 season order. So little main plot happens in each episode. Often just getting distracted, doing stuff to fill time which it then needlessly ignores. Pointless conflicts which then get resolved.

It's so perplexing how so much time and money has been put into it. It looks great. Yet a lot of the directing is quite bad and the writing seems really lazy and unthought out. People are pretending that battle was good. It simple wasn't becoming of such an expensive show with what other TV shows have been doing for years now and the writing of the episode was atrocious.

The show isn't terrible, it's just aggressively mediocre, slow and unthought-out. I wouldn't even say it's got plotholes, it's just got so many dumb choices.
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Minnesota disney fan

Well-Known Member
I've never watched it, but my husband is a big LOTR fan. He was slightly confused with the first one. I think that he, like most everyone else, expected a close prequet to the LOTR series.
However, now that he has watched a few he really likes the shows and says that now they are working some of the characters in minor roles that are in LOTR.


Well-Known Member
finally got a good episode with a few surprises. hopefully they can continue with the pace whenever the show returns


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The show began with a whimper, and ended with a roar. Really enjoyed the last 3 episodes, especially the finale. There's actually somewhere (many places) they can go next season. Not having delved into Similarion or any of the other works besides Hobbit and LOTR, I probably enjoyed it more than the die-hard Tolkein "experts".


Well-Known Member
Its a real meh so far, maybe the next season might be worth watching.

Maybe. I just hope them ditching the plan to film seasons back to back and the giant break between filming the seasons meant they went back to the drawing board to improve the show. Although I doubt it.

Them saying Sauron Is Like Walter White in Season 2 is just perplexing.

I hope there's some major shake-up of the writing staff. I feel like, despite all the production quality, you can definitely feel a lack of experience. I feel like they can't actually do what they want to do for the most part.

I think they prioritised the feelings and the ideas they'd like to do, over the actual plotting off the show. Yet they aren't earning an emotional send of for the harfoot girl as they lack the ability to actually make you care.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I hope there's some major shake-up of the writing staff. I feel like, despite all the production quality, you can definitely feel a lack of experience. I feel like they can't actually do what they want to do for the most part.

Its pretty. There are good actors ( especially like Sophia Nomvete's Disa), its just the pacing is so slow and the script is so weak.


Well-Known Member
sorry for the bump. amazon released a trailer for season 2 coming late august. thinking back, i thought the show did get better in the last 2 maybe 3 episodes, but i remember it was a struggle to watch at times. it had such a slow pace. i’m hoping for a better season 2.


Well-Known Member
It'll be interesting to see what attempts at course correction they do. I only watched that once, but was there not a sight of the Irish hobbits in that?


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
sorry for the bump. amazon released a trailer for season 2 coming late august. thinking back, i thought the show did get better in the last 2 maybe 3 episodes, but i remember it was a struggle to watch at times. it had such a slow pace. i’m hoping for a better season 2.

You only need apologize if its as bad as the first season, but after both parts of Rebel Moon I wonrt complain one bit ;)

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